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Hawkins translate English

984 parallel translation
Hawkings, saia para jantar.
Hawkins, go and get your dinner. Dinner, sir?
Muito interessante o que me disse, Sr. Hawkins.
Most interesting, what you've been telling me, Mr. Hawkins.
Não há possibilidade, Sr. Hawkins?
Not a chance, Mr. Hawkins?
Disse alguma coisa, Sr. Hawkins?
Did you speak, Mr. Hawkins?
Hawkins, eu tenho de sair hoje à noite.
Hawkins, I've got to get away for tonight.
Será tarde demais, Hawkins.
That'll be too late, Hawkins.
Receio que não há nada a fazer, Hawkins.
I'm afraid it's no use, Hawkins.
Você... Você nunca me falha, não é, Hawkins?
You never fail me, do you, Hawkins?
E o Hawkins, viu-o?
Has Hawkins seen him?
É tudo, Hawkins.
That'll be all, Hawkins.
Fala o Coronel Hawkins.
Colonel Hawkins talking.
Coronel Hawkins, recebeu um telegrama sobre o Dr. Hackenbush?
Colonel Hawkins, did you get a wire from me regarding Dr. Hackenbush?
Capitão Frobisher, Capitão Hawkins,
Capt. Frobisher, Capt. Hawkins...
Então, Capitão Hawkins?
Well, Capt. Hawkins?
Uma promessa fácil, com os guardas prontos para o trazerem.
An easy pledge, Capt. Hawkins... with the castle guards already dispatched to bring him here.
Mas o Hawkins, o Frobisher, e o resto dos Gaviões dos Mares... sabem?
But Hawkins, Frobisher, the rest of the Sea Hawks... do they know?
O sherife Hawkins?
Sheriff Hawkins?
Winthrop, com o sherife Hawkins.
Winthrop, get me Sheriff Hawkins.
Sherife Hawkins, passe bem.
Sheriff Hawkins, congratulations.
Sargento Hawkins!
- Sergeant Hawkins? - Sir.
Sgto. Hawkins.
Sergeant Hawkins, section commanders!
- Boa tarde, Sgto.
- Afternoon, Sergeant Hawkins.
Hawkins. - Boa tarde.
- Afternoon, miss.
Stuffy! Sgto. Hawkins!
Sergeant Hawkins.
Sargento, fique de guarda.
Sergeant Hawkins? You're in charge.
Sgto. Hawkins, não saia desta mesa nem atenda ao telefone.
Hawkins, you're in charge.
Charles, este é o Herb Hawkins.
Charles, this is Herb Hawkins.
- Muito gosto, Sr. Hawkins.
Nice to know you, Mr. Hawkins.
O Ed tem que vê-lo imediatamente.
Ed hawkins has gotta see him right away.
É muito urgente, o Ed quer vê-lo imediatamente!
It's an emergency. Ed hawkins's gotta see you right away.
Capitão Hawkins, entregue-lhe o documento.
Captain Hawkins, present your warrant.
O juiz disse que é muito bom em assalto de comboio.
Judge Hawkins said you are pretty good at train robbing'.
Hawkins, estás bem?
Hawkins, are you all right?
Espero que estejas bem, Hawkins.
Hope you're all right, Hawkins.
Hawkins, quantas vezes te disse para não vestires as minhas roupas?
Hawkins, how many times have I told you to stay out of my clothes?
Desculpem, amiguinhos, mas como vêem, há pouca comida e armas limitadas, Nós fazemos qualquer coisa por Hawkins, Sir.
Little friends, I'm sorry, but food and weapons are limited, so you see, we'll do anything for Hawkins, Sir.
Hawkins, os recrutas estão quase a chegar.
Hawkins, the recruits will be here in a moment.
Já te disse diversas vezes, Hawkins, cada um faz o melhor que pode.
I've told you repeatedly, Hawkins, each one serves as best he can.
Vem, Hawkins.
Come, Hawkins.
Hawkins, rápido.
Hawkins, hurry.
Tu sabes o que fazer, Hawkins.
You know what to do, Hawkins.
Foste extraordinário, Hawkins.
You were excellent, Hawkins.
Hawkins... Sim, Capitão?
Hawkins yes, Captain?
Sim, Hawkins.
Yes, Hawkins.
Hawkins, estamos honrados em abrigar na nossa humilde cabana alguém que será íntimo do rei, com acesso aos seus aposentos.
Hawkins, we are indeed honored that our humble hut should shelter one who tomorrow will be an intimate of the King, with access to his chambers.
Hawkins, o futuro de Inglaterra depende disto.
Hawkins, the future of England depends on this.
Lembra-te, a partir deste momento, já não és o Hubert Hawkins, o humorista do parque de diversões.
Now, remember, from this moment on, you're no longer Hubert Hawkins, the carnival entertainer.
Então Hawkins tornou-se o incomparável Giacomo.
♪ Da da la la la, ♪ So Hawkins becomes the incomparable Giacomo.

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