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Shorty translate English

1,179 parallel translation
Quinn, Shorty.
Go ahead, Quinn.
Préparez le champagne.
Shorty, keep the champagne cold.
Run along, Shorty.
- File, Shorty.
- You better beat it, Shorty.
Une idée derrière la tête?
- Anything on your mind, Shorty? - Plenty.
Shorty est là!
There's Shorty, Charlie!
On est les rois du monde!
We're kings of the world, Shorty!
Viens à notre table.
- Aren't you going to join us, Shorty? - No.
- Je ne l'ai pas battu à la loyale?
- What's the matter, Shorty? Don't you think I beat him square?
Tu veux faire des histoires?
What are you talking about, Shorty? Are you crazy?
Tu peux toujours partir.
If you don't like the racket, Shorty, you can always quit.
Allons, on va tous se détendre.
Come on, Shorty... Let's all relax. Come on...
Tu es blessé!
Shorty, you're hurt!
Veille sur Charley.
- I'm all right... take care of Charlie. - Come on, Shorty.
Shorty est blessé.
Charlie, Shorty's hurt.
Était-ce juste, que Shorty meure?
Was it fair for Shorty to die?
- À toi de jouer, Shorty.
Ok, shorty.
Nous avons coincé Joe Daly et un truand nommé Shorty Abbot qui s'est fait descendre.
We nabbed joe daly and a miserable little hoodlum named shorty abbot, who got himself shot.
S'ils ont repéré Shorty, ils vous ont repéré aussi.
If they knew this Shorty's movements, they probably knew yours too.
- Sers du whisky.
- Whiskey, Shorty.
Pas celle que je viens de voir chez Shorty.
You're not the dame handing me that stuff at Shorty's.
Shorty, un simplet... Et Philadelphie, sans toute sa tête...
Shorty, that dope... and Philadelphia, he wasn't all there.
Shorty et moi, on reste là, on garde la basse - cour.
Shorty and I stay here and take care of the chickens.
Olga et Shorty
That's Olga and shorty.
Pas vrai, Shorty?
- Didn't we, shorty?
Simmons, rapprochez-vous de Charlie!
Simmons, join on Shorty.
Que dois-je dire, Charlie?
What'll I write, Shorty?
Je suis Shorty Fisher.
I'm shorty fisher. Ah, nice to have met ya.
- Hein, Shorty?
Eh, shorty?
Shorty ne peut pas faire de vélo.
Shorty can't ride a bicycle.
Shorty peut apprendre.
Why couldn't you Learn shorty?
Vous avez pris Shorty et Red, et je suis plus fort qu'eux.
You hired Shorty and Red and Long Tom, and I can do more work than any of them.
Et la bouteille de whisky.
And the bottle of whisky. Ain't that right, Shorty?
Voici Shorty, mon partenaire.
This is Shorty, my partner.
- Pas vrai, Shorty? - Ouaip.
- Is that right, Shorty?
Qu'en dis-tu, Shorty?
What do you think about it, Shorty?
Shorty, la ferme!
Shorty, shut up!
Allons-y, Shorty, 20 $... que je touche le nœud sous le menton!
All right, Shorty. Double eagle... I can shoot the knot from under the chin.
Mark Stone, Shorty?
Mark Stone, Shorty?
Ton ami Degas ne voulait pas parler, mais Shorty a été coopératif.
Your friend Degas wouldn't talk, but Dutch had a loose mouth.
- Ça sera toujours trop tôt pour moi.
- Never will be too soon for me, shorty.
Monte, minus. Tu pousseras!
Get on shorty, you'll gain a foot!
- Monte minus, tu pousseras!
Get on shorty, you'll gain a foot! - Very funny!
L'avorton, va chercher du bois pour le feu.
Shorty, get some wood for the fire.
- M'appelle pas "l'avorton". J'aime pas que...
Don't call me "Shorty." I don't like anyone...
Tu retardes.
You're a little behind the times, Shorty.
Get him, shorty.
Toi aussi, Shorty.
You, too, shorty.
Un poivrot, un clodo nommé Shorty.
He was a wino.
Indic professionnel.
A skid row character named "Shorty." A professional informer.
Pas vrai, Shorty?
- And the whisky.

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