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Eastenders translate English

33 parallel translation
Sinto-me como uma personagem da novela das 5. Versão merdosa.
I feel like a character on EastEnders ‒ the come-down version.
A Michelle do EastEnders também tirou Terceira.
Mlchelle from EastEnders got a third.
Qual era o nome da namorada no "East Enders"?
'What was his girlfriend's name on EastEnders?
Pretendemos lutar para que Timbuktu recupere o seu aspecto anterior.
The great Senegalese "EastEnders", of which Marie Madeleine is the star.
Eu nunca vejo televisao. Excepto "Emmerdale", "Corrie" e "EastEnders".
I never watch TV, apart from "Emmerdale", "Corrie" and "EastEnders".
Eles não se dão. O Ross convenceu o Barry a deixar "Eastenders".
Ross is sort of mud with Barry because it was Ross that persuaded Barry to leave EastEnders.
Diz que o adoraste em "Eastenders",
Just say to him, " I thought you were brilliant in EastEnders, Ultimate Force.
O Martin Kemp é que entrou em "Eastenders" e nos Spandau.
That was Martin Kemp. Martin Kemp was in EastEnders and Spandau Ballet.
- O Barry de "Eastenders".
- Barry off EastEnders. - Oh, Barry, yeah.
Desculpem interromper, mas se procuram uma cara famosa, eu represento o Barry, do "EastEnders"...
Sorry, can I just say, if you're interested in a famous face, I represent Barry from EastEnders.
O Thames foi modelo na abertura de crédito da EastEnders.
The Thames was modelled on the opening credit's of EastEnders.
Dêem, assim, as boas vindas ao Charlie Slater, da EastEnders.
So, will you please welcome from EastEnders, Charlie Slater.
( Canta o tema da EastEnders )
( Sings EastEnders theme tune )
EastEnders. Adoro.
EastEnders. I love it.
EastEnders, Meera.
EastEnders, Meera.
Não pensei que fizessem tão grande alarido sobre eu estar na EastEnders.
I didn't mean it to be a whole thing about being in EastEnders.
- ( Toca o tema da EastEnders do final do episódio )
- ( Mimics EastEnders drums at end of episode )
Especialmente se for depois do EastEnders e não tiverem mudado de canal.
Particularly if it's on after East Enders and they ain't got to change the channel.
A minha personagem no EastEnders, começou por ser uma pessoa interessante, tridimensional, mas depois com o passar dos anos os escritores tornaram-no numa piada, e foi por isso que me afastei, sabes, não era o que eu queria fazer.
My character on East Enders, he started out as an interesting three-dimensional person, but then over the years the writers turned him into a joke, and that's why I walked away, you know, it wasn't what I wanted to do.
Shaun, no EastEnders, começaram a transformar a sua personagem numa piada e ele afastou-se enquanto estava no topo.
Shaun, on East Enders, they started to turn his character into a joke and he walked away at the top of his game.
Quando fiz o EastEnders íamos a um lugar chamado Castro's... é calmo e tratam-te bem se te reconhecerem.
When I was on East Enders we used to go to a place called Castro's. It's quiet and they treat you well if they recognise you.
Erm, vinha aqui há muitos anos atrás não sei se lembra de mim, quando eu estava no EastEnders.
I don't know if you remember me, - when I was in East Enders?
É o Barry do EastEnders. Olá.
- It's only Barry off East Enders?
Quer dizer, vocês aqui, sem homens,... conhecem dois solteirões como nós. Vamos ao que interessa : Quem vai querer o Barry do EastEnders?
You're out and about, you know, no guys with you, you meet a couple of players like us, ships in the night, let's get down to business, who wants Barry off East Enders?
Eu dava a volta ao mundo com a Michelle McManus, casava com a Sonia dos Eastenders e dava uma na Julie Goodyear!
Transcript : evarin english.yyets.net Sync : boomer2
Com aquela rapariga de EastEnders.
Why aren't you going?
- EastEnders.
- EastEnders.
Eles querem mulheres refinadas que saibam chupar, não mulheres vulgares que saibam foder.
They want Stepford Wives who can suck, not EastEnders who can fuck.
Aquela mulher entrou nos "EastEnders".
That woman was in EastEnders, how dare you humiliate her?
Até mesmo os vossos políticos. Tentam soar como as pessoas do East End.
And even your politicians, they try to sound like the people on the EastEnders.
A Angie Watts fez isso, em EastEnders.
Who? Angie Watts did in EastEnders.
I'd marry Sonia from EastEnders and I'd have a right good go on julie Goodyear!
O Gary, o Simon, o Dirtbox, o Fingers, o Smithy, o Swede e o Jesus.
To that one that was in EastEnders. I know! Gita.

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