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Lowndes translate English

5 parallel translation
aquele ê william Lyons Yancee.
Course that's William Lowndes Yancey there.
Passado, Grande Mestre da Ordem Real de Lowndes, Victor, Salvador de Gales.
Past grand master of the Royal Order of Lowndes Victor, Saviour of Wales.
Peguemos no exemplo de Lowndes County, onde não há nenhum negro registado, e temos de ter alguém registado para passar esse comprovativo.
So, let's say, you take some place like Lowndes County, where there are no Negroes who are registered and you've got to have someone who is registered to vouch for you.
São informações oriundas de Lowndes County, Alabama.
This is coming from Lowndes County, Alabama.
Achamos que o podemos proteger até Lowndes County, mas quando chegar a Montgomery, no último dia, e começar a passar por aqueles edifícios altos, a sua protecção tornar-se-á difícil.
We believe we can cover you through Lowndes County, but once we add the final day's march through Montgomery, and you're passing through all those tall buildings and whatnot, coverage becomes challenging.

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