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2703 translate English

9 parallel translation
Quarto 2703.
Room 2.703.
Aqui é o Sr. Morritz, do 2703.
Yes, this is Mr. Morritz in 2.703.
Voo 2703 da United Airlines proveniente de Roma, Itália chegada na Porta C-43.
United Airlines Flight 2703 from Rome is now arriving at Gate C43.
United Airlines Voo 2703, vindo de Roma está a desembarcar no portão C43.
United Airlines Flight 2703 from Rome is now arriving at Gate C43.
Consegui a ordem do tribunal 2703-D para saber o número para o qual estava a ligar.
I secured a 2703-D court order for the number she was calling.
Consegui a ordem do tribunal 2703-D para saber o número para o qual estava a ligar. Era um telemóvel.
I secured a 2703-D court order for the number she was calling.
Ele cometeu assassinato, tentativa de homicídio, e depois houve fraude informática e abuso, e de acordo com o Estatuto Americano 2703.
Well, he committed murder, attempted murder, then there's the computer fraud and the abuse, and according to U.S. Statute 2703, I'd say he's looking at a bunch of time.
Sim, enquanto tivermos 2703 mandados vamos ter acesso total ao Site.
Yeah, and as long as we have a 2703 warrant, we have full access to the site.
É este o voo 2703 para a Jordânia?
Is this flight 2703 to Jordan?

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