/ Portuguese → English / Crackers
Crackers translate English
784 parallel translation
- Bom, recórcholis!
- Well, my crackers!
Volto a casa e limpo a minha cama cheia de bolachas.
I'm going back and clean the crackers out of my bed.
Estou a beber um copo de leite e a comer umas bolachas, junte-se a mim, por favor.
I'm just having a glass of milk and some crackers. Join me, please.
Ninguém gosta de beber leite com bolachas sozinho.
Nobody likes to have crackers and milk by himself.
- O leite e as bolachas.
Your milk and crackers.
Nada de leite nem de bolachas.
No milk and crackers.
Umas bolachas.
Some crackers.
As bolachas eram mais do que suficientes.
Crackers would have been good enough for them.
- Mas já comeram bolachas ontem.
But they had crackers yesterday.
provavelmente, cerejas cristalizadas e biscoitos moles.
Probably maraschino cherries and stale crackers.
- Não, de biscoitos, claro.
- Out of crackers, of course.
Por comer bolachas na cama, enfim, as coisas habituais.
Eating crackers in bed, you know, the usual stuff.
- Levo queijo e bolachas.
- I'll get cheese and crackers.
Trouxe queijo e bolachas.
I brought some cheese and crackers.
- Bolachas na cama, não.
- No crackers in bed.
Quer mordiscar umas bolachas - para näo ficar bêbedo?
You want some crackers to nibble on you shouldn't get plastered?
Nunca tive muito medo de branco.
I've never been afraid of no crackers much.
Essa é a limpeza dos brancos.
Well, that's the way the crackers crumble.
Bravo por este senhor, é todo um campeão.
All the fire-crackers. You're the sharp-shooting champion.
Dinheiro para bolachas Conservas e mata-moscas
Cash for the crackers And the pickles and the flypaper
- Maluquinhos.
- Crackers.
99, vá à dispensa e traga alguns uns biscoitos para nosso amigo!
99, why don't you go down to the supply room and get our little friend some crackers?
Vão comer as bolachas?
Y'all gonna eat them crackers?
Tenho bolachas de água e sal e azeitonas verdes.
I got saltine crackers and green olives.
Traga uma sanduíche à minha mulher. Eu quero bolachas e azeitonas.
Bring my wife the sandwich, I'll have the crackers and olives.
Com bolachas e azeitonas?
With crackers and olives?
Não temos nada para comer nem biscoitos aqui?
We got nothin'for lunch but crackers here?
Aí tem os talheres...
Here you go, your crackers...
Sabe, as bolachas é que valorizam o prato.
You see, it's, er... It's the crackers that make the dish.
Vamos rebentar umas bombinhas.
Let's have a round of crackers.
- Tens medo das bombinhas?
Are you afraid of fire crackers?
Estaríamos todos bastante loucos se fossemos por aí fazendo o que quiséssemos, não é assim?
We'd all be pretty crackers if we went around doing just what we wanted to, wouldn't we?
Comíamos sardinhas e bolachas.
It was sardines and crackers on and off.
Tod, nesta noite, são apenas biscoitos e vinho.
Tod, tonight this ain't nothing but crackers and elderberry wine.
Os Dashers mandaram alguns biscoitinhos.
The Dashers sent some crackers for you.
Li que a dois ratos na universidade... deu-lhes diabetes por comer bolachas.
I read two white mice at Columbia University got diabetes from eating graham crackers. It was in The New York Times.
Comeu bolachas hoje?
Did you eat graham crackers today?
Passa-me as bolachas, por favor?
Could you pass me the crackers, please?
Sirva-nos dois chás com leite e tostas.
Two teas and some crackers.
Sem sal, as tostas.
Salt-free crackers, please!
E aqui está! O chá com leite e as tostas.
Here's your tea and crackers.
Tens razão, porque na realidade... isso não é grave, até porque ainda tenho mais tostas.
- Yes, you're right. There's no harm done. After all, there are more crackers.
Todos nos chamavam "The Band", nossos amigos e nossos vizinhos.
Our friends and neighbors called us The Band. And we started out with The Crackers.
Nove biliões para ajudar a acabar com as mentes jovens... com marijuana, crack, ou qualquer merda.
Nine billion big ones to help disease young minds with marijuana, smack, toot, crackers, you name it.
Bolachas de água e sal? Digestivas?
Cream crackers, digestives?
Traga champanhe... amendoim, bolachas.
Make that champagne, peanuts, crackers.
Estiveste a comer bolachas em forma de animais?
You swallow a whole box of animal crackers?
Basta de petardos!
No more of those fire-crackers.
Estás maluco.
You must be crackers.
É louco por ele.
He's crackers over it.
E bolachas de água e sal.
All right, sir. And some crackers.