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Lefty translate English

396 parallel translation
Não, o Lefty que contacte todos os carros por rádio.
No, have Lefty radio all the cars.
Lefty, gosta de ser um subordinado?
Lefty, how do you like being a stooge?
Larga essa arma, Lefty.
Take your hand off that heater, Lefty.
Tira-o daqui, Lefty.
Get him out of here, Lefty.
O Lefty e alguns dos rapazes irão contigo.
Lefty and a couple of the boys will go with you.
Lefty foi a por sua metralhadora.
Lefty Jackson goes out and gets his gun.
Lefty acariciou ligeiramente o gatilho e a arma fez... assim.
Pretty soon, Lefty just touched the trigger a little and the gun went... like that.
Não nos vemos desde que extraí umas balas do Lefty.
Last time I saw you, I was taking slugs out of Lefty Jackson's chest.
Sim, a festa de anos do filho do Lefty Rogan.
Yeah, it's a birthday party for Lefty Rogan's kid.
Conhece a mulher do Lefty?
You know Lefty's missus?
Onde está o Lefty?
Where's Lefty?
- Cale-se, Lefty.
- Quiet, Lefty.
Se não se importa, Lefty.
If you please, Lefty.
Falta aqui qualquer coisa, Lefty.
There is something wrong, Lefty. Wrong?
Não me parece que esses sejam os diamantes Romanoff.
Those hardly look like the Royal Romanoff diamonds, Lefty!
Lefty, estão no teatro Windsor.
Lefty! They're at the Windsor Theater.
- Lefty, Whitey e Kid Jones.
- Lefty Smith, Whitey Franks and Kid Jones.
Depois o Lefty.
Then Lefty.
Não. Tu és canhoto, não és?
No, you're a lefty, ain't you?
E Lefty, tu também te vais divertir.
And Lefty will have fun as well.
100 dólares no Lefty o velho.
100 dollars on old Lefty.
Boa sorte, Lefty.
Good luck, Lefty.
- Não importa, Lefty.
- Never mind, Lefty.
Hei Lefty!
Hey Lefty!
Desculpa, Lefty.
I'm sorry, Lefty.
Toma cuidado, Lefty!
Watch out, Lefty!
- Pois, o Harvey é da esquerda.
Harvey's a lefty. uh-huh.
Ela era esquerdino.
- Yeah. He was a lefty.
Ele era... esquerdino.
He was... uh..... um... a lefty. He threw with his left hand. Understand?
Era por isso que lhe chamávamos esquerdino.
That's why we called him a lefty.
Olá, Lefty.
Hey, there, Lefty.
Chamas-te mesmo Canhoto?
Is that your real name, Lefty?
Encontrei lá muito boa gente... que cumpria cinco a dez anos por assalto à mão armada.
I ain't complaining. I met a lot of nice people there like... Doc Lynch, Lefty LeBow, and Big Eagle... who was doing five to ten for armed robbery.
Que fizeram o Doc e o Canhoto?
What did Doc and Lefty do?
E o Canhoto estava num Banco com uma mulher gastadora.
Lefty was a former bank teller whose wife had expensive habits.
O Canhoto tem razão, a meu ver.
Honey, Lefty's right. She's bad luck.
O Águia Grande é escritor, o Leonard um desertor o Canhoto caixa de um banco, o Doc um médico e o Billy um vendedor de sapatos de New Jersey!
My God! Big Eagle is a writer, Leonard, a Vietnam War deserter... Lefty, a bank teller, Doc, a doc... and Billy, a shoe salesman from New Jersey.
- Bom dia, Canhoto.
Good morning, Lefty.
Sr. Duas Pistolas Canhoto LeBow!
Mr. Two Gun Lefty LeBow!
Lefty's Bar and Grill.
Lefty's Bar and Grill.
Estará preparado para o canhoto em Tóquio na semana que vem.
His sampu is going to get him ready for that lefty in Tokyo next week.
- Não vejo o Lefty.
- Hey, I don't see Lefty.
Chamo-me Canhoto.
[mimicking James Mason] How do you do? My name is Lefty.
O Canhoto diz para manter a cabeça erguida com orgulho.
Lefty says keep a stiff upper lip.
- Como os bolsos, não é, Canhoto?
Same as a pocket, eh, Lefty?
Canhoto, está quieto!
Lefty, give me the envelope. Give me the envelope.
Encontrei o Louie e o Canhoto encontrou o envelope.
colonel, I found Louis. And Lefty finds the envelope.
O Canhoto está completamente de acordo.
Lefty seconds that.
Não senhor.
No, sir. I'm a lefty.

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