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Hendricks translate English

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- Chamou o Hendricks?
- Did you get Hendricks?
Sou o Tom Hendricks.
I'm Tom Hendricks.
Bem, leve-a para a casa do Hendricks.
Well, take her to the Hendricks place.
- Temos negócio, Sr. Hendricks.
Made a deal, Mr. Hendricks.
O Hendricks devia ter-nos avisado.
Hendricks should've let us know.
- Ordens do Tom Hendricks.
Tom Hendricks'orders.
Está um pouco despido para ir falar com o Hendricks.
You're a little naked to go callin on Hendricks.
Se tivesse chegado aqui antes, mas cheguei tarde assim trabalho para o Hendricks como supervisor do jogo.
It would have if I got here first, but I got here late... so I'm working as Hendricks'pit boss. It's quite a layout. Hello, Trey.
Trabalha para o Hendricks, a pesar o ouro.
It's fine. She runs the gold scales for Hendricks.
- Onde encontro o Hendricks?
I don't. Where do I find Hendricks?
Hendricks e os seus homens estão a dirigir-se para os rápidos, ao longo da margem.
Hendricks and his men are headed for the rapids along the riverbank.
Queres que o Hendricks e os seus se sentem a comer contigo?
You want Hendricks and his men to sit down and eat with you?
Logo que o Hendricks descobrir onde saímos do rio, virá atrás de nós.
As soon as Hendricks finds where we cut away from the river, he'll be tailing'us.
- Parece que estamos a fugir do Hendricks.
Looks like we're runnin from Hendricks.
Hendricks e os seus homens estão a subir a segunda elevação depois do riacho.
Hendricks and his men are climbing the second rise beyond the stream.
Não me importo de lutar contra o Hendricks, mas por que dar-lhe todas as vantagens?
I don't mind fighting Hendricks, but why give him all the odds?
Pensei que o Hendricks nunca nos enviaria a comida.
Thought Hendricks never would get that food through to us.
É, O hendricks prometeu entregá-la no acampamento esta semana.
Yeah, Hendricks promised to have it at the camp this week.
- Hendricks está morto.
Hendricks is dead.
Meu nome é Walker Hendricks.
My name is Walker Hendricks.
Gosta das corridas de cavalos, Sr. Hendricks?
Are you at all interested in horse racing, Mr. Hendricks?
Sr. Hendricks, poderia lhe fazer um tour... de cor, desde o Kensington Gardens até o East India Docks.
Mr. Hendricks, I could take you on a Cook's tour... from Kensington Gardens to the East India Docks with my eyes shut.
Viu esse homem tão notável no Covent Garden, Raymond?
( Hendricks ) You've seen that remarkable man in Covent Garden, Raymond?
Quem se apresentasse como Walker Hendricks no escritório do Kelson... herdaria $ 200.000.
And the man who brought them to Kelson's office, as Walker Hendricks... would be heir to $ 200,000.
Isso o distraiu o Hendricks enquanto eu fugia para tentar sorte.
And that kept Hendricks occupied while I slipped off for a try at the odds.
Sou Walker Hendricks.
I'm Walker Hendricks.
Sou Walker Hendricks. Liguei e pedi uma entrevista.
I'm Walker Hendricks.
O Sr. Hendricks está aqui.
Mr. Hendricks is here.
Sr. Hendricks.
Mr. Hendricks.
A ata de falecimento do Walker Hendricks.
Walker Hendricks'death certificate.
Respondi ao aviso do Hendricks em Nova Iorque.
I answered Hendricks ad in New York.
Porque Hendricks coxeava, claro.
Because Hendricks walked with a limp of course.
Vamos, Sargento, como sabe que matei ao Hendricks?
Come on, Sergeant, how do you know I killed Hendricks?
Walker Hendricks, o autêntico Hendricks... foi abatido em Nova Iorque e jogado ao East River.
Walker Hendricks, the real Walker Hendricks... was shot in New York, and tossed into the East River.
Tenho um novo pedido de Ward Hendricks.
I just had another call from Ward Hendricks.
O que isto tem a ver com Ward Hendricks?
What's this got to do with Ward Hendricks?
Ward Hendricks telefonou de São Francisco.
Ward Hendricks called from San Francisco.
O Sr. Ward Hendricks.
Mr. Ward Hendricks.
Me encontrei com Ward Hendricks em Carmel no dia seguinte.
I ran into Ward Hendricks in Carmel the next day.
Ward Hendricks disse...
Ward Hendricks said...
Não acho que eles me queiram aqui depois da minha briga com os Hendricks.
I don't think they'll want me after my blowup with Hendricks.
- Claro, Sr. Hendricks.
- Of course, Mr. Hendricks.
- O Tom Hendricks.
- Tom Hendricks.
O Hendricks matou o nosso Xerife e o Ketcham o nomeou Xerife.
Hendricks killed our old Sheriff and Ketcham made him the new Sheriff.
Se fizerem como até aqui, o Hendricks vai mandá-los ao rancho do velho Phillips.
If they do things the way they've been doing, Hendricks will send his bullyboys out to Old Man Phillips'ranch.
E quanto tempo levaria o Hendricks para nos apanhar?
And how long do you think before Hendricks will have us too?
- E o que fará o Hendricks?
- What'll Hendricks be doing?
Diga ao Hendricks para sair.
Tell Hendricks to step out.
Hendricks, fique onde está.
Hendricks, you hold it.
( Hendricks ) Hello?

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