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Encantaria translate English

27 parallel translation
Me encantaria que me beijasse agora, se não tem inconveniente.
I would be very glad to have you kiss me now, if you don't mind.
Ah, encantaria os peixes das profundezas e os passarinhos desceriam das árvores.
It would charm the fishes from the deep and the little birds down from the trees.
- Me sinto estranho com eles. - Me encantaria... Me estão perfeitos!
Yes, well, i would be glad... ah, but they fit okay.
Me encantaria.
- Sounds lovely.
Oh, nos encantaria, Dawn.
Oh, I'd love to, Dawn.
Me encantaria conhecela.
Boy, would I like to meet her.
Pois me encantaria lê-lo.
Well, you know, I very much would like to read that.
Te encantaria esse papel, a que sim?
That would be a good role for you, wouldn't it?
- Me encantaria ver. - Vai ver.
- That I'd like to see!
Me encantaria, mas devo recalibrar um sensor dentro de dez minutos.
I'd love to, but I'm running a full sensor recalibration in ten minutes.
Lane, encantaria-me ficar aqui esta noite... Porém tenho de ir a Paso para conseguir um transporte de carga.
I'd love to stay here tonight but unfortunately I have to go to El Paso.
Senhora, me encantaria, mas torci o tornozelo.
I would gladly... um, I... but I fear my ankle is twisted.
Todos recordamos aquela linda canção que você compôs especialmente para ela, titulada "Sózinhos, Brigitte e eu". Nos encantaria recordá-la.
We all remember that beautiful song you composed especially for her, titled "Alone, Brigitte and I." Wed love to recall it.
Me encantaria.
Oh, I'd like that.
Me encantaria acompanhar-vos.
I should like to join you very much.
O que é que vos encantaria?
What would charm you? Make you proud?
Só o fazer aquela coisa que vos encantaria, que vos faria dizer : "Isto sou eu."
"Just to do that thing that would charm you, that would make you say'It's the real me."'
Bem, me encantaria vir a representação. Mas as vezes é muito difícil de sair de casa.
Well I would have come to the performance, but sometimes it's rather difficult for me to get away from home.
- Sabem o que vos encantaria? - Ooh!
- Know what might be a thrill for you guys?
A mamãe se encantaria depois de estar em nessa maldita celda.
Mam would love this after being cooped up in that fucking cell.
Me encantaria Sam, só que não posso este fim de semana.
I would love to Sam, but I can't this weekend.
Me encantaria isso
I would love that
Me encantaria, mas há algo que devo fazer esta manhã.
I'd love to, but there's something I really have to do this morning 0h, right.
Bom, me encantaria se pudesse ir.
Well... I'd just love it if you would.
Houve um tempo em que acreditei que o Crosley se encantaria com a minha filha.
There was a time when I hoped Crosley would take a shine to my daughter.
Porque me encantaria ouvi-la.
D'you have another theory? 'Cause I'd love to hear it.
De que ela se encantaria por ver quão diferentes somos.
Is that she loved that we were different.

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