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Shawn translate English

4,846 parallel translation
Oh, salut, Shawn.
Oh, hi, Shawn.
Et mon but est de soutenir mon Shawn.
And I aim to holler at my boy Shawn.
Ecoutez, c'est difficile à dire pour moi, mais, les défauts que le Projet Innocence a trouvé dans l'affaire... ainsi que les visions de Shawn, me font réfléchir sur mon opinion, Thane.
Look, this is hard for me to say, but, uh, the flaws the Innocence Project found in the case against you... Mm-hmm? Along with Shawn's psychic vision, makes me wonder if I was wrong about you, Thane.
Shawn, es-tu sur qu'il n'y aura pas de problème entre toi et Juliet? Je ne sais pas.
Shawn, are you sure there's not gonna be a problem between you and Juliet?
Oh, je suis désolée, Shawn.
Oh, I'm sorry, Shawn.
Je suis désolé Shawn, mais j'ai mes ordres.
I'm sorry, Shawn, but I have my orders.
Il n'a pas eu une vie facile, Shawn.
He's been through a lot, Shawn.
Il est très sélectif, Shawn.
It means he's picky, Shawn.
Shawn, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici?
Shawn, what are you doing here?
Ouais, encore une fois, tu te trouves coincé au milieu, Shawn, parce que tu ne veux pas prendre parti.
Yeah, once again, you find yourself stuck in the middle, Shawn, because you don't want to take a side.
Bon travail, Shawn.
Good work, Shawn.
Bien, je doit l'admettre, Shawn, tu t'en ai bien sorti sur ce coup.
Well, I must admit, Shawn, you showed up and showed out on that one.
Quoi de neuf? Hey, Shawn.
Hey, Shawn.
c'est pas marrant les gars serieusement
That's not funny, guys. Seriously. - Shawn, I'm...
Quoi? ça n'a aucun sens du tout shawn
That makes no sense at all, Shawn.
- Laisse tomber, Shawn.
- Give it up, Shawn.
oh, Shawn, Gus.
Oh, hey, Shawn, Gus.
Andrew Goldenhirsh, ou Shawn Farquhar.
Andrew goldenhirsh, or Shawn farquhar.
C'est... c'est Shawn Harper.
It's... It's Shawn Harper.
Vous venez de tuer Shawn Harper.
Ucch. You just killed Shawn Harper.
Il pense que je suis la prochaine Shawn Johnson.
He thinks I'm the next Shawn Johnson.
Shawn Ian, je vais juste replacer votre bras un peu sur la droite- - ça fait quoi?
Shawn Ian, I'm just going to adjust your arm to the right a bit- - how does that feel?
Il s'appelle Shawn Oakby, patron.
Name's Shawn Oakby, boss.
Merle. Et son stupide pote, Shawn.
And his idiot buddy Shawn.
Selon les résultats de Shawn Oakby, il y a une grande quantité de diménhydrinate.
I was going over Shawn Oakby's labs, and I found significant doses of dimenhydrinate.
Mlle Shawn Pelofsky!
Miss Shawn Pelofsky!
Mlle Shawn Pelofsky!
Miss Shawn Pelofsy everyone!
Des aplaudissements pour Shawn!
Applause for Shawn!
Les caméras ne fonctionnent jamais là où va l'équipe de Shawn.
Believe it or not, everywhere Shaw's team is, the cameras are down.
Il me manque 16, Shawn?
I'm missing 16, Shawn?
Shawn Rhoden,
Shawn Rhoden,
Dexter, Shawn, Dennis, Kai et Phil.
Dexter, Shawn, Dennis, Kai and Phil.
"Flexatron," Shawn Rhoden.
"Flexatron," Shawn Rhoden.
[Shawn et Gus crient en choeur]
[Both scream]
Billy, c'est moi Shawn Spencer
Billy, it's me, Shawn Spencer, man.
Shawn, nous avons mangé trois fois cette semaine à "Thank the Lard".
Shawn, we've eaten at Thank The Lard three times this week.
Shawn, j'ai toujours voulu aller au manoir Bella Rosa. Depuis que je suis à Santa Barbara.
Shawn, I have wanted to go to the Bella Rosa Mansion since I moved to Santa Barbara.
Shawn Spencer et Juliet O'Hara viendront.
- Huh? Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara are in.
Je reconnais les crottes de panthère, Shawn.
I know my scat, Shawn.
Je suis Shawn Spencer et il est mon accompagnateur.
I'm Shawn Spencer, and this is my plus-one.
Il est mort Shawn.
He's dead, Shawn.
Shawn, c'est moi.
[Beep] Hey, Shawn, it's me.
Et voici Shawn.
This is Shawn.
- Shawn?
- Shawn?
Shawn, c'est bizarre.
Uh, Shawn, this is awkward.
Trop tard Shawn, je l'ai dit avant.
Too late, Shawn. I called it.
Salut, Shawn.
Hi, Shawn.
Shawn, je Ouai?
- Yeah?
Vince Vaughn - Tu es sur la ligne? Shawn Levy
Here is to you, honey But I'm out of your league.

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