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Lowery translate English

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Je crève de soif!
Lowery, I am dying of thirst-aroonie.
J'aimerais rentrer chez moi après la banque.
Mr Lowery, if you don't mind, I'd like to go right on home after the bank.
Oui, M. Lowery...
- Yes, Mr Lowery.
Elle est toujours en retard le lundi matin.
No, Mr Lowery, but then she's always a bit late on Monday mornings.
C'est fait. Elle ne sait pas davantage où est Marion.
I called her sister, Mr Lowery, where she works, the Music Makers Music Store, you know, and she doesn't know where Marion is any more than we do.
LOWERY : Lentement.
Ah, it's slow.
LOWERY : Si on ne décolle pas rapidement, on ne sera jamais au rendez-vous avec le cargo.
Listen, if we don't shoot off soon we won't make it to the rendezvous with the freighter, you know?
LOWERY : Je fais de mon mieux.
I'm doing the best I can.
LOWERY : Ça ne sert à rien.
Ah, it's no good, Cory.
LOWERY : Tu l'as tué.
You've killed him.
LOWERY : Tu ne lui as laissé aucune chance.
You didn't give him a chance.
Une épine de Varga. LOWERY :
A Varga thorn.
Retournons au vaisseau. LOWERY :
Let's get back into the ship.
That's right.
CORY : À partir de maintenant, tu suivras mes ordres.
From now on, Lowery, you can take your orders from me.
LOWERY : Ouais, très bien.
Yeah, all right, all right.
Je suppose que tu as entendu parler des Daleks. LOWERY :
I suppose you've heard of the Daleks?
LOWERY : Je ne vois pas en quoi ça nous concerne.
Don't see why that should concern us.
Cargo XM2, cargo XM2, répondez, répondez! LOWERY : Ça va marcher?
Freighter XM2, freighter XM2 come in please, come in please!
CORY : Il le faut! LOWERY :
Can you make it work?
LOWERY : Donc elles fonctionnent.
All right, all right, so the link pulses work.
LOWERY : Aucune chance.
Oh, not a chance.
LOWERY : Alors pourquoi me le dis-tu?
Then why are you telling me?
À la fin, le poison s'infiltre à travers l'organisme et la victime se transforme progressivement... en Varga. LOWERY :
Eventually the poison seeps through the system and the victim is gradually transformed... into a Varga.
this rescue beacon?
LOWERY : Bien!
I'm as keen to get out of here as you are.
LOWERY : Mais ces Vargas ne pourraient pas pousser ici naturellement?
Yes, but couldn't these Varga things grow here naturally?
Ils repousseront aussi vite que tu leur tireras dessus.
It's no good, Lowery. They'll only grow again as fast as you can shoot them.
LOWERY : Au moins, j'aurai essayé.
At least I'll have had a try at'em.
LOWERY : Ça devrait, ça fait partie de l'équipement de sécurité des fusées. CORY :
Well it should work it's standard safety equipment on all rocket ships.
D'après ce qu'on sait sur les Daleks, il faut qu'on vienne nous chercher. LOWERY :
From what we know about the Daleks, we've got to be picked up.
LOWERY : Ça devrait tout juste le faire.
That should just about do it.
LOWERY : C'est quoi? CORY :
What is it?
LOWERY : Des Vargas?
Viens, il faut partir. LOWERY :
Come on, we've gotta... gotta get away.
M. Lowery est rentré?
Is Mr Lowery back from lunch?
Yeah, they're getting closer.
LOWERY : Écoute-moi, Cory.
Just you listen to me, Cory.
- ils n'attendront pas. CORY :
You'll make it, Lowery.
No idea.
Je devrai te tuer. LOWERY :
I'd have to kill you.
Have you tested the link pulses?
LOWERY : As-tu parlé à quelqu'un d'autre de ton intuition?
Did you tell anybody else about this hunch of yours?
- Tu peux réparer la capsule? LOWERY :
Well that's easy enough but this is the recording mechanism for the message.
Well I still think you're jumping to conclusions, you know.
Well if they're synthetic, that means they...
Yeah, but what's it doing in a

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