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Nellie translate English

698 parallel translation
Je vois lui. Un jour, fille Nellie veut petit-dêjeuner fraises.
You know, one time, girl named Nellie say she like strawberry for breakfast.
Au petit-dêjeuner, pas Nellie.
Breakfast time come, no Nellie.
Il a jeté Nellie dehors?
- So he threw Nellie out, hm?
Tu me prends pour Nellie?
- Got me confused with Nellie, haven't you?
D'accord, Nellie.
All right, Nellie.
Son nom est Nellie Navarre.
Her name's Nellie Navarre.
Fermez la porte, Nellie.
Shut the door, Nellie.
Non, pas encore, Nellie.
No, not yet, Nellie.
Nellie, je pourrais le rendre heureux.
Nellie, I could make him happy.
Nellie, ils ont tous essayé de m'effrayer.
Nellie, they've all been trying to frighten me.
Parce que Nellie...
Because Nellie...
Nellie, je n'ai pas peur.
Nellie, I'm not afraid.
- Hello, Nellie.
Laissez-moi revenir m'occuper de vous.
Honestly, Miss Lee, you ought to let me come back and take care of you. No, Nellie.
Non, Nellie.
You've graduated.
Mme Nellie La Fleur!
Madame Nellie LaFleur.
Merci, Nellie.
Thanks, Nellie.
Joseph Kinney et Nellie Farrell.
Joseph Kinney and Nellie Farrell.
- Qui est Nellie Farrell?
- Who is Nellie Farrell?
Nellie Farrell n'a pas révélé hier soir... qu'elle était l'épouse de l'homme assassiné.
Nellie Farrell did not reveal last night... she was wife of murdered man.
Dites, où puis-je trouver cette Nellie Farrell?
Say, where can I find this Nellie Farrell?
- Vous êtes Nellie Farrell?
- Are you Nellie Farrell?
Voilà le frère de Nellie.
There's Nellie's brother.
Voilà aussi Nellie.
There's Nellie too.
Tu as trouvé que Nellie Farrell a rendu visite à un avocat?
- You find Nellie Farrell visit lawyer's office?
Peut-être que Nellie Farrell est revenue.
Perhaps Nellie Farrell now returned.
C'est le travail de Nellie, pas le mien.
That's Nellie's job, not mine.
On prend le train de nuit - - Nellie Farrell n'est pas revenue?
Jenny, isn't Nellie Farrell back yet?
Eh bien, Nellie... pourquoi vous n'étiez pas au travail?
Well, Nellie... why weren't you on the job?
- De quoi vous parlez, Nellie?
What are you talking about, Nellie?
Bernay tu connais "L'oiseau du Chapeau de Nellie"?
Barney. You know "Bird on Nellie's Hat"?
Toi chanter "Chapeau de Nellie" et Lotta te donne baiser. et Karie.
You sing "Bird on Nellie's Hat" and Lotta give you a kiss. And Karie.
Murmura Nellie les yeux rêveurs
Said Nellie as she rolled her dreamy eyes
dit l'oiseau du chapeau de Nellie
Said the bird on Nellie's hat
Et Willie souffla tendrement à l'oreille de son aimée
Then to Nellie. Willie whispered as they fondly kissed
Ma foi. vous connaissez bien mal ma Nellie
Well. You don't know Nellie like I do
Répliqua l'effronté petit oiseau depuis son chapeau
Said the saucy little bird on Nellie's hat
Rechantons "Le Chapeau de Nellie". Tous ensemble.
Come on. "Nellie's Hat." We'll all sing it again.
pipa l'oiseau du chapeau de Nellie
Said the bird on Nellie's hat
Ma foi. vous connaissez bien mal ma Nellie.
Well. You don't know Nellie like I do
Here you are, Nellie.
Je t'ai tachée.
I got somethin'on you, Nellie.
Nellie vous dira que les affaires de Harvey vont mal.
I know Nellie will tell you Harvey's business never was worse.
Nellie, tu es seule avec Harvey...
Now, Nellie, after all, there's only you and Harvey.
Nous lui avons déjà demandé d'épouser Nellie!
No, we asked Harvey to marry Nellie. We can't expect the guy to do more than that.
Mais Harvey et toi...
Nellie, can't you and Harvey...
Si nous notions cela.
Will you put that in writing, Nellie?
Mais dans trois mois, Nellie la prendra.
But it'll only be for three months, and then Aunt Nellie will take her.
Le Nellie...
The Nellie...
J'attends Nellie.
Nellie hasn't come in.
Tu peux me passer Nellie?
Put Nellie on, will you, Harvey?

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