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Tarzan translate English

1,342 parallel translation
- Tarzan t'envoie?
- Did Tarzan send you here? - No, sir, he didn't.
Tarzan aller!
Tarzan go!
C'est Tarzan!
Tarzan! Tarzan's coming!
Je dois les aider.
- I wanna go to Tarzan.
Que dit Cheeta?
Tarzan what is it?
Ils vont l'emmener de l'autre côté de l'océan.
Oh, Tarzan, they'll take him away. They'll take him across the sea.
Tarzan trouver Boy.
Tarzan find Boy.
Attends, Tarzan.
Tarzan, wait.
Tarzan toujours confiance Jane.
Tarzan always trust Jane.
Tarzan, obéira toujours.
Tarzan follow always.
Tarzan regrette.
Tarzan sorry.
Tarzan remercie.
Tarzan thank.
Le tailleur doit prendre tes mesures.
Tarzan, you must stay. The tailor has to measure you.
- Tarzan mieux sans vêtements!
- Jane get clothes. Tarzan better without.
- Viens, chéri.
- Come, Tarzan. - Hurry.
- Comme Tarzan connaître jungle.
- Like Tarzan know jungle.
- Oui, comme Tarzan connaît la jungle.
- Yes, like Tarzan know jungle.
Il me tarde, aussi, mais il faut attendre.
Oh, Tarzan, I'm just as impatient as you are, but there's nothing we can do now.
- Tarzan, viens.
- Come on. - Talk now.
- pour lui parler.
- We want to talk to him. - I'm Tarzan.
Jimmy n'avait pas cette somme.
They tried to raise the money, but they couldn't. - Tarzan understand.
Tarzan comprend. Sargent l'a versée et Boy est chez lui.
- This circus man, Sargent posted the bond, and has Boy.
- Tarzan reprendre Boy. - Ça, j'en suis sûre.
- I'll gamble on that.
Je lui disais que sans lui, la jungle ne serait plus la jungle.
I told her there wouldn't be fun in the jungle without Tarzan. She's heard about him.
Elle connaît Tarzan, comme tous les éléphants.
All the elephants have.
Si Tarzan venait ici, ils le reconnaîtraient tous.
They'd know Tarzan if he came here and spoke to them.
et que j'aperçois un gratte-ciel, je crois voir Tarzan au sommet... près des nuages, comme sur l'escarpement.
Sometimes I think Tarzan's up there too in the clouds, just like he was in the escarpment.
Non, Tarzan!
Remember, Tarzan you promised to do as I asked.
Tarzan pas partir tant que Boy pas là.
- Tarzan not go till we find Boy! - You're going right now.
Allez, dispersez-vous!
Come on. Spread out, boys. Tarzan!
L'enfant est confié provisoirement à Sargent.
It gives Sargent temporary custody of a nameless boy, parents dead. - Tarzan's Boy!
- Enfant de Tarzan!
- Now, Tarzan, it can't be settled here.
- Vous ne le trouverez pas ici, Tarzan.
You could level the show, and you'd never find him.
Tarzan attendre.
Tarzan wait. Tarzan see!
Tarzan voir. Mais reprendre Boy!
Get Boy back.
Tarzan, assieds-toi là-bas.
Tarzan, sit in that chair.
- Tarzan dit toujours vérité.
- Tarzan always tell truth. - What's your name?
Appris Boy être fort comme lion et heureux comme oiseau.
Tarzan teach Boy to be strong like lion and happy like bird.
- Savez-vous lire, Tarzan?
- Can you read, Tarzan? - Read?
Tarzan lit pistes dans la jungle, nuages dans le ciel.
Tarzan read trails in jungle. Read clouds in sky.
Sa conduite ici prouve que Tarzan n'est pas un sauvage... mais bien un être civilisé.
By his conduct in this court, Tarzan has proved himself no savage but rather uniquely civilized.
A propos, Tarzan, le poisson est-il beau, chez vous?
By the way, Tarzan, how's fishing on this escarpment of yours? - Big fish.
Nous l'avons trouvé, après un accident d'avion.
We found him, Tarzan and I, after an airplane crash in the jungle.
Il n'a jamais connu que nous!
Tarzan and I are the only parents he's ever known.
- Tarzan. - Gun!
C'est un rapide.
- Tarzan get Boy.
Tarzan taught me.
Que lui disais-tu de Tarzan?
Were you telling her about Tarzan?
Venez témoigner, Tarzan.
- Take the stand, Tarzan.
- Nom et prénom?
- Tarzan.
Rend Boy à Tarzan.
Soon, dear.

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