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Applejack translate English

148 parallel translation
- Não, é aguardente de maçã diluída.
- No, it's diluted New Jersey applejack.
Aguardente pura.
Straight applejack.
Aguardente de maçã?
- Não fazíamos aguardente de maçã.
- No, we did not make applejack.
Anthony, quero apresentar-te ao Applejack.
Anthony, I'd like to introduce you to Applejack.
- Applejack, este é o Anthony.
- Applejack, this is Anthony.
- Hi, Mr. Henry. Applejack, good to- -
Muito prazer, Applejack.
Applejack, nice to meet you.
É o Applejack! Vamos!
That's Applejack!
Calma! Calma! Que se passa, Applejack?
Applejack, talk to me.
Que aconteceu ao Applejack?
- What is your problem? - I didn't do anything!
- Onde está o Applejack?
- Where's Applejack?
Que aconteceu?
- Applejack drove. - What happened?
- Vou buscar o Applejack.
- What? - I gotta get Applejack.
Acham que o Applejack sabia?
You think Applejack knew?
Não sabemos nada dele desde que saiu do hospital.
We haven't heard from Applejack since he got out of the hospital.
Fiz mais umas para dar ao Applejack, ao Kumar e ao sr. Henry.
I made a couple more that I was gonna give... to, you know, Applejack, Kumar or Mr. Henry.
Copos a mais.
Too much applejack.
AppleJack 2012.
AppleJack 2012.
Vamos voltar à antiga coreografia AppleJack 2012.
Let's just go through the old AppleJack 2012 routine.
As coisas corriam tão doces... como sumo de maçã com melão para os Dukes.
So things were tasting sweeter than applejack in a honeydew melon for the Duke boys.
A mais leal das amigas e a mais fiável das póneis?
This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies!
mas aqui a Mooriella viu uma daquelas cobras horríveis.
Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack. But Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes.
We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona!
A Applejack foi mesmo... mesmo...
Applejack was just... just...
Temos que fazer algo para agradecer à Applejack por salvar a cidade sozinha.
We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town.
A Applejack está preparada?
- Is Applejack all set?
A Applejack nunca se atrasa.
Applejack is never late!
Viram-me aquelas manobras da Applejack?
- Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? !
E o que é que isso tem a ver com a Applejack?
What does that have to do with Applejack? Oh!
vai ajudar-me.
Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me!
amostras grátis para todos!
Applejack makes everything great. So free samples for everypony!
... - rompida. em que contamos todos os coelhinhos bebés que nasceram nesta estação.
-... rupted. Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season.
... way to go, Applejack, that was awesome!
Está bem. e por estares sempre à disposição de todos.
Oookay. Well, thank you, Applejack, for saving us from that scary stampede. And always being there for everypony.
ou a Applejack parecia um bocado...
Was it just me or did Applejack seem a little...
Hey Applejack!
não estás com bom aspecto.
Applejack. You don't look so good.
pensava que estava a trabalhar com a melhor atleta de Ponyville!
Applejack, what a hay is going on? I mean, I though I was working with Ponyville's best athlete!
Wait, Applejaaaaack...!
- Applejack?
- Applejack?
podemos falar?
Applejack, can we talk?
Why, she's the best baker ever!
precisamos de falar.
Applejack? We need to talk.
Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about. I just came back from Ponyville urgent care and...
... plejack?
eu respeito totalmente a tradição da família Apple. e deixar as tuas amigas ajudarem-te.
Now, Applejack, I completely respect the Apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need. So maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you?
Oh Applejack!

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