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De toutes les choses à garder le secret, le fait qu'il y ait cette option bienfaisante que nous avons de tendre la main dans les étoiles et d'être voisins et amis avec d'autres civilisations dans le partage de l'information et le partage des ressources, et le partage des connaissances et le partage des idées et des valeurs spirituelles.
Of all things to keep secret, the fact that there is this bountiful option that we have of reaching out into the stars and being friendly neighbors with other civilizations in sharing information, and sharing resources, and sharing knowledge, and sharing spiritual insights and values.
"Nous avons en effet été contactés, peut-être même visité, par des êtres extra-terrestres, et le gouvernement des États-Unis, en collusion avec les autres puissances nationales de la Terre, est déterminé à conserver ces informations auprès du grand public".
"We have indeed been contacted, perhaps even visited, by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public."
D'autre part, il y a le secret qui est illégal!
On the other hand, there's secrecy that is illegal!
d'autres très intelligent, très technologiquement développé, mais les civilisations non humains juste dans notre galaxie voie lactée.
other highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but nonhuman civilizations just in our milky way galaxy.
Trois Août 1962, écoute électronique des conversations téléphoniques entre journaliste Dorothy Kilgallen, qui cherchait à Roswell et d'autres questions d'OVNI, et son ami, Howard Rothberg.
Three August, 1962, wiretap of telephone conversations between reporter Dorothy Kilgallen, who was looking into Roswell and other UFO issues, and her close friend, Howard Rothberg.
Nous choisissons d'aller sur la Lune dans cette décennie et faire l'autre chose.
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the the other thing.
Faisons cette autre petite expérience de pensée, tout le monde.
Let's do this other little thought experiment, everybody.
Other people don t realize that Stan Meyer had a toiretto, a donut-shaped object that put out many times more energy than you had to put into it because it was tapping into this zero point quantum vacuum energy field.
Other people don't realize that Stan Meyer had a toiretto, a donut-shaped object that put out many times more energy than you had to put into it because it was tapping into this zero point quantum vacuum energy field.
But there were other people who saw the big goldmine of militarism, and war profiteering, and the psychological warfare value.
But there were other people who saw the big goldmine of militarism, and war profiteering, and the psychological warfare value.
Efforts on the part of a certain element within the kind of ruling structures of our planet to try to utilize the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence as an ultimate threat, the ultimate other bad guys to justify the national security state dream
Efforts on the part of a certain element within the kind of ruling structures of our planet to try to utilize the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence as an ultimate threat, the ultimate other bad guys to justify the national security state dream
"against attack by people from other planets."
"against attack by people from other planets."
Because I believe we ve reached the point where we re a threat not only to our planet and each other, but we re also developing weapons systems that are potentially a threat in space.
Because I believe we've reached the point where we're a threat not only to our planet and each other, but we're also developing weapons systems that are potentially a threat in space.
But there are other living entities, intelligent entities, in this universe or other universes and that we aren't here alone.
But there are other living entities, intelligent entities, in this universe or other universes and that we aren't here alone.
A choice between endless war, war in space, growing poverty, and environmental destruction, or a future where we explore the stars, live in peace with each other and our planetary neighbors.
A choice between endless war, war in space, growing poverty, and environmental destruction, or a future where we explore the stars, live in peace with each other and our planetary neighbors.
I think that people would stop looking at each other with a certain level of hostility, like, we do now.
I think that people would stop looking at each other with a certain level of hostility, like, we do now.
L'autre jour, ma femme a acheté un tableau à un million.
[chuckles] The other day my wife spent a million dollars on a painting.
Ce n'est pas parce que je n'ai pas de beaux habits que je suis une voleuse.
Just'cause my clothes aren't as nice as some of these other people doesn't mean I'm a thief.
On devrait envisager l'autre option.
Mr. President, it's possible we may need to consider the other option.
Il y a d'autres fuites de prévues sur WikiLeaks, par hasard?
You anticipate any other big WikiLeaks info dumps coming down the pike?
On est plusieurs sur le coup?
Are there other buyers?
Je peux la persuader, si vous vous retirez de la course et si vous vous présentez contre nous dans le Tennessee et l'Ohio.
But I could... convince her if you were to step down, and our full tickets president and vice president run against each other in Tennessee and Ohio.
Ils mangent ensemble, pissent ensemble et découpent le monde comme un bon rôti.
They eat together, they piss next to each other, and they carve up the world like a Sunday roast.
Prenez le temps. Faites la connaissance des autres.
Take this time, Francis, to know your other attendees.
De théologie, entre autres.
Theology, among other things.
On est arrivés de l'autre côté.
We made it to the other side.
Mais qu'y trouve-t-on?
But what is on the other side?
Je veux revenir à l'écriture.
I want to get back to some other stuff I was working on.
- Le seul terme qui compte.
- No other term is relevant.
Ça ne me dérange plus, mais le balancier s'est inversé.
Doesn't bother me at all anymore. But the pendulum seems to have swung the other way.
Ce que vous protégez le mieux, c'est vous-mêmes.
You know, what you people protect best is each other.
Quand on en aura fini, vous pourrez quitter le gouvernement.
Once we're on the other side of this military action, you have our blessing to leave the administration if you choose.
- Monsieur, comme je l'ai dit au président et aux membres du comité, je suggère à mon client d'invoquer le 5e amendement pour toute question concernant son mandat de président des États-Unis.
Congressman, as I mentioned to the chair and the other distinguished members of the committee, I am advising my client to plead the Fifth at this time for all questions regarding his tenure as President of the United States of America.
Enfin... ils pourraient proposer d'autres sanctions, mais ils n'iront pas jusqu'à vous accuser d'acte criminel.
I mean, they might propose other penalties, a fine, a statement of condemnation but they'll stop short of finding criminal wrongdoing.
Si vous ne pouvez rien pour moi, je me débrouillerai.
Well, if you can't get me in to talk to her again, I'll find some other way.
Je crains d'avoir été trop loin.
I was concerned I was out of line the other night.
Il reçoit moins d'argent et plus d'appels.
- The money and the calls coming in. One number goes down, and the other one goes up.
Et l'autre affaire?
And, uh, what about the other matter?
Ce sont des spéculations contre des faits.
One is speculation, and the other is fact.
Combien de temps vont-ils fermer les yeux?
They've looked the other way, but for how much longer?
On se connaît?
How do we know each other?
- Il y a d'autres moyens.
I just think there are other ways...
- Merci à vous et à tous les membres de cette commission.
- Thank you, Mr. Chairman... and to the other members of this committee.
On a arrêté la commission des affaires judiciaires, mais d'autres comités auraient repris les charges :
All right, fine, we got to stop judiciary, but other committees would have sprung up, just to keep the charges going.
Doug, on ne va pas se voir pendant quelque temps.
Doug, we're not gonna be able to see each other for some time now.
il n'y a pas mieux que de se sacrifier pour les autres.
There's no greater good than sacrificing yourself for other people.
Les gens cancanent pour se sentir supérieurs.
They gossip and put other people down so they can feel superior.
J'ai pensé à vous face aux Goodman ressemblant à un sac de sacs.
I couldn't stop thinking about you meeting the Goodmans looking like a sack full of other sacks.
Pas d'autres choses du genre
Not other things you're feeling, like,
Je suis parfois insensible aux limites des gens.
I can be insensitive to other people's boundaries.
J'ai toujours su que j'avais du mal à reconnaître les émotions des autres, mais cette machine a rendu ça si réel.
I always knew I had trouble recognizing other people's emotions, but that machine just made it so real.
On s'est énervé l'un contre l'autre, et tu t'es retrouvé au milieu.
Look, we got really angry at each other, and you just got caught in the middle of it.

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