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Pour ce que tu as fait à mon village, à ma famille, je vais te noyer.
For what you did to my village, my family, I will see you drown!
Votre humour vous perdra.
See? That's what you get for being funny.
Ça veut dire quoi, "akbara"?
What's "akbara" mean?
C'était quoi ce truc?
What the hell was that thing?
What the hell?
Il n'y a pas assez à faire à Star City?
What, not enough is Star City to keep you busy?
- Quoi de neuf?
- What's the word?
Alors, les gars?
What do you say, guys?
Les Aztèques cultivaient le maïs.
"Maize" is what the Aztecs called corn.
Et la semaine d'avant, où on est allés au zoo.
What about the week before that, when I was like, "Hey, guys, let's go to the zoo."
Où je voulais en venir?
What was the point I was trying to make?
Raconte le dernier truc drôle que tu as fait.
Oh yeah? What's the last fun thing you did?
Qu'est-ce qui les fait fuir?
I wonder what spooked them.
Scooby-Doo, mon vieux. Tu as entendu ce que j'ai entendu?
Scooby-Doo, old pal, did she just say what I think she said?
- C'est ça. - Bon.
That's what I thought.
- Quoi?
- What?
C'est quoi, "SD"?
What's "SD" stand for?
Et ce pavillon noir, c'est le "Jolly Roger".
And that skull and crossbones is what they call a "Jolly Roger".
- Je sais.
- I know what a story is.
Mais ils n'avaient pas prévu qu'au port, il y avait d'autres navires de la marine sous les ordres de l'amiral Du Cheese-Slope.
What they didn't anticipate, however, was that waiting for them in the harbor were even more navy warships under the command of Admiral Ducheeseslob.
Shérif, expliquez-vous.
Sheriff, what's this about?
Mitzi, qu'attendez-vous?
Mitzi, what are you standing around for?
Mitzi, ne restez pas plantée là.
Come on, Mitzi, what are you standing around for?
Qu'a-t-il dit?
What did he say?
Essaie d'obtenir des infos de Dwight MonkFish.
Talk to that Dwight Monkfish. See what you can find out.
- Les autres?
- What other guests?
Vous faites quoi?
I'm sorry, what's that?
Quelle bande de...
What a couple of...
SAUCISSES EN BÂTONNETS Saucisses! Je vous vois venir.
Corn dogs, now I know what you're thinking.
Mitzi, c'est quoi?
Mitzi, what's that stuff called?
Comment ça?
Oh, what happened?
Je vous vois venir, mais ce n'était pas lui.
I know what you're thinking. It wasn't him.
Ça ne va pas de me maquiller?
What are you doing, makeup?
Que font les ados normaux qui ne résolvent pas les mystères?
Now, what's something that regular non-mystery solving teenagers enjoy?
C'est quoi, votre problème?
Hey, what's your problem?
C'est triste de croire que c'est ça, s'amuser.
It is so sad what passes for fun these days.
Quel genre de bateau pirate n'a pas de cuisine?
What kind of pirate ship doesn't have a kitchen?
De quoi s'agit-il?
What be all this now?
Scoob, qu'en penses-tu?
Scoob, what are you thinkin'?
Qu'en dites-vous?
What do you think?
Le quoi?
The what?
Pourquoi ce vacarme?
What's all the commotion?
Des fois, il faut prendre ses responsabilités. C'est un mot compliqué, mais c'est ça qu'il te faut.
Sometimes you have to take responsibility, and I know that's a big word, dude, but responsibility is what you need.
Vous venez ou pas?
You guys coming or what?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils disent?
Like, what are they saying?
On est des ados, on fait ce qu'on veut.
We're teenagers. We do what we want.
- C'était quoi?
- What was that?
- Plus de quoi?
More of what?
- Attends.
- Is that what...
- Ça s'appelle comment?
What's it called?
- Quoi?

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