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Calleigh translate English

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Me chamo Calleigh Dusquesne.
Oh, by the way, I'm Calleigh Duquesne.
Calleigh, vamos analisar o sistema de vigilância.
Calleigh, let's check into the surveillance system right here.
- Viva, sou a Calleigh Duquesne.
Hi, I'm Calleigh Duquesne.
- Calleigh, por favor.
Calleigh, please.
- Sargento Marcus Cawdrey. Horatio Caine e Calleigh Duquesne, da Polícia Técnica de Miami.
Sergeant Marcus Cawdrey, Horatio Caine, Calleigh Duquesne, Miami Crime Lab.
Calleigh, volta à fuselagem e investiga o piloto. Quero aquela bala.
Calleigh, back to the airframe Back to the pilot I want that bullet
- Calleigh?
Calleigh. The bullet?
Calleigh, sabes tanto desta família como de armas de 9 mm.
Calleigh, you seem to know as much about this family as you do about 9 millimeters.
Calleigh Duquesne e o Detective Fenwick.
Calleigh Duquesne, Detective Fenwick.
Procura a terceira bala.
O Horatio e a Calleigh encontraram o ninho dele. Eu estou a analisar as vítimas.
Well, Horatio and Calleigh found his nest and I'm on victimology.
Calleigh, onde estás?
Calleigh, where are you?
Preciso de confirmação, Calleigh.
I need confirmation, Calleigh.
Calleigh, descobre quem teve acesso à casa.
So, Calleigh, let's find out who had access to the house
Calleigh, novidades sobre o tecido?
Calleigh? Got something on the fabric?
Calleigh, vamos trabalhar nos fios. Procura cortes ou marcas de ferramentas que pareçam estranhas.
Let's look for any cuttings or tool markings that seem odd, okay?
Continua à procura.
Calleigh. Todas as pontas dos fios estavam cortadas por alicates vulgares.
All wire ends were straight-edged standard wire cutters.
A impressão digital que a Calleigh encontrou na tinta de base pertence a um Carl Purdue.
The fingerprint Calleigh found in the primer paint belongs to one Carl purdue.
Calleigh, esta é a arma da casa do Matthew.
Calleigh, this is the gun from matthew's house.
A verdade é, Calleigh, a não ser que haja uma reviravolta no caso, as provas ficam suspensas.
The thing is Calleigh, unless there's a coon Berakas's evidence Berakas, this evidence goes on ice.
Calleigh, não gosto disto.
Calleigh, I don't like this.
- Significa que ele está desesperado.
That means he's desperate, Calleigh.
- És a próxima, Calleigh.
You're next, Calleigh.
- Vai marcar uma reunião. - É a Calleigh.
Wants to set up a debriefing.
- Calleigh, o que se passa?
It's Calleigh. Calleigh, what's up?
E, Calleigh, tem cuidado com esse Kerner.
And, Calleigh, be careful of this guy Kerner.
- Viu a Calleigh Duquesne? - Ela veio cá acerca de uma hora.
Calleigh Duquesne, have you seen her?
Ajuda-me aqui, Calleigh, se faz favor.
Give me a hand, Calleigh, please.
Foi uma conversa insignificante no elevador, Calleigh...
It was a nothing conversation in the elevator, Calleigh... / John.
- Calleigh Duquesne, há quanto tempo.
Calleigh Duquesne, long time.
Daqui é a CSI Calleigh Duquesne.
Hey, this is CSI Calleigh Duquesne.
- Calleigh Duquesne, este é Jeff Corwin.
- Calleigh Duquesne, Jeff Corwin. - Pleasure to meet you.
Calleigh, tu viste a reacção dos media à Lana Walker.
Oh, come on Calleigh, You saw the media's response to Lana Walker.
- Disse chamar-se Calleigh Duquesne?
Did you tell me your name was Calleigh Duquesne?
A Calleigh Duquesne acusou cocaína na análise à urina.
Calleigh Duquesne just tested positive for cocaine.
Lamento, Calleigh, a segunda bala fragmentou-se.
Sorry, Calleigh. Your second bullet was fragmented.
Calleigh, venha cá ver isto.
Hey, Calleigh come take a look in here.
A Calleigh está no parque de estacionamento e o Eric está...
Calleigh's in the parking structure and Eric is, uh,
O que é que o Speedle e a Calleigh disseram?
What did Speedle and Calleigh have to say?
Calleigh, por favor?
Calleigh please
Que altitude alcançou, Calleigh?
How high did this plane get Calleigh?
Façam um molde de cada peça.
And Calleigh let's work on the wiring
Tens os resultados do duplo de Indian Creek?
Hey. / Hey, Calleigh, uh... have you got the results to miami creek double?
- Calleigh...
Hey, Calleigh.

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