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Cheeçh translate English

155 parallel translation
- Cheeçh, que faz você aqui?
- Hi, Cheech! What are you doing here?
- A lidar com tipos chamados Cheech?
- I'm dealing with guys named Cheech!
Hey, Cheech?
Cheech, olha.
Hey, Cheech. Hey, hey, man, look.
Sr. Cheech.
Mr. Cheech.
Sr. Cheech.
- Mr. Cheech.
- Cheech!
- Cheech!
- Não sou o Cheech.
I ain't Cheech, man.
Sou o amigo do Cheech, o Chong.
I'm Cheech's friend, Chong.
- Cheech, é a Donna.
Cheech, it's Donna.
Hey, Cheech!
Ele já aparece. Cheech!
He'll be right out.
- Cheech!
- Cheech.
Hey, Cheech.
Sai, Cheech. Estou ocupado.
Hey, take off, Cheech.
Sai, Cheech.
Hey, take off, Cheech.
Cheech? Cheech?
Aqui é o Cheech.
This is Cheech.
- Não, sou o Cheech, meu.
- No, I'm Cheech, man.
Nós somos o Cheech e o Chong.
We're Cheech and Chong.
Cheech e Chong.
Cheech and Chong.
Já ouviu falar do Cheech e Chong?
You ever heard of Cheech and Chong?
- Cheech e Chong.
- Cheech and Chong.
Cheech como peach.
Cheech like peach.
Sr Cheech e o Sr Chong.
Mr Cheech and Mr Chong.
Sr Cheech e Sr Chong, estamos muito gratos por tê-los aqui e adoramo-vos.
Mr Cheech and Mr Chong, we are very pleased to have you here and I love you.
- O Cheech arranja-te bilhetes.
- The Cheech shall arrange tickets for you.
- Sr Cheech.
- Mr Cheech.
Ei, Cheech!
Hey, Cheech!
Somos Cheech e Chong.
We're Cheech and Chong.
É o meu amigo Cheech.
This is my friend, Cheech.
Mas, agora os filmes do Cheech e Chong vão perder alguma piada.
You were quite the letter writer in your day, Sugarlips.
Eis o Cheech e o Chong.
You've met Cheech and Chong.
Quem diria... Homer Simpson e Barney Gumble, os "Cheech e Chong" de Springfield.
Well, if it isn't Simpson and Gumble, Springfield's Cheech and Chong.
Não queres ficar de babá da amiguinha dele.
- What's a matter, Cheech? Don't you wanna baby-sit his girl?
Deita-me fogo aquilo tudo, Cheech!
- You burn it down, Cheech! Burn it down, I said.
Cheech, dei-te uma ordem.
Cheech, I'm giving you an order.
- O nome é Cheech.
- Cheech.
- Em primeiro lugar, Sr. Cheech...
The name's Cheech. - Mr. Cheech, first of all- -
- Só Cheech, ouviu?
- No, not Mr. Cheech. Ya hear me?
- Cheech.
- Cheech.
- O Cheech ajuda-te a ensaiar.
- Cheech'll help you practice after we eat.
- Sr. Cheech, começo a ficar...
- Look, look, Mr. Cheech, I've about- -
- Quem, o Cheech?
- What, Cheech?
Não tem de se preocupar com o Cheech, ele saiu.
- Yes. - Ah, you don't have to worry about Cheech. He took off.
Quem é, Cheech?
Who's this, Cheech?
- Como vai isso, Cheech?
- How ya doin', Cheech?
Deu-me muitos problemas e antes de distribuir as folhas, mandei-as para o Cheech ler.
I admit it came rather hard... and before I handed in the pages, I sent them over to Cheech to read.
Até tem piada como percebeu mal a situação...
- Cheech, it's so funny how you've misconstrued the situation.

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