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Translate.vc / French → Russian / Fits

Fits translate Russian

11 parallel translation
Si la robe de baise en ville te vas...
Hook and eye, couldn't you just simply dye? Making sure it fits forelock and crest
♪ I must be some kind of creature up here having fits ♪
? I must be some kind of creature? ?
Celui de Fiona me va mieux, non?
Fiona's fits better, doesn't it?
Oui, Rod, cela veut dire qu'elle fait partie des dirigeants et donc, ne peut pas voter.
Yes, Rod, which means she fits the NLRB definition of management, and therefore, cannot vote.
Fits-Simmons n'est pas apte au combat.
Фитцсиммонс не допущен к боевым действиям.
Tu fais un trou
- It fits the wood, then you spin it around some of this tinder. -'Cause I don't see this being... - You do a hole...
Oh, Fits.
Ох, Фитц.
Service public, ça correspond au profil.
Почему Дойл? Fits the profile.
♪ Criminal Minds 10x06 ♪ If the Shoe Fits Diffusé le 5 novembre 2014
"Мыслить как преступник" сезон 10, серия 6. "Если туфелька подходит".
Allez, cette fois, ça colle.
Come on. This time, it fits.

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