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Fdr translate English

222 parallel translation
Era um protegido de Roosevelt.
He was a personal protege of FDR.
Roosevelt tinha alguns amigos que não eram radicais, não?
FDR had a few friends who weren't radicals, didn't he?
Se o J. Edgar não agir rapidamente, dirijo-me ao FDR.
Now, I expect if J Edgar don't do something mighty fast, I just might have to have a talk with FDR.
á rádio todas as semanas, como o velho FDR, mas para tocar harmónica.
And I'd... I'd go on radio every week just like the old FDR... only, I'd play the harmonica. Somebody hold me down.
Vou pela FDR Drive, para evitar o trânsito.
I take FDR Drive, sir, to beat the traffic.
Não fiquei com o papel principal do FDR.
I did not get the lead in the f.D.R. Story.
Foi lubrificado no FDR Drive.
It's getting a ring job on the FDR Drive.
Na mais audaz iniciativa da administração Mitchell... o Presidente propôs um programa de emprego... sem paralelo desde os dias do Roosevelt.
In the boldest initiative yet of the new Mitchell administration the president has proposed a full employment program unparalleled since the days of FDR.
- Na F.D. Roosevelt.
down there, McLane! the fdr!
Os camiões vão para norte pela F.D. Roosevelt.
There's a lot of dumptrucks north bound... on the FDR at about 70th.
Há dumpers cheios de ouro na F.D. Roosevelt.
McLane says there are dumptrucks... headed up the FDR loaded with gold.
Roosevelt impediu que Stilwell fosse à Indochina.
FDR stopped Stilwell going into Indochina.
E se fôssemos pela FDR?
How's about we swing over to the FDR?
Vá pela FDR até à saída para a ponte Williamsburg.
Take the FDR Drive down to the Williamsburg Bridge exit.
Vá pela FDR... O meu filho está morto.
Take FDR Drive down to the Williamsburg Bridge...
Wilson, Harding, FDR e Nixon.
Four presidents have stayed here. Wilson, Harding, FDR and Nixon.
Acabei de ouvir a coisa mais incrível, sabiam que o SPR teve 3 vice-presidentes?
I just heard the most amazing thing. Did you know FDR had three vice presidents?
Obrigado, FDR.
Thank you, FDR.
Bom, FDR, este desejo vale por tudo.
All right, FDR. This wish is for all the marbles.
Tem de haver alguma coisa que te faça mudar de ideias, FDR.
Come on. There's gotta be something that'll change your mind.
Olá, FDR.
Hello, FDR.
Imagina, FDR.
Well, guess what, FDR.
Que faço eu com o FDR?
You gotta help me. What am I gonna do about FDR?
Newman preciso do teu desejo para me proteger do FDR.
Look, Newman, I need your wish to protect me from FDR.
O FDR não quer nada que tu desapareças.
No way FDR wants you to drop dead.
- O FDR quer que eu desapareça.
Hey, FDR wants me to drop dead.
- O FDR?
- FDR?
Olha! O meu amigo FDR.
Oh, look, there's my friend FDR.
- Por favor!
- Please! The FDR, in the rain?
Estamos a falar do discurso inaugural do Franklin D. Roosevelt, estamos a falar do Lincoln no Gettysburg, estamos a falar de Billy Crystal nos Óscares, tem de ser assim tão bom.
We are talking FDR's first inaugural address. We are talking Lincoln at Gettysburg. We are talking Billy Crystal at the Oscars.
Na verdade foi o FDR mas eu despachei-o. FDR?
Actually, it was FDR, but I blew him off.
Oh, actualizaram o livro de magia.
FDR? Oh, they've upgraded the magic book.
Sabe que foi assim que o FDR conheceu a Eleanor?
[Grunts] Did you know that this is how F.D.R. met Eleanor?
Striker One. Avenida Roosevelt e Ponte.
Striker 1, FDR Drive and Bridge.
Follow 3. Roosevelt para o sul.
Follow 3, FDR southbound.
Hei-de lê-lo, depois de acabar "FDR, os Anos de Nova Iorque".
I'II pick that up right after I finish F.D.R. : The New York Years.
O FDR está na Casa Branca um gelado de cone custa um níquel e uma cantiga do Benny Goodman está nas tabelas de êxitos.
[Man On Radio] Okay, F.D.R. is in the White House... an ice-cream cone costs a nickel.... and a hot new tune by Benny Goodman is hitting the charts.
O FDR, um bom presidente, usava chapéu.
FDR, good president, wore a hat.
Ford era o presidente, Nixon estava na Casa Branca... E a FDR estava a levar este país em queda.
Ford was president, Nixon was in the White House... and FDR was runnin this country into the ground.
Essa desculpa é mais desajeitada que Roosevelt.
Your excuses are lamer than FDR's legs.
Foi assistente especial de economia do FDR e conselheiro do Estado para a Europa de Leste.
He was a special economic assistant to FDR and special liaison to State for Eastern European Affairs.
O Roosevelt fez aprovar uma mão cheia de leis nos primeiros cem dias, eu quero fazer aprovar muitas mais!
Now, FDR passed a handful of bills in his first hundred days. I'm gonna pass a bucketful.
Eu ultrapassei duas vezes o no de notas FDR.
I passed twice the number of bills FDR got through in his first hundred days
Este cara me bateu na Freeway.
This guy hit me on the FDR.
porque em meti num embrulho com este cara na freeway.
Because I got into a fender bender with this guy on the FDR.
- O que está a fazer? - A riscar o Memorial FDR, o Atrium e a Biblioteca Folger.
- Crossing off the FDR Memorial the Atrium and the Folger Library.
O FDR promete apertar o cinto, mas o que faz?
FDR promises to tighten our belts. What's he do when he gets here?
FDR fez um discurso de orçamento em 1932 em Pittsburgh.
Charlie, FDR gave a budget speech in 1932 in Pittsburgh.
- O FDR fez um discurso...
- I said, FDR gave a budget speech...
Os Dumpers estão proibidos na F.D. Roosevelt.
They don't allow dumptrucks on the FDR!
- Não, vá pelo FDR.
Take the FDR.

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