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Evél translate English

79 parallel translation
Já ouviu falar dos "carros voadores"?
Ever heard of Evel Knievel?
Um polícia de moto.
That's Mr Evel Knievel.
Evil Knievel, tens concorrência.
Evel Knievel... you've got yourself some competition!
Peter s. Pedro, estás com aquele tom de voz audaz que detesto.
Peter st. Peter, you've got that Evel Knievel sound in your voice I hate.
Eu chamava-lhe a voz audaz.
I called it his "Evel Knievel" voice.
- O que é que o Evel Knievel queria?
- What did Evel Knievel want?
Um verdadeiro acrobata.
No feet. Wow, a real Evel Knievel.
O mau e o vilão.
Evel knievel and Mr. clean.
Boa, Evel Knievel, vamos é sacar a disquete.
That's nice, Evel Knievel, but let's get the disk.
Eu sou o Evel Knievel.
Por que haveria de me vestir como o Elvis?
I'm Evel Knievel. Why the hell would I dress like Elvis?
Porque raio havias de te vestir como o Evel Knievel? Espero que estejam...
Why the hell would you dress like Evel Knievel?
Evel Knievel, porque não saltas por cima deles com a tua bicicleta foguete?
Well, Evel Knievel, why don't you jump over them with your rocket cycle?
Já ouviste falar do Evil Knievel?
Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?
Quem achas que sou? O Evil Kanevil?
Who do you think I am, Evel Knievel?
É duma peça que escrevi no 8º ano, acerca do Evel Knievel.
It's from this play I wrote in eighth grade about Evel Knievel.
Isso é da peça do Evel Knievel?
Is that from the Evel Knievel play?
Mas não te disse que devias vestir-te como um ilusionista.
Yeah, i didn't say you should dress like evel knievel.
- Evel Knievel daria.
- Evel Knievel could.
És o Evil Knievel no que toca a chupar rebuçados.
Wow. You're like the evel knievel of sucking candy.
- Evel Knievel.
- Evel Knievel.
- Sim. 18. - Evel Knievel.
- I didn't touch you.
O Evel Knievel conseguia.
- Evel Knievel could.
Lembra quando pulávamos cercas de bicicleta?
Hey, you remember our Evel Knievel days... jumping Mr Bentley's hedges on our 10-speeds?
- Ela devia acrescentar a Evel Knievel à lista de nomes.
- She should add Evel Knievel to her list of names.
Lembro-me porque foi no ano em que fui para a cama com o Evel Knievel.
And I remember, because that was the year I had sex with Evel Knievel.
Evil Knievil salta os Jackson Five.
Evel Knievel jumps the Jackson 5.
- É um verdadeiro Evel Knievel.
- He's a regular EveI KnieveI.
- É o Evil Knevil, querida.
- It's Evel Knievel, hon.
Casa de Evel Knievel, a última batalha de Custer e da tia Edna.
Home of Evel Knievel. Custer's Last Stand. and Aunt Edna.
O que anda aprontando? - Nada. - Espere!
We haven't even talked since you pulled that little Evel Knievel stunt the other day out there, huh?
Não nos falamos desde que você entrou...
What's an "Evel Knievel"?
Parecias o Evil Knievel. O que se passa? !
Evel Knievel, what the fuck?
O Evel Knievel tinha a mesma moto.
Evel Knievel had the same setup.
Estou quase a meter-me num balão de ar quente e lixar-me com o Evil Knievel.
I'm about to get in a hot-air balloon and get Evel Knievel on my own ass.
- É o Evel Knievel dos anos 6O.
Ya. he's like the evil kanevil of the 60's
- Hey, Lois, que palavra é esta?
- Hey, Lois, what's this word? - "Evel."
- Evel.
- "Kneivel."
Sabias que "O Evel Knievel nasceu em Montana".
Did you know that Evel Kneivel was born in Montana?
Agora em directo do lar de idosos Shady Acres o lendário Evel Knievel com a melhor acrobacia da sua vida só na Pay-Per-View.
Now live from the Shady Acres Nursing Home... the legendary Evel Knievel's greatest stunt ever... only on Pay-Per-View.
O meu herói de infância era o'Evil Knievel'.
- My childhood hero was Evel Knievel.
É do Evel Knievel.
It's from evel knievel.
Isso são quase tantos como os que o Evel Knievel saltou.
That's nearly as many as Evel Knievel jumped.
Na verdade são mais um que o Evel Kanivel, Rico.
It's actually one more than Evel Knievel jumped, Rico.
Costumava trabalhar par o Evel Knievel, testava as motas ante dos grandes saltos.
He used to work for Evel Knievel, testing his bikes before big jumps.
Saltava primeiro, para ter a certeza que era seguro só depois o Evel entrava e ficava com a glória toda.
He would do the jumps first, to make sure they were safe and then let Evel come in and get all the glory.
Evel Knievel veio á cidade, e posou com toda a gente na loja.
Evel Knievel came to town, and he posed with everyone in the store.
Conhece o Evel Knievel?
I'll show you Evel goddamn Knievel.
Luvas do Evel Knievel.
Evel Knievel gloves!
Caso o coração fosse mais pesado que a pena, Ammit, o Devorador de corações, comê-lo-ia.
If you done evel, your heavy heart would tip the scales, and the Devourer would of innihilate u.

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