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Marriott translate English

199 parallel translation
Dana, Conrad, Marriott, Melville.
Dana, Conrad, Marriott, Melville.
Qui vous a affranchi?
Who put in the pitch for me, Mr. Marriott?
Je regrette.
I'm afraid I can't do anything for you, Mr. Marriott.
Vous ne saviez rien de lui. Ni de cette transaction.
You know nothing about Marriott, how much money he had, or what it was for.
Dites que je l'ai tué avant de m'assommer! Et que j'ai caché l'argent!
After I beat Marriott's brains out... and just before I hit myself on the back of the head, I hid it under a bush.
Laissez les copains de Marriott.
And stay out of the way of Marriott's pals.
La police est muette sur l'affaire Marriott.
The police aren't being helpful on the Marriott case.
Vous saviez à qui appartenait le jade?
Did Marriott tell you who owned the jade he was buying back?
Marriott ne m'a rien dit.
No, I wasn't told who owned the jade.
Vous connaissiez bien Marriott?
- Had you known Marriott some time?
Je ne leur ai parlé que de bijoux.
All I could tell them last night was that Marriott was buying back some jewelry.
Car je veux savoir qui a tué Marriott.
I'm interested in the jade, now that I know about it... because I'd like to know who besides me might have killed Marriott.
Marriott parlait d'une femme.
I got it from Marriott it belonged to a lady.
Quelle somme avait Marriott?
How much money was in Marriott's envelope?
Et en Marriott?
- Did you trust Marriott?
Il y avait d'autres Marriott, des gigolos, comme lui.
Not too much at the moment. How many other Marriotts are there : Pretty guys who take you dancing?
Ils vous pensaient lié avec Marriott.
They took it for granted that if I'd known Marriott, I knew you, too.
Marriott faisait chanter les femmes.
Marriott was a blackmailer of women.
Vous imaginez ainsi mon amitié avec Marriott.
And that is your picture of Marriott and me?
Marriott a peut-être essayé de vous doubler pour son compte!
Marriott could have lost his nerve and rung in a private dick.
Que faisiez-vous dans ce sentier? Quand Marriott a été tué?
What were you doing in the canyon the night Marriott was killed?
Je n'ai pas tué Marriott.
- I didn't kill Marriott.
Vous aviez surpris la combine d'Helen et Marriott au sujet du jade.
Knowing you, I'd say you overheard Marriott and Helen... making some sort of arrangements about the jade.
Vous saviez qui était Marriott.
You knew they had been holding hands.
Voir sa femme avec Marriott devait le faire souffrir.
A guy playing around with his wife... a guy like Marriott : That would hurt him.
S'il l'a tué. Vous le protégez.
If he killed Marriott, you'd protect him.
Marriott l'avait sur lui.
- I found it on Marriott.
Marriott était son public-relations.
- I think Marriott was his contact man.
Marriott devait racheter un collier de jade d'une valeur de 100000 $ pour une cliente d'Amthor.
The jewelry Marriott was buying back was a jade necklace... belonging to one of Amthor's patients, worth about $ 100,000.
Si Marriott a voulu doubler Amthor, il a raté son coup.
Marriott might've been crossing Amthor. Anyway, he fumbled the ball.
De toute façon, Randall est sur la piste d'Helen et Marriott.
- Take it easy. Randall probably picked up a scent leading from Marriott to Helen.
Ils s'intéressent à ma maison sur la plage, louée à M. Marriott.
They seemed interested principally in our beach house. It was rented to Mr. Marriott indirectly through my bank.
Je ne dis pas que vous avez tué Marriott, mais vous auriez pu.
I don't say you killed Marriott, but you could've for a good, old-fashioned motive.
Mieux que pour ce Marriott qui a été tué.
I don't know, I'd stick anyway. Because a guy who hired me got killed.
Vous pensez qu'il a tué Marriott.
I could guess you thought he might kill Marriott.
Votre père aime Helen, Marriott l'a fait souffrir.
Your father really loves Helen. I can see that. Marriott did hurt him.
Vous craigniez qu'à mon tour je remplace Marriott. Vous avez essayé de me neutraliser.
When I appeared, you were afraid I might become another Marriott... so you tried to buy me off.
Je ne pensais pas Marriott si intime d'Amthor.
When I first knew Marriott, I didn't realize how close he was to Amthor.
Cela pouvait être Marriott.
Somebody who knew what he knew. - Could've been Marriott.
Mais le jade a été volé. Par Marriott.
You decided to play ball, but the jade was stolen with Marriott's help.
Marriott croyait le jade volé.
You told Marriott this thing had been stolen.
Et Marriott est mort.
- Marriott fell for that?
Marriott était effrayé d'avoir à tuer un détective, celui recommandé par Mrs.
Marriott was scared because he'd agreed to help you kill a nosy detective... the one Mrs. Florian phoned him about.
Et Marriott, s'il n'avait pas eu si peur, aurait compris. C'était une brillante idée.
And if Marriott hadn't been scared silly... he'd have realized you were pushing us both in the corner.
J'ai pourtant manqué d'y rester!
- You almost did it anyway. - I almost ended up as dead as Marriott.
Je voudrai discuter un peu Mon nom est Lindsay Mariott
I'd like to discuss a matter. My name's Lindsay Marriott.
Je ne pourrai pas faire grand chose, Mr Marriott
Not much I can do, Mr Marriott.
Je me forçais à penser à mon nouveau client, Marriott
'I forced myself to think of my new client, Marriott.
Pourquoi celle de Marriott?
Why was it at Marriott's?
Marriott voulait l'argent et m'a pris comme bouc émissaire
Marriott wanted the money and figured me for the fall guy.
A la place, il a tué Marriott pas moi, parce qu'il il a pensé que vous tomberiez dans le panneau
Instead, he killed Marriott, not me, cos he figured you'd fit me into the frame.

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