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Ìtì translate English

15 parallel translation
Je n'ai jamais ìtì autant humiliìe!
I've never been so humiliated in my life!
On recevait des notes nous disant d'arroser nos plantes... car les jardiniers avaient ìtì licenciìs.
We got notes we should water our own plants because the greensmen had been fired.
Elle a ìtì adorable.
You know, she was very, very nice.
Aller a l'Actors Studio... aprìs avoir ìtì reconnue... comme n'ìtant qu'une pin-up blonde a la tete vide?
To go to the Actors Studio after being thought of as the glamour-girl, empty-headed blond?
Elle ìtait rìellement atteinte de sinusite cet ìtì-la.
She definitely had sinusitis that summer.
En fait, selon une rumeur, il semblerait... qu'une femme ressemblant a votre premiìre ìpouse... ait ìtì sauvìe par un sous-marin amìricain.
They have a report, actually a rumor that a woman answering the description of your first wife was picked up by an American submarine.
Ils ont ìtì merveilleux, de vrais pros.
They were marvelous. They were real pros.
Tout le monde a ìtì exclu du plateau, moi y compris.
Everybody was kicked off the set, including me.
Cet ìpisode a agacì Cukor... parce qu'il avait ìtì trìs patient, ainsi que le studio.
That whole episode irritated Cukor because he had been very patient. The studio had been patient.
Des dìcisions auraient ìtì prises bien plus tôt.
Decisions would have been made long before they did this.
"La derniìre fois qu'elle a ìtì vue, il y a 5 ans, une vague de 8 m..."
"When last seen five years ago, a wave 25 feet high..."
" Aurait ìtì projetìe par-dessus bord.
" Was swept overboard before aid could reach her.
Voyez-vous, sa femme a ìtì infidìle.
You see, his wife has been unfaithful to him.
J'ai ìtì terrassì.
I was floored.

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