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Translate.vc / French → Russian / Faster

Faster translate Russian

21 parallel translation
Faster, Pussycat!
Быстрей, Киса!
Faster, Fran!
Быстрей, пожалуйста.
Ca s'accélère, de plus en plus vite, ça devient hors de controle,
- It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand
Vous irez plus vite si vous vous taisiez.
You'll work faster if you don't talk.
Faster, Stan.
♪ l'm a stranger now in my neighborhood ♪ ♪ l've seen the world at a faster pace ♪
* — ейчас € чужой дл € моих соседей * * я видел мир в более быстром темпе *
Mais personne d'aussi rapide.
But there ain't anyone faster than me.
♪ Makes us harder, better, faster, stronger ♪
Делает нас жестче, лучше, быстрее, сильнее
Alors j'espère que ton programme d'entrainement est un peu plus rapide.
So I hope your training regimen is a bit faster.
Je veux plus grand, plus élégant, plus vite
¶ I want bigger, sleeker, faster ¶
Tu t'en remets plus vite que nous.
You get over us much faster than we get over you.
♪ You were always faster than me ♪
♪ You were always faster than me ♪
♪ And you were always faster than me ♪
♪ and you were always faster than me ♪
♪ You were always faster than me ♪
♪ you were always faster than me ♪
♪ You were always faster than me ♪
♪ and you were always faster than me ♪
- Plus vite!
- Faster, faster!
De ce côté de la côte, il sera toujours plus rapide, plus manœuvrable.
On this side of that coast, he'll always be faster, more maneuverable.

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