/ French → English / Voici
Voici translate English
68,740 parallel translation
Mais voici un indice.
But here is a clue.
Voici Schtroumpf costaud, à lunettes, et maladroit.
That's Hefty, Brainy and Clumsy. - Hey, there!
Me voici.
I'm here.
Voici des images du cambriolage.
Published by the FBI This tape is for burglary.
Voici ce que je pense.
Here's my opinion.
Ella, voici Dani.
Ella, this is Dani.
Si l'on doit continuer, voici le prix.
Should we go forward, here's the cost.
Voici Madame De Garderobe.
Meet Madame De Garderobe.
Voici la preuve.
There's your proof.
Voici de super cartes.
Got some great ones here.
Voici oncle Ray.
I want you to meet Uncle Ray.
Voici une avance.
Here's an advance.
Voici les deux seuls hommes avec qui j'ai couché.
Oh. If it isn't the only two men I've ever slept with.
Voici le pot. 500 $.
It is the parallel well. $ 500.
Les gars, voici Eddie.
Gentlemen, my friend Eddie.
Écoutez tous, voici Eddie.
Hey, I'll introduce you to Eddie.
Ron, voici Eva.
Ron, she's Eva.
Voici Jamie.
He is Jamie.
Voici Laura.
This is Laura.
Voici mon fils, Nate.
This is my son, Nate.
Voici nous!
Here we are!
Alors voici le plan.
So here's the plan.
Parce que la voici.
Here it is.
M. et Mme Welsborough, voici M. Sherlock Holmes.
Mr and Mrs Welsborough, this is Mr Sherlock Holmes.
- Voici la Fosse!
So this is the pit.
Voici une photo satellite d'une île inexplorée du Pacifique Sud.
This is a satellite photo of an uncharted island in the South Pacific.
Voici ce qui va vous tuer :
Let me list all the ways you're gonna die.
Le voici, le pro d'Internet.
Right. Here he comes. The internet tech.
Voici ce que tu vas faire...
So, here's is what you are going to do.
Voici le bulletin de météo marine du Met Office, il est 05 h 05.
And now the Shipping Forecast, issued by the Met Office... on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency at 0505...
Et... le voici!
And here it comes.
Voici nos ennemis mortels.
Behold our mortal enemy.
Voici mon but... Et maintenant c'est aussi le tien.
It is my purpose... and now it is yours as well.
Peter... Voici la mer.
Peter... this is the sea.
J'ai retrouvé mes deux enfants, Et voici Lauren et Justin.
I got both of my kids back, I got Lauren and Justin.
Voici mon père.
But this is my father.
Et voici le diagramme.
And this is the chart.
Voici son adresse.
That's her address.
Je ne sais pas ce qui est mieux mais voici ce que je sais.
I don't know, which is better But here is what I do know
Voici Okja.
This is Okja.
Voici Alfonso!
Here is Alfonso!
Et la voici!
And here she is!
Voici votre étincelante pelle en or.
This is your shiny, gold shovel.
Voici le fauteuil.
This is the chair.
Voici votre Général Briggs.
Well, this is your Major Briggs.
Bon, voici notre stratégie.
Okay, guys. Game plan.
Amis méchants, voici mes derniers douloureux souvenirs de Batman.
- No! Evil buddies, those are my last three painful reminders of Batman.
Te voici chez toi.
And this is your home.
Voici notre offre pour tes parts.
This is our offer for your shares.
Voici donc votre récompense.
Now, receive your reward.
- OK, voici ce qui en est.