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Mais questa ê una violanzione a mi domicilio.
But you are trespassing!
On prend un rat, on le met dans une cage à deux compartiments, c'est-à-dire dont l'espace est séparé par une cloison dans laquelle se trouve une porte, dont le plancher est électrifiê,
A rat is put in a cage... that is divided in two... by a partition with a door in it. The floor is intermittently electrified.
- C-o-u-r-g-ê-t-e.
- Z-u-c-h-i-n-i.
Iln'y aurait pas de conqu "ê" te.
It wouldn't feel like a conquest.
Je ne veux pas vous g "ê" ner.
I don't want to embarrass you. Will that give you enough time?
Ily a peut - "ê" tre un moyen d'écrire à Danceny.
Maybe there's a way to let you write to Monsieur Danceny.
Mais il ne m'eût pas g "ê" né de le savoir.
Not that it would have disturbed me in the slightest if I had known.
Et si vous refusez, je partirai moi-m "ê" me.
And if you refuse, I shall be forced to leave myself.
Je retire ma requ "ê" te.
Very well, I withdraw the request.
... d'un instant de calme à ma table, après une nuit de temp "ê" te... durant laquelle... j'ai été... secoué... entre le délire... "et l'épuisement..." à plusieurs reprises.
... to my desk in the middle of a stormy night during which I have been tossed from exultation to exhaustion and back again.
Comment avez-vous créé la femme que vous "ê" tes?
I often wonder how you managed to invent yourself.
Nous devons "ê" tre plus habiles que les hommes.
Women are obliged to be far more skillful than men.
J'ai réussi parce que je savais "ê" tre née pour dominer votre sexe et venger le mien.
And I've succeeded because I've always known I was born to dominate your sex and avenge my own.
Non pas ce qu'on me disait, qui était sans intér "ê" t, mais ce qu'on essayait de me cacher.
Not to what people told me, which naturally was of no interest but to whatever it was they were trying to hide.
Je n'ai que cela en t "ê" te depuis des jours!
It's days now. I haven't been able to think of anything else.
Vous "ê" tes la perversité faite femme!
You are a genuinely wicked woman.
Ilne peut pas "ê" tre en cause.
I can't believe that was the cause.
Ce ne peut "ê" tre moi!
You can't mean me, do you?
Ilserait malhonn "ê" te de l'accepter.
I could pretend to, but that would be dishonest.
Cette amitié que vous feignez vous-m "ê" me!
Not that you are even pretending to show friendship.
Nous sommes tous deux sous le m "ê" me toit.
We are to be living under the same roof, at least for a few days.
M "ê" me pas non?
Not even "no"?
Ce qui me surprend peut - "ê" tre, c'est que le monde ait si peu changé.
The only thing that might surprise one is how little the world changes.
R "ê" ver que l'amour vous rendra heureuse, c'est vous attirer bien des souffrances.
So to hope to be made happy by love is a certain cause of grief.
Et vous-m "ê" me?
And yourself?
Mon très cher... je vous le jure... sur ma chasteté... m "ê" me si ma mère me contraint à ce mariage, virgule... je resterai complètement à vous.
My dearest Danceny I swear to you on my chastity that even if my mother forces me to go through with this marriage I shall be yours completely.
L'héritier du titre des Bastide pourrait bien "ê" tre un Valmont.
I have reason to believe the next head of the house of Bastide may be a Valmont.
J'attendais votre pardon pour les torts que vous me pr "ê" tez... afin de mourir l'àme en paix.
All I wanted from this meeting was your forgiveness for the wrongs that you think that I have done you. So that I may end my days in some peace of mind.
J'ai consenti jadis de plus durs sacrifices que celui que je m'appr "ê" te à faire.
Just remember I have made far more difficult sacrifices than the one I am about to make.
Moi, vous arracher à un "ê" tre si stupéfiant?
And I have no wish to tear you away from the arms of someone so astonishing.
Peut - "ê" tre l'ignorez-vous, mais il est clair que vous l'aimez.
You may genuinely be unaware of this, but I can see quite plainly that you are in love with this woman.
Celle-là m "ê" me.
- The very one.
Oû peut "ê" tre Danceny?
But where can Danceny be?
Oû "ê" tes-vous?
Where are you?
Arr "ê" tez vos niches.
Vicomte this is no time to make mischief.
Je vais "ê" tre franc : elle a été malade.
I'm sorry to tell you she has been ill.
Geignard ou non, il m'est tout dévoué... et mieux équipé pour me combler de volupté que vous ne l "'ê " tes en cet état d'humeur.
Mawkish or not, he's completely devoted to me. And, I suspect, better equipped to provide me with happiness and pleasure than you are in your present mood.
Redevenez l "'ê " tre charmeur que vous étiez et je vous convierai bientôt.
If I thought you would be your old charming self I might invite you to visit me one evening next week.
Un de mes amis s'était emp "ê" tré d'une femme odieuse.
I have a friend who became involved with an entirely unsuitable woman.
Elle expliqua que son nom risquait d "'ê " tre ridiculisé à jamais à cause de cette phrase.
She explained to him that his name was in danger of being ludicrously associated with this phrase for the rest of his life.
Vous craigniez pour ma réputation, mais ce pourrait bien "ê" tre mon plus bel exploit!
You kept telling me my reputation was in danger but I think this may well turn out to be my most famous exploit.
N "'ê " tes-vous pas fatigué de brutaliser les femmes?
Haven't you had enough of bullying women for the time being?
Ilme faut "ê" tre plus clair...
I see I shall have to make myself very plain.
Deux choses : un conseil, que vous refuserez peut - "ê" tre, mais qui est sincère... et une prière.
A word of advice, which of course you may ignore, but it is honestly intended and a request...
Permettez-moi d "'ê " tre sceptique quant à ce que vous dites.
You must permit me to treat with scepticism anything you have to say about her.
Depuis lors, ma vie n'avait plus de raison d "'ê " tre.
But that since then, my life has been worth nothing.
Juste du caf ê.
I'll just have some coffee.
Du caf ê.
C'est le pire caf ê...
That is the worst cup...
Il y a du caf ê?
Think there's any coffee in this place?
Il n'y a pas de caf ê?
Is there any coffee here or not?

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