/ French → English / Parla
Parla translate English
301 parallel translation
" Ainsi parla le Roi Arthur à Sir Bedevere
" Then spake King Arthur to Sir Bedivere
Une heure plus tard, il ouvrit les yeux et me parla.
And in another hour, he opened his eyes and spoke to me.
Un ami doté d'une grande tendresse lui parla de son avenir.
A friend with great tenderness talked to her of her future.
Pour la première fois, il lui parla d'un nouveau pays.
And so for the first time he talked to her of a new country.
Nick lui parla tres durement.
'Nick spoke to her sharply.'
Il lui parla et la raccompagna au cas où.
He spoke to her, and he walked along with her just in case.
On lui parla?
- Did you not speak to it?
Je me souviens qu'une fais ie me suis sentie très fière car elle me parla comme à une grande personne.
I do remember one time, though, and I felt very proud. For Mama talked to me just as if I were a grown-up person.
Moins vite...
Parla slow, slow.
En fait, c'est au cours d'une de ces balades qu'elle me parla de son nez.
As a matter of fact... it was on one of those walks when she first told me about her nose.
Quand j'eus trois ans, ma maman me parla de la réincarnation
When I was three My nurse told me About reincarnation
Il parla irrespectueusement de...
He spoke disrespectfully of...
Ainsi parla Antoine.
So says my master Antony.
Elle parla de sa mère haineuse, et de combien elle était haï :
She told about a mother who was full of hate and how she got back the hate she gave
- Vous l'avez beaucoup vue parla suite?
- Did you see much of her after that?
Sur le Vésuve, le professeur parla de l'enveloppe terrestre et des suppositions sur le centre de la Terre.
At the crater of Vesuvius, the teacher explained about the Earth's crust and assumptions about the inside of the Earth.
Au 3ème tableau, devant les pyramides de Gizeh, on parla du Nil fertile, du Sphinx et des mystérieux tombeaux anciens des rois.
In the 3rd scene, at the Pyramids of Giza, he told of the fertile Nile, of the Sphinx, and of the old, mysterious tombs of the kings.
Moïse parla au Seigneur Y croyez-vous?
Moses looked up, and he spoke to the Lord Do you believe that?
Et par un heureux hasard, voici, porte parla ravissante Lady, le nouveau modèle de harnais pur et dur, garanti sur facture!
And by a lucky coincidence you see before you, modeled by the lovely little lady, the new, improved, patented, handy dandy, never-fail little giant log puller.
Et Dieu parla à la baleine.
And God spake unto the whale.
M'ont vite montré Que je n'avais rien à craindre ne parla pas.
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread
il m'en parla.
He told me.
Et comme notre système de fusée est déréglé, et qu'il n'y a aucun moyen de ralentir notre vaisseau, nous sentirons bientôt une chaleur torride, causée parla friction de l'air contre ces parois.
And without the use of our rocket system, without any means of slowing our speed, we shall soon begin to feel the heat, the terrible heat of friction.
Mais personne ne parla beaucoup de lui ce jour-là.
But no one spoke of him much that day.
Puis, pour la première fois, il parla de Phuong... d'emmener Phuong avec lui... de me laisser derrière, seul.
Then, for the first time, he spoke of Phuong. Of taking Phuong away with him. And leaving me behind alone.
Mais tu ne dois pas te laisser détruire parla culpabilité et le remords,
But you mustn't destroy yourself with guilt and remorse.
Le lendemain, Marcello parla avec Eleonora. Il lui dit que dans l'intérêt de tous, il valait mieux annuler leur mariage.
The next day, Marcello would talk to Eleonora he told her that he felt it was in both their interests to call off the marriage.
Lorsqu'on a eu cette petite peur avec Mlle Kubelik, - je l'ai jetée parla fenêtre du train.
When we had that little scare about Miss Kubelik I threw it out the window of the train.
Il parla, il pensa pour elle. Lui donnant ainsi la moitié de sa vie.
So he began to think and speak for her, give her half his life, so to speak.
semées parla lutte des classes,
sowed by the classes'struggle.
Il était fou de terreur. Il me parla d'une voix tremblante, étouffée et extrêmement basse.
His looks were wild with terror, and he spoke to me in a voice tremulous, husky, and very low.
Soudain, le ton de sa voix devint effroyablement clair et il me parla d'une tombe profanée, d'un corps défiguré, enveloppé dans un suaire. Le corps respirait, frémissait. Il était vivant.
and then his tones grew thrillingly distinct as he whispered me of a violated grave - of a disfigured body enshrouded, yet still breathing - still palpitating - still alive!
Ses lèvres avaient un petit rictus il parla et sa voix était calme
Then his lips went thin in a kind of grin And he spoke, and his voice was calm
Cette cour ordonne que vous soyez conduit à la prison d'état de Sing Sing, et que vous y soyez emprisonné puis exécuté selon le moyen prévu parla loi.
It is the judgment of this court that you be taken to the sing sing state prison and there be kept in custody and put to death in a manner provided by the law.
Cette nuit-là, Otoyo parla pour la première fois.
That night, she spoke for the first time.
"Dans la quarantième année, au onzième mois, le premier du mois, Moïse parla aux enfants d'Israël selon tout ce que l'Éternel lui avait ordonné de dire."
"And it came to pass in the 40th year in the 11th month of the first day of the month that Moses spake unto the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had given him in commandment unto them."
Elle me parla du monde d'où elle venait.
She spoke to me of the world she was from.
Tout commença par une nuit où l'amour parla au nom du destin.
It all began one night when love spoke on behalf of destiny.
Un jour qu'il se promenait, le maître remarqua plusieurs disciples discutant, se disputant, montrant les poings parce qu'un cerf-volant s'était envolé... il les appela et leur parla de cette manière :
One day, walking in the field, Zen master noticed a few students screaming and waving his fists each other because kite flown away Because he called them to him and so he admonished :
Daddy mena le Gospel à Milwaukee. Il parla dans son talkie-walkie.
Daddy spread the gospel in Milwaukee Took his walkie-talkie to Rocky Ridge
Elle me parla de Mozart. Je ne le connaissais pas. Cela éveilla ses soupçons.
Once, she asked me some questions about Mozart and she got suspicious because, for a minute, I couldn't place the name.
Et Caïn parla à son frère Abel.
" And Cain talked with Abel, his brother.
.. contemporaneamente. Si parla uno pera volta.
Everybody waits for their turn.
Celui qui parla de toi à Ashiro Ryurei... ce fut moi.
The person who told Ashiro Ryurei about you... was indeed I!
On n'en parla jamais dans les journaux locaux, la radio locale ou la télévision.
You never read about them in your local newspapers or heard about them on your local radio or television station.
Bonjour, vous parlez anglais?
Signora, buongiorno. - Scusi. Parla inglese?
- Il fut crucifié, mais ne parla pas.
Man was crucified, but still did not tell.
En vain parla et pleura Adalgise.
Adalgisa beseeched and wept in vain.
- Parla inglese, tu veux, Carl?
Parla inglese, will you, Carl?
La Dame du Lac, le bras revêtu de la plus chatoyante étoffe fit s'élever Excalibur du plus profond des eaux, signifiant ainsi, parla divine providence, que moi, Arthur, étais le porteur d'Excalibur.
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying, by divine providence, that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
Sa jeune existence soudain gâchée parla poursuite sauvage et inattendue de la silhouette cauchemardesque d'une femme en noir, comme sortie de nulle part, et qui, au galop, poursuit la jeune fille terrifiée à travers la campagne,