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Bigelow translate English

87 parallel translation
Surripiou umas potentes lentes boches e um espelho de aumento e pediu ao Ronnie Bigelow da Caserna Dois que montasse tudo por meio quilo de café.
He scrounged himself some high-powered Kraut lenses and a magnifying mirror and got Ronnie Bigelow from Barracks 2 to put the whole shebang together for a pound of coffee.
Bigelow às 10 : 30 é o primeiro amanhã.
Bigelow at 10 : 30 is your first for tomorrow.
Vou ver se me safo com o Bigelow.
Well, I guess I'll go over to the Bigelow place, see what I can turn up.
O Henry tem 60 anos, Wil.
Henry Bigelow's 60 years old, Wil.
Chegou Mr. Bigelow.
Mr. Bigelow is here, sir.
- Como correu, Mr. Bigelow?
- How did it go down there, Mr. Bigelow?
"Dan Bigelow." Não.
"Dan Bigelow." Nope.
Ao Bigelow e ao Wilson.
Bigelow and Wilson.
Anda lá, Bigelow, dá-nos um nome melhor.
Come on, Bigelow, give us a better name.
Sr. Bigelow, FBI.
Mr. Bigelow, FBI.
Mas o dono do circo aéreo, Otis Bigelow promete que o seu homem-pássaro vai voltar.
But air circus owner, Otis Bigelow, promises his bird man will return.
Jenny, o Bigelow foi assassinado.
Jenny, Bigelow's been murdered.
Quem anda à procura dele assassinou o Bigelow para chegar até mim.
The people that are looking for it murdered Bigelow to get to me.
Vai pela Bigelow.
Take Bigelow.
- Gostou do Billy Bigelow?
- Did you like the Billy Bigelow?
- O Capitão Bigelow está lá dentro?
- Is Captain Bigelow inside?
- Capitão Bigelow, Polícia Estatal.
- Captain Bigelow, Missouri State Police.
O carro está registado em nome de alguém chamado Niggel Bigelow.
The car is registered to someone named Nigel Bigelow.
O carro está em nome de Nigel Bigelow.
The car is registered to Nigel Bigelow.
É Nigel Bigelow.
It's Nigel Bigelow.
Não cremos que o tal Bigelow tenha um cúmplice, mas... ele pode estar a vigiar a casa.
We don't think that Bigelow has an accomplice but he could be watching the house.
Ralph Bigelow ligou agora.
Ralph Bigalow just phoned.
- Bigelow.
- Bigelow.
Isabel Bigelow.
Isabel Bigelow.
Então, Isabel Bigelow, tens um emprego?
So, Isabel Bigelow, do you have a job?
- Isabel Bigelow.
- Isabel Bigelow.
Nigel Bigelow.
Nigel Bigelow.
Senhoras e Senhores da imprensa quero que conheçam a talentosa e deliciosa Sra. Isabel Bigelow.
Ladies and gentlemen of the press I'd like you to meet the talented and delightful Ms. Isabel Bigelow.
O nome dela é Isabel Bigelow e ela é um charme, não acham?
Her name is Isabel Bigelow and she's quite the charmer, isn't she?
Eu sou Nigel Bigelow, o pai da Isabel.
I'm Nigel Bigelow, I'm Isabel's father.
E eu sou Nigel Bigelow.
And I'm Nigel Bigelow.
Eu sou Isabel Bigelow, uma feiticeira.
I, Isabel Bigelow, I'm a witch.
E eu começo a arrepender-me de ter ficado acordado até tarde para ver o Deuce Bigelow :
And I am starting to regret staying up late to watch Deuce Bigelow :
Chamo-me Ed Bigelow e o que vêem é o fim da minha vida como a conheci.
My name is Ed Bigelow. And what you are watching is the end of my life as I knew it.
- Frank, é o Ed Bigelow.
Frank, it's Edmund Bigelow.
- Sr. Montag, chamo-me Ed Bigelow.
- Mister... Mr. Montag, my name is Ed Bigelow.
Acho que talvez sejas uma má pessoa, Ed Bigelow.
I think you might be a bad man, Ed Bigelow.
A última cortina para aquela vida, aquele Ed Bigelow... peguei no cobarde que tinha medo de enfrentar quem realmente era e tirei-o da sua miséria.
The final curtain for that life and that Ed Bigelow. I took that coward who was afraid to size himself up for what he really was and put him out of his misery.
Monty Bigelow, Matt Stickney, e Darryl Moss.
Monty Bigelow, Matt Stickney and Darryl Moss.
Joseph Bigelow.
Joseph Bigelow.
O Joseph Bigelow foi encontrado num beco na esquina da Charleston com a Avert.
Joseph Bigelow was found in an alley off of Charleston and Avert.
Lembrei-me de onde é que conheço o Bigelow.
I remember how I know this Bigelow guy.
O Joey... "Joe Joe" Bigelow estava lá sempre.
Joey- - "Joe Joe" Bigelow was always there.
Quem quer que tenha mutilado o Sr. Bigelow.
Whoever mutilated Mr. Bigelow.
Joseph Bigelow. Há cerca de dois meses, foi encontrado com os seus intestinos atados num nó.
Joseph Bigelow, about two months ago, was found with his intestines tied into a bow.
Joseph Bigelow, pianista de lounge, sem abrigo.
Joseph Bigelow : lounge piano player, homeless.
Com o Joey Bigelow, o Jekyll tirou o laço do homem e deu-lhe outro laço, por assim dizer, dentro do seu corpo.
With Joey Bigelow, Jekyll took the man's bow tie and then left another bow tie, so to speak, inside his body.
Há quatro meses, o nosso Dr. Jekyll fez um laço com os intestinos do Joey Bigelow.
Four months ago, our dr. Jekyll made a bow tie With joey bigelow's intestines.
É o Bigelow.
It's Bigelow.
Ralph Bigelow. Lembras-te do Ralph?
Actually, it was Ralph Bigalow.

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