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Translate.vc / French → English / Sân

Sân translate English

17 parallel translation
- Sân? - Bonjour.
- San - hello
Je ne veux pas que tu aies d'histoire avec Sân.
I don't want you to get involved with Sân
Malgré ses airs innocents, Sân est comme sa sœur.
She looks like an innocent girl, but Sân is just like her sister
Sân, tu es déjà sortie de ton village, mais il y a des gens qui ne connaissent pas Tokyo.
Sân, you have already seen other places, but here, there are people who have never travelled to Tokyo
Sân est arrivée, tu sais?
Sân has just come here, you know?
Sân ne pourra plus se marier comme les autres.
Sân will not be able to find an husband like any other girl
Sân, emmène-le à la maison.
Sân, take him home.
C'est pour le visiteur, de la part de Sân. Ah bon?
This is from Sân for your guest.
Sân, tu ne prends pas le chemin habituel.
Sân, you took an unusual path
Sân est rarement là.
Don't Sân come often?
N'est-ce pas, Sân?
Wasn't it Sân?
Ah! il y en a pour trois kimonos d'été. Pour Sân.
There are 3 of them yes for San, she prefers western style
Petite Sân!
Je m'en vais. Petite Sân!
I am going

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