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Florence translate English

1,667 parallel translation
Tem aquela barbearia na Florence.
You know, he owns that barber shop down there on Florence.
Senhora Florence, volto dentro de 10 minutos.
Miss Florence, I'll be back in 1 0.
Alguns saberão que tive a ideia do livro em Florença, na Piazza della Signoria.
Some of you may know that the original idea for my book came to me when I was in Florence... in the Piazza della Signoria.
Ou melhor, já tinha reparado neles.
I'd seen in them before in Florence.
Fui a Florença a uma conferência sobre herança cultural.
I was in Florence for one of those conferences on cultural heritages.
Primeiro em Florença, e agora em Arezzo.
First in Florence, now in Arezzo.
Lembras-te de me falar da viagem de carro de Roma para Florença?
Do you remember you told me about that time... you were driving back from Rome to Florence?
- Florence. - Florence.
- Florence!
Está bem, Florence.
It's okay, Florence.
- Florence, deves dizer-nos.
Oh, Florence, you have to speak up.
- Adeus, Florence.
Bye, Florence.
Florence, sou a Gina.
Florence, itis Gina.
Florence, é altura de irmos para casa.
Florence, it's time to go home now.
É a Florence?
is this Florence?
Óla, sou a Florence.
Hi, I'm Florence.
Florence, olá, sou o Roger Greenberg.
Florence, hey, it's Roger Greenberg.
- Florence, sou o Roger Greenberg.
Florence, it's Roger Greenberg.
Vou ligar à Florence e pergunto-lhe a ela.
I'll call Florence and get the information.
Sou a Gina, a amiga da Florence.
I'm Gina, Florence's friend.
Devia ter convidado a Florence.
Maybe I should've invited Florence.
- Florence é...
Florence is...
Podes pedir à Florence?
Can you ask Florence?
Olá, é a Florence.
Hi, this is Florence.
não sei, Florence.
I don't know, Florence.
Florence, aceita a situação.
Florence, take some responsibility.
Diabos. Recebi uma mensagem muito estranha de Florence.
Fuck it. I got a very weird message from Florence.
Sabes o que acho, Florence?
You know what, Florence? You know what I think?
São amigos da Florence?
Are you guys Florence's friends?
Eu podia ficar com a Florence porque é fácil, mas não quero.
I mean, I could just stay with Florence because it's easy, but I don't want easy.
Sais com a florence há um mês.
You've been dating Florence for a month.
Florence disse-me que estiveste no hospital.
Florence told me you were in the hospital.
Olá, sou a Florence.
Hi, it's Florence.
Florence, estou a ligar-te para dizer que lamento que tenhas tido que passar por tudo isto.
Florence, I'm calling to say I'm sorry you had to go through what you're going through.
Florence, gosto muito de ti.
Florence, I really like you.
No, Florence ensina-me a fazê-lo.
No, Florence showed me how to do it.
Quarenta milhas a noroeste de Florença.
Forty miles northwest of Florence.
Também sou de Florença.
I too am from Florence.
- Florence.
- Florence.
Esta é a Florence.
This is Florence.
És muito bonita, Florence.
You're beautiful, Florence.
Tu acordaste-me, Florence.
You woke me up, Florence.
Você poderia me dizer se...
Is, is Florence here... And you can just tell me. It's...
O que temos planejado para Florence Ong?
So, what do we have planned for Florence Ong?
Faz diferença para Florence e aquelas mulheres, deverem dinheiro à uma lojinha local.
Listen, it's one thing for Florence and those other women to owe money to some local sweatshop.
A propósito, como te tens saído com esse penteado à Florence Henderson?
Oh, by the way, how's the Florence Henderson look working out for you?
"Florence Nightingale" aquilo.
"Florence Nightingale" that.
Ele dizia, "Onde está a porra do telemóvel, Florence?"
He were going, " Where's the fucking mobile, Florence?
- O que foi?
-... about being in Florence. I was curious about...

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