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Downers translate English

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Estimulantes e sedativos de todo tipo.
Uppers, downers, inners, outers.
Azuis, amarelas, excitantes, depressivos, tudo.
Blues, yellows, screamers, uppers, downers, you name it.
Mas passou dias sem ficar bêbado nem tomar drogas.
He can pass a day without being drunk and can sleep without downers.
Downers? Nebutal?
Narcóticos, drogas, erva, estimulantes, speeds, crack... Chamem-lhe o que quiserem.
Dope, drugs, weed, grass, toot, smack, quackers, uppers, downers, all-arounders...
Bem, temos anfetaminas, tranquilizantes... um pouco de cigarros.
Well, we have uppers, downers... a little bit of smoke.
Eu tenho altos e baixos, dentro ou fora, os gritos e silêncios...
I got uppers and downers,? screamers and shouters,... and things that make you go sideways
Anfetaminas, estimulantes, calmantes, algumas belezas negras...
I mean amphetamines, uppers, downers, black beauties.
Ela pensa : "Ótimo, Amanda toma uns e morre".
Sure. She thinks, "Amanda swallows a couple of downers and she's dead."
Sabia que ele tomava comprimidos para estar acordado e comprimidos para dormir.
He took downers and uppers
Isto vai sair no noticiário.
You look like you could use some downers.
- Cheio de sedativos e uísque.
- He was full of downers and whiskey.
O bicho andava a mijar-lhe e a cagar-lhe a casa toda, mas o Tommy só pensava em chutar-se e engolir comprimidos.
Thomas was a son... The thing was neglected, pissing and shitting all over the place. Tommy was lying about, fucked out of his eyeballs on smack or downers.
Ora vejamos... Tínhamos duas saquetas de erva, 75 cápsulas de mescalina, Cinco folhas de um LSD porreiraço, um saleiro meio cheio de coca, uma colecção de pílulas coloridas :
We had 2 bags of grass, 57 pellets of mescaline, 5 sheets of high powered... blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a galaxy of multi-coloured... uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.
Pensei que já tinhas acabado com essas tretas.
I thought you were done taking those downers.
Isso é algo para se provar, drogas e champanhe.
That's something to be on - downers and champagne.
Os pais vivem em Downers Grove.
His parents live in Downers Grove.
Calmantes e excitantes.
That's what I heard. Downers and uppers.
Vou arranjar-te uns calmantes.
I can get you some downers, okay?
Não vou jantar a casa dessa gente depressiva.
No. No. I'm not eating with those downers!
Pergunta na Barnes Noble.
Ask anybody at the Downers Grove Barnes Noble.
A miúda era dopada, a mãe é relaxada, e a avó fuma muito.
The girl's on uppers, mom's on downers, and grandma sucks on the cancer stick.
Mas é na Downers Grove.
But it's in Downers Grove.
- Arranjas calmantes?
- Can you get downers?
- Preciso de calmantes.
- I need some downers.
Bons calmantes.
Real good goddamn downers.
- Alguma destas coisas é calmante?
- Any of these things downers?
Bolas, devo ter pegado nos estimulantes.
Shit, I must have grabbed the uppers instead of the downers.
Engoliu um frasco inteiro de comprimidos.
Swallowed a whole bottle of downers.
São calmantes para os ataques.
They're downers, for his fits.
São tipo calmantes.
They're like downers.
- Cinco ou seis calmantes de cão?
- Five or six doggy downers?
Comprou uma grande quantidade de sedativos e tomou-os com vinho barato.
You just bought a large quantity of downers and took them with cheap wine.
- Steve, tens algum tranquilizante?
- Steve, you got any downers?
Sendo viciado em crack, cavalo, ácidos, pó... bebida, jogo, putas.
Been addicted to crack, smack, uppers, downers... booze, gambling, hookers.
Por falar em baixas, a Sra. Chase gostava muito do Diazepam dela.
Speaking of downers, Ms. Chase liked her Diazepam.
Que gente sem graça. Trabalham duro e não bebem.
You two are a couple of downers, huh?
Então agora... andas a tomar para dormir e para te manteres desperto.
So now... you're taking uppers and downers.
Tenho estimulantes.
I got uppers, I got downers.
O Gibert? Nem uma caixa de Valium 5 o acalmou.
We gave him a bottle of downers and he just laughed.
- Estamos tomando pípulas.
- We doing pills, uppers and downers.
Era por isso que me sentia mal às segundas.
'That's why I had massive downers on Mondays.'
Entre os três e os quatro anos dava regularmente ao Liam um par de calmantes, para que ele se calasse.
Between the ages of three and four, I regularly gave Liam a couple of downers, so he would shut the fuck up.
Estimulantes, drunfos?
Uppers, downers?
Então, são calmantes?
Is he young downers?
- Estou? - Steve, finalmente encontrámos-te!
Uppers, downers, stool hardeners, stool softeners...
Cara, anfetamina.
Dude, downers.
- Não gosto de calmantes.
- I don't like downers.
São uns chatos.
They just got to be total downers.
É que...
It's just... with all these Debbie ups and downers lately,
Para excitar e para acalmar...
Whoa. Uppers and downers.

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