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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Casado

Casado translate English

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Sabia que tinha casado com um rico.
I knew she married a rich guy.
Sinto-me casado de novo.
I just felt married again. All right, here we go.
Tu és um homem casado.
You're a married man.
Porque eu sou casado contigo, não ia permitir.
Because I'm married to you, I wouldn't have allowed it.
Não diria que o seu marido tinha casado com uma colona.
I wouldn't have pegged your husband to marry a colonist.
Assim, enquanto você estava se acostumando com a vida de casado.
Just while you were getting used to married life.
Fui casado com a tia por breve tempo, antes da morte prematura da minha amada.
I married her Aunt Lysa shortly before my beloved's untimely death.
Provavelmente usaria o cabelo dele e ele o meu. Provavelmente estaria casado e com filhos agora.
One of them was up here and the other one was down there and then they swapped...
Se não gostas de satisfazer as necessidades da tua esposa, nunca te deverias ter casado.
If you don't like providing for your wife, you should never have gotten married.
Tinham se casado na noite anterior sem meu conhecimento ou consentimento. Então eu o enforquei. E a possuí debaixo da árvore onde ele estaνa balançando.
Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent, so I had him hanged, and I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying.
Continuas casado?
Still married?
Leo, eu sou casado. Já percebi.
Leo, I'm married.
Estás casado?
Married now?
Podia ter casado com a Betty Crocker, mas a Betty Crocker não aquece o meu motor, se é que me entendem.
I could have married Betty Crocker, but Betty Crocker doesn't stir my batter, if you know what I'm saying.
Sou casado.
I'm married.
Ao contrário de si, não sou casado com o meu chefe.
Unlike you, I'm not married to my boss.
Brincámos sobre termos casado no primeiro encontro.
We joked about getting married on our first date.
És um homem casado.
You're a married man.
- E ele não fosse casado.
And he wasn't married.
Diz que era dia de S. Valentim e ele é casado.
It tells me it was Valentine's Day and he's married.
Não sou casado.
I'm not married.
Então, quais são as vantagens de estar casado contigo?
So what are the advantages of being married to you?
- Podíamos ter casado.
~ We would have married.
Pensei que tivesses ido embora, casado.
I suppose I thought you'd left town - married.
Não achas que isso é uma coisa que poderias ter contado, que tinhas casado?
You think that's something you might want to tell us, that you got married?
Tenho muita sorte em ser casado contigo.
I'm very lucky to be married to you.
Gostava de nunca ter casado.
I wish I'd never married.
- Sou casado.
- I'm married.
- Pensei que tinhas casado - Casei.
- I thought you were married.
És casado?
- You married? - Why?
Foi casado com a Frida Kahlo, certo?
He was married to Frida Kahlo, right?
Claro que não temos um caso, Virginia. Sou um homem casado.
Of course we're not having an affair, Virginia I'm a married man.
O tempo todo em que estive casado... tive medo de que a Tawney fizesse a mesma coisa, pai.
I mean, the whole time I've been married... I've been afraid Tawney was gonna do the same thing, Dad.
E que erro foi esse, eu ter nascido ou teres casado com o pai?
And which mistake was that... having me or marrying dad?
Ele devia ter-se casado com a minha irmã.
He was supposed to marry my sister, you know.
Ainda não estás casado há muito se pensas que provar o erro dela ajudará.
Well, you haven't been married long if you think proving her wrong is gonna help.
Estou casado contigo, Carol.
I-I am married to you, Carol.
Carol, fui casado com outra Carol - antes do vírus.
Carol, I was, uh, married to this other woman named Carol before the virus.
Carol, sabes que nós nunca faríamos essas coisas se soubéssemos que o Phil era casado.
Carol, you know we would never have done that stuff if we'd known Phil was married.
Não devíamos ter casado.
We should have never gotten married.
És casado.
You're married.
Quantas vezes esteve casado?
How many times were you been married?
O Thor entrou e anunciou que tinha casado esta manhã, por isso... não podia ser idiota e roubar-lhe a atenção.
No, honey. Thor walked in and announced that he got married this morning, so... and I couldn't be an asshole and steal his thunder.
E também, não é casado?
Um, also, aren't you married?
Talvez eu já não precise de estar casado.
Maybe I don't have to be married anymore.
O Javi nunca foi casado.
Javi's never been married.
Não acredito que o Javi não me disse que já tinha sido casado.
I can't believe Javi didn't tell me about being married.
- Zoila... já fui casado.
Mystery. Zoila, I was married before.
- O Javi disse-me que era casado.
Javi just told me he was married.
A Carmen anda a namorar um homem casado.
Carmen's dating a married man.
Não durmas com um homem casado, não dependas de um homem, não namores com um homem que tenha um sotaque mais "sexy" que o teu.
Don't sleep with a married man. Don't depend on a man. Don't date a man with an accent sexier than yours.

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