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Landry translate English

453 parallel translation
" e ä refinaria de petróleo J.J. Landry em Arp, Texas...
"... and the J.J. Landry Oil Refinery in Arp, Texas.
- Como eu disse a Landry : tudo o que este negócio precisa são umas dez corujas como esta por dia.
- It's like I told Landry down at the office, gimme about ten mooches a day in this business.
Staubach não gostou, e vai discuti-lo com Tom Landry.
Staubach didn't like it, so he'll go talk it over with Tom Landry.
- Landry!
- Landry!
- Landry, vens atrasado!
- Landry, you're late!
Sou o Tenente Landry do Exército dos Estados Unidos.
I'm Lieutenant Landry from the United States Army.
Deixa-te de tretas, Landry.
Cut the bullshit, Landry.
Landry, hoje de manhã, o Iraque invadiu o Kuwait.
Landry, this morning Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Rapazes, têm o Landry, nove nove.
Guys, you got Landry, Niner Niner.
Capitão, é o XM-10, é o Landry.
Captain, it's the XM-10, it's Landry.
- Landry... graças a Deus, chegaste!
- Landry... Thank God you're here!
Tenente Landry, terminado.
Lieutenant Landry out.
Vais ver o que acontece a quem se mete com o Tenente Landry.
You're gonna see what happens when you mess around with Lt Landry.
- Capitão, fala Landry.
- Captain, this is Landry.
Como não tenho pensamentos pecaminosos, quer dizer que não consigo entender a mente dos criminosos?
Mrs Landry, where's the mother living?
Escreverei toda a sua história. - A sério? - Prometo.
Mrs Landry, do you think Vaughn killed that woman?
Enrolou o cinto à volta do pescoço dela e estrangulou-a.
Did Vaughn go and live with the Landry's right after your husband died?
Nem a Rose Landry, nem os Serviços Sociais, nem a polícia.
I could've told her to go find herself. I didn't need somebody to tell her that.
O Vaughn foi viver com os Landry depois do seu marido morrer?
Come in for marriage counselling. Either you save the marriage or give the money back. $ 7,000!
Ei, é o respeitável cidadão, Tom Landry.
It's respected private citizen, Tom Landry!
O chapéu do Tom Landry.
Tom Landry's hat.
Cumprimentos, Tom Landry. "
Best wishes, Tom Landry. "
Ei, se o chapéu do Tom Landry não vos motiva, desisto já.
Hey, if Tom Landry's hat doesn't motivate you, I should quit right now.
Eu disse-te, Landry, tornámo-nos veterinários famosos.
I told you, Landry, we have become glorified veterinarians.
O Landry concluirá o trabalho.
landry here will finish up the pod work.
Como protegeu o Landry?
Like you protected Landry?
Deixe-me só dizer-lhe que o Landry é tão autocrático que não se sabe deixar ajudar.
If I could say one thing : Basically, a guy like Landry is so autocratic, he doesn't even know how to let himself be helped.
- Landry.
- Landry.
Os Srs. Landry e Frank representam Steve e Tyler, respectivamente.
My colleagues, Messrs. Landry and Frank are representing Steve and Tyler Anderson respectively.
A seguir, O Estado contra o Landry.
Next up, People v. Landry.
É o Dale Landry.
It's Dale Landry.
- A ligar ao Dale Landry.
- I'm calling Dale Landry.
Chris, Patty Landry do Entertainment Tomorrow.
Hey, Chris, Patty Landry, Enertainment tomorrow.
O General Landry está prestes a chegar.
General Landry will be with you shortly.
Grandes sacanas.
LANDRY : Cocky sons of bitches.
Sou o General Landry.
I'm General Landry.
- Major-general Hank Landry.
Major General Hank Landry.
O General Landry informou-me das circunstâncias - envolvendo o nosso Jaffa misterioso.
So, General Landry briefed me on the circumstances surrounding our mystery Jaffa.
Não vamos hesitar, General Landry.
You must not hesitate General Landry.
Á vontade, Coronel.
LANDRY : At ease, Colonel.
General Landry.
General Landry.
O General Landry vai receber-nos.
General Landry is ready for us.
Tive uma reunião com o Landry.
Listen, I just had a briefing with Landry.
O General Landry disse alguma coisa, senhor?
Did General Landry say something about it, sir?
- Temos de falar com o Landry.
We need to report this to Landry.
Fala o General Landry. Parem!
This is General Landry.
Avise o General que o prisioneiro está seguro.
Tell General Landry, the prisoner is secure.
Devia tomar banho antes da reunião com o Landry.
Well, you might want to think about taking a shower before you debrief Landry.
- O blusão preto de cabedal. - Está no roupeiro da Molly. - Onde está o cinto do blusão?
Not Rose Landry, not social services, not your damn police - can't nobody say that.
Sra. Landry, onde vive a mãe?
Oh, Daddy.

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