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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Hwang

Hwang translate English

82 parallel translation
O Hwang faz o que tu quiseres para jantar.
Hwang will make anything you want for dinner.
Imagine : vice-director da Hwang Shai-Hung... Importação Exportação.
Just think- - assistant manager... of the Huan-Chai-Hung Import-Export Company.
- Mestre Huang.
Master Hwang. Kung Lao.
Mas o mestre Huang chegou à sua idade. Tal como nós lá chegaremos um dia.
And Master Hwang died of all age as we all must do one day.
Não era altura do mestre Huang morrer.
It was not Master Hwang's time to die.
- O que aconteceu ao mestre Huang?
What happened to Master Hwang.
Eles são mais novos que o mestre, mas os resultados serão os mesmos.
They are much younger than Master Hwang, but the end result will be the same.
- Suein Hwang e Milo Geyelin.
- Suein Hwang and Milo Geyelin.
"Uma Questão Pessoal", por Suein Hwang e Milo Geyelin.
There's a picture of Wigand. Article's entitled, "Getting Personal." Byline to Suein Hwang and Milo Geyelin.
Sargento Hwang!
Sergeant Hwang!
"Shower" de Hwang Sun-won.
Shower by Hwang Sun-won.
Hwang Jooyeun?
Hwang Jooyeun?
O escritor Hwang Seokyoung escreveu que as vítimas eram arrastadas por arames enfiados no nariz.
Author Hwang Seokyoung wrote that the victims were dragged around by wires pierced through their noses
Peço desculpas, Sr. Dr. Juiz Hwang.
My apologies, Judge Hwang!
Hwang Jong Chul...
Hwang Jong Chul...
E também sei que mantias contacto com o patrão deles, Hwang JongChul
I also know, you keep in touch with their boss, Hwang Jong Chul.
Enquanto procurava informações sobre Hwang,
While I was searching for information on Hwang,
Nós suspeitamos de uma falsificação de $ 100 dólares em circulação, que estão ligadas ao crime organizado dentro do crime organizado, nós acreditamos que o Hwang é o responsável.
We suspect the counterfeit $ 100 dollar bill's in circulation, are link to organized crime. Within this criminal network, we believe Hwang is responsible.
Onde está Hwang JongChul?
Where's Hwang Jong Chul?
Cumprimenta o Sr. Hwang.
Say hello to Mr. Hwang.
- Hwang, vem mesmo a horas!
Hwang. You're just in time, buddy.
Hwang não ser paciente!
Hwang not patient!
Não aturo mais isto! Hwang!
I placed a couple bad investments!
Fomos assaltados, tenho o Hwang à perna por causa da renda...
We got robbed. Hwang is all over my ass because of rent.
- Viva, Hwang!
- Hey, Hwang.
Portanto, dá-me o dinheiro, ou o Hwang será obrigado a...
So just give me my money, or Hwang will be forced to...
- Oiça, Hwang...
- So, listen, Hwang.
Entende, Hwang, quando digo que tenho os meus meios?
Do you know what I mean, Hwang, when I say I have my ways?
Hwang, às vezes, não o entendo.
Sometimes I can't understand you.
Aqui o Hwang está muito exaltado.
Hwang here is very excited.
Veja, Hwang... quer que avise por rádio sobre a sua grande descoberta
You see... He wants me to radio my commanders... to tell them about his great discovery.
- Onde está a menina Hwang?
- Where's Miss Hwang?
A menina Hwang saiu, dizendo que ela...
Miss Hwang left, saying she'll
É Geum-ee, Hwang Geum-ee.
It's Geum-ee, Hwang Geum-ee.
Hwang Geum-ee...
Hwang Geum-ee...
Hwang Geum-ee... primeiro...
Hwang Geum-ee... first...
O Sr. Hwang pensou nisto tudo, não foi?
Mr. Hwang masterminded all this, didn't he?
Então, telefona agora ao Sr. Hwang.
Then, you call Mr. Hwang right now.
HAN Sung-in HWANG Sujung
HAN Sung-in
Sua Majestade HWANG, Sua Majestade HYUN...
Her Majesty HWANG, Her Majesty HYUN...
Este senhor ao meu lado é o poeta HWANG Myungseung.
This man next to me... is the poet, HWANG Myungseung
Produtor Min e o Prof. Hwang partiram ontem.
Producer Min and Prof. Hwang took off yesterday.
Choon-bok Hwang!
Choon-bok Hwang!
Olá, eu sou, o amador Capitão Hwang In-Hyuk.
Hello, I am amateur Captain HuangRen
Esta é a HWANG Jin-hee.
This is HWANG Jin-hee.
HWANG Jin-hee.
HWANG Jin-hee.
Fiz aí uns maus investimentos.
Hwang! I placed a couple of bad investments.
Sr Jang KEE Joobong
- HWANG Sujung

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