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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Lonnie

Lonnie translate English

565 parallel translation
- Lonnie, tiveste um bom dia...
- Lonnie, did you have a nice day -
Lonnie, que caixa mais bonita...
Why, Lonnie, what a lovely box -
- É muita, Lonnie.
- Oh, it's too much, Lonnie.
- Hoje não, Lonnie.
- Not tonight, Lonnie.
Lonnie, não é tão horrível.
Now, Lonnie, it's not as bad as that.
- Lonnie, o que se passa?
Lonnie, what is it?
Mas Lonnie, acreditava que era uma grande oportunidade, não?
But Lonnie, you did think it was a fine opportunity, didn't you?
Now, Lonnie.
- Lonnie.
- Oh, Lonnie.
- Lonnie, três Mai Tais.
Lonnie, 3 mai-tais.
Lonnie, traga quatro aquece-barrigas!
Lonnie, 4 of those little tummy-warmers over here. Yes, sir.
Lonnie, fecha a porta, olha as moscas.
Lonnie, close that screen door.
Vá lá, Lonnie.
Come on, Lonnie.
- Como te sentes hoje, Lonnie?
- How are you today, Lonnie?
Lonnie, então?
Lonnie. Hey.
Paz, Lonnie, que tal, meu!
Hey, peace, Lonnie. How you be, man? All right.
Não sabes o que fazer com o Lonnie.
You don't know what you have to do with Lonnie. Girl, you're crazy!
Lonnie, o que achas?
Lonnie, what'd you think about it?
Como passou, Mr.
Good morning, Mr. B., how are you? Lonnie! Irwin!
Ei, Irwin.
Hey, Lonnie.
- Ei, Lonnie!
How you doing?
Lonnie, que tal?
Lonnie, how are you?
Ei, Lonnie.
Hello, Lonnie.
- Acha que estou a mentir e que já não trabalho aqui?
What's the matter, you think I'm lying to you? Oh, no, Lonnie...
- Lonnie, por favor.
You think I ain't working here no more? You think... Now, Lonnie, please.
- Não é bom que chegue para ti?
What's the matter, Lonnie, he ain't good enough for you?
Lonniezinho, que tal?
Hey, little Lonnie, how you doing?
Lonnie, agora não, por favor.
Lonnie, now is not the time, huh? Please?
- Os do "Bluebird" arruínam-me!
Look, Lonnie, that, that Bluebird Car Wash, they're driving me outta business.
Temos tanto espaço, se o organizasse bem poderia ter o dobro dos lucros...
Mr. B., I keep trying to tell you, you got a big lot here. If you organize this thing right, you can be making twice as much. Lonnie, uh, look, I know you got ideas.
Oh, Lonnie. ( SIGHS )
Não sabia onde estavas.
Lonnie, I didn't know where you were.
Amanhã, com calma, falamos de tudo o que te preocupa.
Lonnie, tomorrow we sit down, we talk about all the things on your mind.
- Lonnie, queres boleia?
Hey, Lonnie, you want a ride?
- Obrigada, Lonnie.
Oh, Lonnie, thank you.
- Não vim para falar.
I didn't come here to talk, Lonnie.
Não te quero matar.
I don't wanna kill you, Lonnie.
O Duane, quero dizer, o Abdullah, é o Bill Duke e o Lonnie o Ivan Dixon.
( MAKES BUZZING SOUND ) Duane, uh, I, I mean, Abdullah, is Bill Duke. Lonnie, Ivan Dixon.
Eram quatro irmãos, e o menor era um garoto chamado Loney.
There was four brothers. The youngest was a kid named Lonnie.
Sumiram depressa, exceto Loney, era um bom jogador.
They was all pretty quick, except for Lonnie - he was a fiddle player, and...
O Lonnie Elam disse para nunca ir ali.
Lonnie Elam said never to go up there.
Ele disse que é uma casa assombrada.
Lonnie Elam said that's a haunted house.
O Lonnie Elam não deve passar do sexto ano.
- Lonnie Elam probably won't get out of the 6th grade.
- Força, Lonnie.
Go ahead, Lonnie.
Lonnie, tira o cú daí.
Hey, Lonnie... Get your ass away from there...
Lonnie Lane, cientista deputado do projeto.
SAGAN : Lonnie Lane, deputy project scientist.
Lawney, quando damos um pontapé no cú desse imbecil de El Paso?
- Hey, Lonnie. - Huh. When are we going to kick his boy's ass all the way back to El Paso?
Vamos, Lawney, vamos ver o que há aqui dentro.
Come on, Lonnie. Let's go see what's inside.
Um caçador caçado!
We poached the poachers! Hey, Lonnie!
Falamos amanhã sobre tudo aquilo.
Uh, Lonnie, uh, we'll talk about all that stuff tomorrow.

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