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16 parallel translation
Spock, número de série S 179-276SP, graduação :
Spock : Serial number S 179-276 SP. Service rank :
Agora consigo voar a 440 Km / h.
I can fly 276 miles per hour now.
Sem mobilizar os reservistas... 8.500 homens... 276 tanques.
Without calling up the Reserves 8,500 men 276 tanks.
Lançaste a 252 metros nesse jogo.
You picked up 276 yards in that game.
Havia 276 presidiários, 110 guardas, esposas e filhos moravam na ilha, com o Adjunto, o Sr. Glenn.
There were 276 inmates, 110 guards with their wives and children stationed on the island. And the Associate Warden, Mr. Glenn.
O meu número é 310-276... -... 7.
My number is 310-276-... 7.
276 "'00 : 47 : 30,851 - - 00 : 47 : 34,980 Acalma-te, ok? Não te preocupes.
Do you wanna die?
Oh, meu Deus, eu estou abrindo as janelas. 276
Oh, my God, I'm opening the windows.
Ou no 276 : "Nunca disse para as miúdas que o Randy era um piloto combatente".
Or # 276- - "never told chicks Randy was a fighter pilot."
- Sim, é Jackie, quarto 276.
- Yeah, it's Jackie, Room 276.
Jackie, 276.
Jackie, 276.
274, 275... 276, 277... 278, 279... 280, 281... 282, 283...
Two hundred and seventy four, two hundred and seventy five... two hundred and seventy six, two hundred and seventy seven... two hundred and seventy eight, two hundred and seventy nine... two hundred and eighty, two hundred and eighty one... two hundred and eighty two, two hundred and eighty three...
Não estrague tudo. 91 00 : 05 : 16,275 - - 00 : 05 : 17,276 O que foi?
Do not bullshit.
Tu é a minha 276ª vítima!
You're my 276th victim! .
276 ) } BELÉM
9 anos, 276 dias.
9 years, 276 days.

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