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Rasputin translate English

167 parallel translation
- Je vivais avec Raspoutine.
- I used to room with Rasputin.
Le bruit court que tu es sous l'influence d'un Raspoutine du pot de peinture.
Rumors have been circulating That you are under the influence of Sort of a rasputin of the paint pots.
Raspoutine, "le Russe fou".
Rasputin, the Mad Russian.
Voilà Raspoutine.
There's Rasputin.
Raspoutine l'a convaincue de partir.
Rasputin talked her into it.
Ou Raspoutine?
Or Rasputin?
Et je vous avertis tous... que moi, Grigori Lefimovitch Raspoutine, j ´ entends m ´ en servir.
And I warn you, I warn you all... That I, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, intend to use it!
A moi, Raspoutine, et au Tsarévitch.
To me, Rasputin, and the little Tsar.
Etes-vous Raspoutine?
Are you Grigory Rasputin?
Je suis Raspoutine.
- I am Rasputin.
Où peut-on Ie joindre, ce Raspoutine?
Do you know where he could be reached again... this Rasputin?
Vous aussi, Raspoutine.
And you take care too, Rasputin.
Raspoutine se sert de Ia Tsarine pour ses ignobles fins.
I tell you Ivan, Rasputin is using the Tsarina for his own filthy ends.
N ´ approchez pas!
- Keep away from me, Rasputin.
J ´ admets que j ´ ai bu, mais cela m ´ a aidé à comprendre qu ´ il faut agir contre Raspoutine.
I admit that I've been drinking, but only enough to see things what they really are... and to understand what must be done about Rasputin.
C ´ est Raspoutine?
Rasputin did this?
Fils de... Raspoutine.
Son of Rasputin.
Ce gosse le descend, et l'autre saute sur lui comme Raspoutine.
Kid went right to the bathroom and shot him. Guy was just comin'at him like Rasputin. Oh, and that kid was scared!
Le père de Volkmar a eu une histoire avec Raspoutine, tu te rends compte...
His father had an affair with Rasputin.
Une histoire avec Raspoutine.
Don't you believe it? - His father and Rasputin? No, the father of what's his name - Volkmar - had an affair with Rasputin.
" Tout en moi, dit Raspoutine, est pure lumière qui va nettoyer vos péchés.
"All within me, said Rasputin, " is pure light " which will cleanse your sins.
Tu lis Raspoutine?
You're reading Rasputin?
Il est partout. " Raspoutine était seul avec Irina et la Grande-Duchesse, qui sourit faiblement.
" Rasputin was alone with Irina and the Grand Duchess,
Mais alors que ma pauvre maman et Gretchen Scheffler ne se lassaient pas de Raspoutine, je découvrais Johann Wolfgang Goethe.
But while my poor mama and Gretchen Scheffler couldn't get enough of Rasputin, I discovered Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Et ainsi je grandissais, non en taille, mais en esprit, déchiré entre Raspoutine et Goethe au point de fusionner les deux livres, suivant les passages démoniaques avec d'autres plus éclairés, tout comme dans la vraie vie.
And thus I grew, not in size but in spirit, torn between Rasputin and Goethe to the point of merging the two books, following demonic passages with more enlightened ones, just like in real life.
Il est quatre heures du matin, monsieur Raspoutine!
Do you know it's past four o'clock now, Mr. Rasputin?
Raspoutine Grigori léfimovitch, de son vrai nom Novykh, naquit en 1868 dans la localité de Pokrovskoïé, district de Tioumène, province de Tobolsk.
Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, alias Novykh. Born in 1868 in the village of Pokrovskaya in the district of Tyumen, in Tobolsk Guberniya.
En quelques années Raspoutine y acquiert une influence stupéfiante.
Within a short time, Rasputin acquired tremendous influence.
Mais jamais l'histoire du pays n'avait connu quelque chose d'ampleur comparable au phénomène Raspoutine.
But never before in Russia's history had any one person held as much influence as Grigory Rasputin.
C'est moi, Raspoutine, à l'appareil.
It's me, Rasputin.
à mort!
To Rasputin's death!
T'es un voleur, Raspoutine!
You're a thief, Rasputin!
Village de Pokrovskoïé, province de Tobolsk, à Raspoutine.
Care of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk Province. Grigory Rasputin.
L'autocratie est en péril, et rien n'ébranle autant les fondements du trône que l'action des forces obscures à la tête desquelles il y a Grigori Raspoutine.
But the monarchy is in peril. And nothing so much undermines the very foundations of the crown as the forces of darkness introduced by Grigory Rasputin!
Ceux qui sont investis du pouvoir claquent chaque jour comme des bulles, car n'ayant pas accédé aux exigences de Raspoutine ces messieurs, forts et puissants, sont balayés de leurs fauteuils!
Our finest Ministers are cast aside like cheap trinkets, all because they refused to be dominated, they would not cede to Rasputin's dissolute demands!
Demandez-lui de délivrer notre patrie de Raspoutine et des raspoutinistes de tout acabit.
Ask him to free Russia from Rasputin, and his followers, high and low.
Raspoutine, lui seul est le coupable.
It is he, and he alone. It is Rasputin who is guilty.
Raspoutine : A.PETRENKO
A. PETRENKO as Rasputin
- Alors, Raspoutine, à quoi ça rime?
Well, Rasputin, what's next?
Inspiré du roman de V.Raspoutine "L, adieu à I, île"
Based on the novel by Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora"
Où le Dr Raspoutine a-t-il emmené Scott?
Where did Dr. Rasputin... take Scott?
- Raspoutine, le Sympathique Russe.
- Rasputin, the Friendly Russian.
Raspoutine a une sacrée détente, mais le Professeur pourrait tuer un boeuf.
Rasputin's got the reach, but the Professor's got his coma lock.
L'arbitre lance un avertissement à Raspoutine.
The ref is issuing a warning to Rasputin.
Si j'appelais un enfant Raspoutine, cela aurait-il un effet négatif sur sa vie?
If you named a kid Rasputin do you think that would have a negative effect on his life?
C ´ est moi.
- I am Rasputin.
No, I was wondering about Rasputin...
- à mort!
- To Rasputin's death!

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