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Translate.vc / French → Turkish / Really

Really translate Turkish

320 parallel translation
- Really? - Yes, sure.
- Sahiden mi?
Does it hurt really bad?
Gerçekten de çok acıyor mu?
Now we really have to reactivate this affair by any means.
Şimdi bu alışverişi ne olursa olsun gerçekleştirmeliyiz!
- Really?
Gerçekten mi?
Tu parles d'une galère.
Really the pits.
Comme j'aimerais voir ça.
evlat, would I sing to see that really happen.
Je t'appuierai Fais un souhait illico!
I got a powerful urge to help you out So what you wish I really want to know
Vous devriez manger.
You really ought to pitch in, sir.
Tu me fais vraiment aller
"You really got me going"
Tu m'as vraiment maintenant.
"Really got me now"
Toi, tu m'as vraiment maintenant.
"You, you've really got me now"
Tu m'as vraiment maintenant.
"You really got me now"
Tu m'as vraiment.
"You really got me"
- Vous le croyez vraiment?
- Do you really believe that?
- Vous le croyez vraiment?
- You really believe that?
I don t really know "
Tam olarak bilmiyorum.
Nobody really knows "
Kimse tam olarak bilmiyor.
/ / Isn't really something I should do / /
/ / Isn'treallysomething Ishoulddo / /
/ / Isn't really something I should do / /
/ Isn't really something I should do /
Buffy est ma meilleure amie et je tiens beaucoup à elle.
Well, Buffy's, like, my best friend and she's really special.
Gerçekten mi?
Really Rosie.
- Gerçekten Rosie.
Non, je cherche une fille gravissime.
I'm looking for somebody really messed up.
C'est vrai?
C'est super que tu sois passée.
I'm really glad you showed up, Janey.
Il pleuvait des cordes, cette nuit-là... La chaussée était glissante.
It was raining really hard that night and the roads were slippery.
Tu adorerais ce qu'elle fait.
I think you'd really like her work.
Vraiment? 696 00 : 56 : 29,560 - - 00 : 56 : 32,791 OK, c'était de ta faute. mais tu dois avancer.
Tu le penses vraiment?
You really mean that, Jake?
- Pour l'avoir blessée chez Preston - ça m'excite à mort.
- That's for hurting her at the party! - This is really turning me on.
Pour être vraiment tordu!
That's for being really weird.
Je suis écoeuré.
That really upsets me.
Avant de me connaître moi-même.
Before I really knew me.
Si tu restes, on passera l'été ensemble.
Well, if you stay, we really only have the summer.
A y réfléchir, est-ce que ça vaut le coup?
So when you really think about it, what's the point?
Toutes ces parties de Frisbee avec Sammy ont fini par payer.
All that Frisbee-playing with Shaggy really paid off.
J'attirais mes ennemis dans des pieges, je sautais quand j'avais peur... et surtout, j'ai couru tres vite.
I lured my opponents into traps, jumped high when I was scared and most importantly, ran really fast.
This really frosts My lizard.
Bu kanımı dondurdu.
Je suis triste et je veux savoir... si tu m'aimes vraiment comme hier.
I'm sad and I need to know... if you really love me like yesterday.
Non, je suis désolée.
You really can't.
Is it really possible?
Bu sahiden mümkün olabilir mi?
J'espérais vraiment un bébé.
I was really looking forward to it. ( Gerçekten onunla geleceğe bakmıştım )
Je voulais tellement un fils.
I really wanted a son. ( Gerçekten bir erkek çocuk istedim )
- ¤'You really got me good from ¤'
- ¤'Beni gerçekten iyi yakaladın... ¤'
All the things l've heard about But never really seen
Hep duyduğum ama hiç görmediğim şeyler.
- Sûre?
I don't really care for one.
- # Did she really love me #
Est-elle vraiment humaine?
# just incredible math # # and is she really human?

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