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Lefty translate English

605 parallel translation
Il doit se battre contre Dugan...
- And he'll fight Lefty Dougan.
Tu n'as pas Dugan.
- You ain't got Lefty Dougan. - What?
Non, que Lefty prévienne toutes les voitures.
No, have Lefty radio all the cars.
Lefty, amène Collins là où il peut se cacher et se reposer.
Lefty, take Collins and get him planted somewhere where he can hide out and get a good rest.
Lefty, fait avancer le cheval.
Lefty, you pull him through.
Lefty, Blacky, vous allez les charger dans un des camions et les jeter dans le fleuve.
Oh, lefty, blackie, I want you to dump this on one of our trucks and cart it down to the east river.
- Lefty, plus de chemises en soie rayées.
Mm-hmm. Lefty. Lay off these striped silk shirts.
Gip, toi et Lefty, partez de suite avec la petite auto et les bagages.
Oh, gip, you and lefty go on up right away with the small car and all the luggage.
On part les premiers avec tous les trucs? Allez-y et préparez le souper pour quand on arrivera. Oui.
You mean you want me and lefty to go on up ahead with the stuff?
Lefty l'a fait la dernière fois.
Lefty went last time.
Mike, il faut que Lefty te raconte tout ça. Oh, bon sang.
Mike, you want to get lefty to tell you all about it, ok?
- Hé, Lefty!
Hey, lefty!
Alors qu'il voulait partir, Gip et Lefty sont arrivés, il se planque et laisse le flouze ici.
But just as he's going to leave, gip and lefty drive up, so he's gotta duck and leave this hot stuff here.
Ça te plaît, d'être son valet?
Lefty, how do you like being a stooge?
Bas les pattes!
Take your hand off that heater, Lefty.
Fiche-le dehors!
Get him out of here, Lefty.
On va t'accompagner.
Lefty and a couple of the boys will go with you.
- Vaut mieux pas que Lefty t'en veuille.
- You don't wanna get Lefty sore at you, you know.
- Lefty aura son blé.
- Lefty'll get his dough.
Lefty sait ça.
Now, Lefty knows that.
C'est rien, 2500 pour Lefty!
So what's 2,500 to Lefty?
Quand Lefty a un plan et qu'il t'y colle, il veut tout le blé pas qu'une partie.
When Lefty digs up a proposition and puts you on it, he wants all the sugar, not just some of it.
Lefty n'aime pas qu'on le laisse en plan, c'est tout.
Lefty don't like anybody to knock anything down on him, that's all.
Je te dis juste ce que Lefty a dit.
I'm just telling you what Lefty said.
Crois-moi, petit, si j'étais toi je perdrais l'habitude... de faire des économies sur le dos d'un gars comme Lefty.
Believe me, kid, I sure would try to break myself of the habit... of cutting corners on a guy like Lefty.
Je te le dis, Toby, tu dois me laisser voir Lefty.
I tell you, Toby, you've got to let me see Lefty.
Alors, je suis allé voir Lefty.
So I went to see Lefty.
Lefty bosse avec nous.
Lefty's working with us.
Hey, Lefty.
Ne cherche pas les noises. Je suis armé aussi.
Don't pull a rod, Lefty. I'm heeled too.
Il en a déjà fait sept, il a généralement plus de 100000 $ - selon Lefty.
She's made seven before, usually carrying more than a hundred grand according to Lefty.
- On y est arrivé, mais quand on est arrivés, le petit a braillé et Lefty a dégainé son flingue, alors j'ai dû tout raconter.
- We made it, but the kid started to holler and Lefty got too handy with his gun, so I had to spill it about you.
- Lefty a appelé.
- Lefty just phoned.
Il finira comme toi, moi et Lefty. Il aura de la chance s'il échappe à la chaise.
He'll end up like me, you and Lefty and he'll be lucky if he stays out of the chair.
Si c'est pas moi, ça sera Kruger ou Lefty.
If it ain't me, it'll be Kruger or Lefty.
Lefty Sloan.
Lefty Sloan.
Il t'a identifié avec Lefty et Johnny.
identified the pictures of you, Lefty and Johnny.
Si je dois partir, je prendrais bien Lefty avec moi.
If I gotta go, I'd just... Just as soon take Lefty with me.
Va voir Lefty, le manager de K.O. Propose-lui tout l'argent que tu veux.
Look, you go and see Lefty, K.O.'s manager. Offer him some money, any amount.
Écoute, Lefty, tu dois m'écouter.
Listen, Lefty, you must listen.
Il a dit à tout le monde qu'il perdrait.
He told them and Lefty that he would throw it.
- Beaucoup de choses, Lefty.
- Plenty, Lefty.
Lefty, après cette affaire Gilbert, c'est fini, entre nous.
Lefty, I made up my mind after this Gilbert deal, you and me were through. Yeah?
Tu ne voudrais pas que tout le monde sache que tu es véreux, hein, Lefty?
You wouldn't want me to tell the whole world you were crooked, would you, Lefty?
Allez, Lefty, du nerf!
Come on, Lefty, get into it.
- Où est Lefty?
Where's lefty?
Allez, fais ton travail.
Get down and see Lefty.
Va voir Lefty. - Il est bon?
- Is this good?

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