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Ivor translate English

58 parallel translation
- Sir Ivor, dai-lhe vosso lugar.
- Get up, Sir Ivor. Give him your place.
Vá, Sir Ivor.
Come, Sir Ivor.
Sir Ivor, Nigel, Baldwin, Norbert.
Sir Ivor, Nigel, Baldwin, Norbert.
Ivor Morgan, $ 3.35.
Ivor Morgan, three pounds seven.
- Tenho tanto orgulho no Ivor.
- I'm so proud for Ivor.
Estimas muito o nosso Ivor?
You think well of our Ivor?
A Bronwyn e o Ivor iam ser casados pelo novo pregador, o Sr. Gruffydd, que viera da universidade de Cardiff.
Bronwyn and Ivor were to be married by the new preacher, Mr Gruffydd, who had come from the university at Cardiff.
Ivor, traz o Dai Griffiths e o Idris Johne ao escritório do Sr. Evans.
Ivor, find Dai Griffiths and Idris John and bring them to Mr Evans'office.
Agora tem que ser alimentado, Sra. Ivor.
He should be fed now, Mrs Ivor.
Para o Sr. Ivor Morgan.
For Mr Ivor Morgan.
"Sr. Ivor Morgan é-lhe ordenado que venha à presença de Sua Maj..."
"Mr Ivor Morgan is commanded to appear before Her Maj..."
"Sr. Ivor Morgan é-lhe ordenado que venha à presença de Sua Majestade em Windsor, com os membros do seu coro que escolher, a 14 de Maio entre as três e as cinco horas."
"Mr Ivor Morgan is commanded to appear before Her Majesty at Windsor Castle, with chosen members of his choir, on 14 May between the hours of three and five."
O Ivor... ficou debaixo de um vagão, na galeria inferior.
Ivor... fell under a tram, lower level.
O Ivor estava com ele.
Ivor was with him.
Quarta-feira, ela vai tratar de uma cárie com o seu tio Ivor.
Wednesday she's going to have a cavity filled by your Uncle Ivor.
Aí está, Ivor.
Here you are, Ivor.
Sei que é terapêutico, mas devem dar um tempo.
I know it's so good, Ivor, but you really must stop it.
- Ivor ficou insistindo para eu comprar uma.
Ivor's been after me to buy some. Really, Helen, is nothing sacred?
Atenciosamente, Ivor Rabogrande, dois anos.
It should have come at the beginning of the program. Yours, Ivor Bigbottie, age two. "
Ivor está com ele.
Ivor was with him.
Ivor Thomas.
Ivor Thomas.
Lembro-me de falar com um amigo meu, Ivor Robinson, e estávamos a ter uma discussão muito animada, tivemos que atravessar uma estrada e à medida que a atravessávamos, claro que a conversa parou, e chegámos ao outro lado e eu tive uma ideia ao atravessar a estrada
I remember talking to this friend, Ivor Robinson... and we were having this animated conversation... and then we had to cross a road... and as we crossed the road, of course, the conversation stopped... and then we got to the other side.
Nossa colônia em Ivor Prime foi destruída hoje.
Our colony on Ivor Prime was destroyed this morning.
Não ponham o Sherman numa torre de marfim só porque tem um curso superior.
Sherman up in a ivor tower... just'cause he went to college.
Sou Ivor, o primo de William McCordle.
Lady Trentham. It's, uh... I'm William McCordle's cousin, Ivor.
Ivor Novello.
Ivor Novello.
- Era mesmo o Ivor Novello?
- Was that really Ivor Novello? - Yes.
Morris Weissman.
He's a friend of Ivor.
Ivor perguntou-me se podia trazê-lo.
Ivor asked if he could bring him along.
- Sou o Ivor. - Sei quem é...
- Hello, I'm Ivor.
Como vim a Inglaterra resolvi fazer pesquisa sobre a vida no campo o Ivor teve a amabilidade de mo proporcionar.
But since I was in England, I thought I would do a little research on country living... and Ivor was kind enough to arrange it for me.
- Querida, vamos começar!
- Ivor, darling. - Thank you.
Foi lindo!
Ivor, darling, it was lovely.
Ivor Novello... Acho que não precisa de apresentação.
- Ivor Novello, who I'm sure needs no introduction.
Querido Ivor, será possível tocar algo mais animado?
- Ivor dear. - No more lies, Freddie. Would it be possible to play something more cheerful?
- O Ivor adorava Penguin!
- Ivor used to love Penguins.
O Ivor tomava o chá numa caneca, tirando quando o tomava numa chávena com pires.
Ivor used to have his tea in a mug, except when he had it in a cup and saucer.
Eu e o Ivor costumávamos ir às lojas, quando tínhamos de comprar coisas...
Me and Ivor used to go down the shops when we needed to buy things. Yeah, you would have done, yeah.
O Ivor. - O Ivor costumava ver televisão...
- Ivor used to watch telly.
O Ivor era assim.
You know, that was Ivor.
Tínhamos concordado não falar sobre o Ivor.
I thought we'd agreed not to talk about Ivor.
É o nome do Ivor!
That's the name of Ivor.
Quando o queria chamar, chamava "Ivor"!
If ever I wanted to call him, I'd say, "Ivor!"
É a palavra que o Ivor costumava usar, quando queria responder afirmativamente... Quando queria responder de forma mais casual, como alternativa ao mais formal "Sim".
That's the word Ivor used to use when he wanted to answer in the affirmative, when he wanted to respond in a casual manner as an alternative to the more formal "yes".
Era o que o Ivor queria quando achava que não...
That's what Ivor used to crave when he didn't think...
Working on a desk when Ivor peered above a spectacle
# Working on a desk when Ivor # # peered above a spectacle #
Quando estávamos de saída, vimos Ivor Schneider.
And as we were leaving, we ran into Ivor Schneider.
- Olá, Ivor.
- Hello, Ivor.
É amigo do Ivor.
- Oh.
Oh, céus...
- Oh, dear. Ivor?

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