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Translate.vc / French → Russian / Statement

Statement translate Russian

7 parallel translation
Donc vous l'avez tuée avant qu'elle voie cette facture.
Right, so you killed her before she could see this credit card statement and catch you.
On a le témoignage de Natasha à propos de ton affaire sur le corps d'Anne Brunell.
We got Natasha's statement about you dumping Anne Brunell's body.
Des aveux, signés de sa main.
Full statement in his own handwriting.
Faut l'interroger à son réveil.
We have to get a statement as soon as she's awake. She saw him.
Il pourrait faire un rapport entre le corps, l'esprit et l'âme.
He could be making a statement about body, mind, and soul. No, no, no.
On dépend d'Edd-la-Douleur, si c'est pas triste!
It's a sad fucking statement if Dolorous Edd is our only chance.
Sa femme a prononcé une déclaration très émouvante :
... out of his arms, and the child lived and is alive today. Его жена издала очень трогательное заявление : His wife issued a very moving statement :

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