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Translate.vc / French → English / Taïs

Taïs translate English

15,106 parallel translation
- Tais-toi, Kevin.
- Shut it, Kevin.
Shut up!
- Tais-toi.
- Shut up.
- Tais toi!
- Shut up!
- Tais-toi!
But clearly,
Juste tais-toi!
- you wanted...
Shut up.
Non, toi tais-toi.
No, you shut up.
Be quiet!
- Tais toi.
Shut up.
Tais-toi, elle arrive.
Shut up, here she comes.
Tais toi, Flanders cycliste.
Shut up, biking Flanders.
Mon patron m'envoie un e-mail au milieu de la nuit, donc je me tais et je me pointe ici.
My boss e-mails me in the middle of the night, I shut up and I show up.
Whatever it is you think you're doing, man, this is not gonna help you. Shut up.
- Tais-toi, l'innocent!
cherry boy!
Shut up!
Je suis là genre "tais toi".
I'm like, "Shut up, dude."
Tais-toi et embrasse-moi.
Shut up and kiss me.
Tais-toi, garçon.
Shut up, boy.
reste à ta place et tais-toi.
Look... just sit tight, keep quiet.
S'il te plait, tais-toi.
Please shut up.
Je me tais.
Shutting up.
Back off!
Tais-toi et sois reconnaissant.
Oh, just shut up and be grateful.
Alors tais-toi.
So don't.
Tais-toi et tire!
Shut up and shoot!
- Mais tais-toi donc.
Shut up.
On ne va pas te relâcher simplement parce que tu te tais.
We're not going to let you go just because you don't confess.
- Tais-toi!
- Shut up!
Tais toi!
- Ahh! Ahh!
Tais toi!
- Shut up! Shut up!
Tais toi!
Shut up!
Parle ou tais-toi à jamais.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Shut up. )
Ouais, vous savez, on a essayé de vous couper, mais vous les gars vous avez juste martelé ces Mai Tais.
Yeah, well, you know, we tried cutting you off, but you boys just kept on pounding those Mai Tais.
Alors tais-toi.
Be quiet so she doesn't.
- Tais-toi!
Just shut up!
Shut up.
Tais-toi, Cabe.
Shut up, Cabe.
Doc, tais-toi.
Shut up.
Tais-toi! Il y a toujours une excuse.
Oh, no, I did it to save your...
C'est pas mon copain, tais-toi donc.
He's not me new fella, be quiet.
Damon, tais-toi.
Damon, shut up.
Tais-toi et laisse-moi apprécier ça.
Just shut up and let me enjoy this.
Tais-toi, Caroline.
Shut up, Caroline.
- Mais tais-toi!
- Just shut up!
Tais-toi et écoute-moi.
- Lily... - Shut up and listen to me.
Tais-toi pétasse!
Shut up, bitch! Shut up!
♪ Tais-toi et écoute ♪
♪ Shut your mouth and listen ♪
Shut up, boy.
- Shut up.

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