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Moriarty translate English

496 parallel translation
Il est déplorable, Pr Moriarty, qu'un homme de votre intellect se retrouve dans ce box, accusé de meurtre.
It is deplorable, Professor Moriarty, that a man of your intellectual attainments should be standing in the prisoner's box charged with a crime of murder.
Ne le libérez pas.
But my lord, you can't let Moriarty go free.
Votre cerveau est admirable.
You have a magnificent brain, Moriarty.
Vous vous amusez de telles futilités alors que Moriarty est libre?
Oh, how can you trifle with such inconsequentialities when Moriarty's lose on London?
Et Moriarty dans tout ça?
But Moriarty, what of him?
J'ai fait le nécessaire pour rester en contact avec Moriarty.
I've taken the most efficient steps of keeping in touch with Moriarty.
Il s'intéresse autant à mes faits et gestes que moi aux siens.
Moriarty is as curious about my movement as I am about his.
Avez-vous déjà entendu dans votre famille ou chez M. Hunter le nom d'un certain Moriarty?
Tell me, have you ever through your family or Mr. Hunter heard the name of a man called Moriarty?
Hunter travaille pour lui. Il l'a reçu à son bureau.
That fellow Hunter is working for Moriarty.
- J'ai vu Moriarty partir.
They were together in Hunter's office. - I watched Moriarty leave.
J'allais le faire avouer pour Moriarty.
In another moment I would have made him confess about Moriarty.
Hunter pourrait nous mener à Moriarty.
If Moriarty's behind this case, Hunter will lead us to him.
Où est le rapport avec Moriarty - ou l'Étoile de Delhi?
What on earth has that got to do with Professor Moriarty or the Star of Deli?
- on ne m'aurait pas. - Moriarty!
Professor Moriarty.
Pourquoi Moriarty raserait sa barbe?
Moriarty's worn that beard for years. Why would he shave it off?
Pourquoi aurait-il besoin d'un plan?
What would Moriarty be doing with a guidebook?
- Moriarty sans sa barbe.
Moriarty without his beard.
Moriarty a créé l'affaire Brandon en détail pour me détourner de la Tour à l'heure de la livraison.
Moriarty concocted that Brandon case with all its fantastic convolutions expressly to divert my attention till the time the Star of Deli was delivered.
Je l'ai vu moi-même avec Moriarty.
But I saw it myself posited with Moriarty.
Moriarty est allé lui parler d'un procès pour nous tromper.
Moriarty went to him with a trumped up lawsuit to put us off the track.
- Tout à fait. C'est Moriarty en femme : intelligente, impitoyable et par-dessus tout prudente.
Definitely, a female Moriarity clever, ruthless, and above all cautious.
Où est Moriarty?
Now where's Moriarty?
Oui, il parait que quelqu'un y a été pendu sous ce nom. Mais je parie que Moriarty est vivant et ici même à Londres.
I heard that someone was hanged in Montevido under that name, but I'll stake my reputation that Moriarity is alive and here, now, in London.
Professeur Moriarty.
Oh, Professor Moriarity.
- était Moriarty en personne.
- was Professor Moriarity himself.
Vous avez laissé partir Moriarty à cause de moi?
And you let Moriarity go because of me?
Comment Moriarty attire les payeurs sur les lieux du crime, cache sur eux les doigts sectionnés
How does Moriarity get them to the scene of the crime? How does he plant those severed fingers on them?
- Moriarty et les coupeurs de doigts.
Professor Moriarity and his finger murderers.
Un gars de la bande de Moriarty.
One of Moriarity's gang.
- Avec Moriarty, tout est possible.
With Moriarity, anything is possible.
Bonjour, professeur Moriarty.
Good morning, Professor Moriarity.
Elle me mènera peut-être à Moriarty.
Perhaps I can induce her to take me to Moriarity.
J'ai l'habitude de Moriarty.
After all, I've held my own with Moriarity in the past.
Et voilà, professeur Moriarty. Debout, M. Holmes.
Here he is, Professor Moriarity.
Le professeur Moriarty!
Professor Moriarity!
Moriarty, hold it.
Revus et corrigés par notre génial mécano, Moriarty.
This engine's been modified by our mechanical genius here, Moriarty.
Tu vois le résultat de tes ondes négatives, Moriarty?
You see what sending out them negative waves did, Moriarty?
Toujours tes ondes négatives!
Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.
J'ai rapporté 60 affaires démontrant les dons de mon ami Sherlock Holmes, du Chien des Baskerville à son mystérieux frère Mycroft, et le diabolique professeur Moriarty.
"In my lifetime, I have recorded some 60 cases," "demonstrating the singular gift of my friend, Sherlock Holmes," "dealing with everything from the Hounds of the Baskervilles"
L'heure approche, Pr. Moriarty.
It's almost time, Professor Moriarty.
Croyez-moi, Professeur Moriarty, votre mamma peut être fière de vous.
You know, Professor Moriarty... your mama, she raise a nice boy.
Je me demande ce qu'il a dit à Moriarty.
I wish I knew what in Christ's name... he was saying to Moriarty.
Si ce monsieur est Moriarty, qu'il monte et je m'en charge!
If that gentleman answer to the name Moriarty, you may show him up and I will deal with him!
Bonsoir, Pr Moriarty.
Good night, Professor Moriarty.
- Moriarty.
- Moriarty.
- Professeur Moriarty?
You don't mean Professor Moriarity?
- Moriarty serait dans le coup.
You don't think that Moriarity...

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