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Lowry translate English

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Entrevistamos a Srta Dorothy Lowry uma professora que se recorda de Virgil.
We interviewed Mrs. Dorthy Lowry, a school teacher who remembers Virgil.
A Helena e o Lowry ficam aqui, ao pé da Águia.
Helena, you and Ariel stay here by the Eagle.
- Mataram o Lowry.
They killed Lowry!
- O Lowry está morto.
- Lowry's dead.
- Chama-se Wayne Lowry.
- His name's Wayne Lowry.
Wayne Lowry.
Wayne Lowry.
Mas é um homem com outras habilidades, como ser um investigador particular que deve ficar lindo de smoking.
I'm Jeannie Lowry, but everybody calls me J.L. Except some people call me Texas Lightning because of the speed with which I deal.
Sou Jeannie Lowry, ou JL.
Thomas, J.L. Is a potential client.
Senhores, o jogo é de cinco cartas. Valetes ou maior para começar. Meu falecido marido, Billy Lowry, sempre dizia :
My late husband, Billy Lowry, always said, two of the most exciting things in life were bringing in a gusher and drawing to an inside straight.
E a carteadora vai querer uma carta.
You know, Mrs. Lowry, you're about the fastest dealer I've ever seen.
Já que a Sra. Lowry parece estar aproveitando essa enorme sorte, gostaria de propor que mudemos tudo isto.
Well, uh, since Mrs. Lowry seems to be enjoying such remarkable good fortune, I'd like to propose that we try to change all that. Let's double the ante with every hand.
US $ 300.000 é o êxtase. Sim.
Uh, Mrs. Lowry, if you and your friend will accompany me to my cabin,
- Peça ao contador que mande um cheque. - Talvez seja mais apropriado pagar agora.
I always settle my debts on the spot, Mrs. Lowry.
O Sr. Thompson, dono do barco onde ocorreu o jogo, informou que Magnum e a Sra. Lowry, contrariando seu conselho, insistiram em voltar à costa sozinhos numa pequena lancha.
Mr. Thompson, on whose yacht the game took place, has reported that Magnum and Mrs. Lowry, against his advice, insisted on returning to shore alone in a small motor launch. It seems they were quite intoxicated.
Conheci Billy Lowry em Houston quando fui visitar velhos amigos.
I lived there until I went back to Moscow to college. I met Billy Lowry at a diplomatic reception in Houston when I was visiting old friends.
Tenho algo para o senhor. A Sra. Lowry pediu que eu lhe desse isto.
Mr. Magnum, I'm so glad I caught you.
Sr. Lowry, chegue aqui por favor.
Mr. Lowry, would you step in here, please.
Alguém viu o Lowry?
Has anybody seen Lowry?
Alguém viu o Sam Lowry?
Has anybody seen Sam Lowry?
Sr.ª Lowry, não se aborreça.
Now please, Mrs. Lowry. Don't get upset.
Sr. Lowry, espere na recepção, por favor.
Mr. Lowry, please wait in the reception. You're giving her wrinkles.
Tente relaxar, Sr.ª Lowry.
Just try and relax, Mrs. Lowry.
Madame Lowry!
Madam Lowry!
Madame Lowry?
Madam Lowry?
Estou. Sr. Lowry?
Hello, Mr. Lowry.
Obrigado, Lowry.
Thanks, Lowry.
Sr. Lowry, chegue aqui, por favor.
Mr. Lowry, step in here, please.
O meu nome é Lowry.
My name is Lowry.
Sam Lowry.
Sam Lowry.
A Sr.ª Ida Lowry solicita o prazer da sua companhia no seu apartamento, esta noite, a partir das 8 : 30,
Mrs. Ida Lowry requests the pleasure of your company at her apartment tonight from 8 : 30
Allison, Sam Lowry, um velho amigo.
Alison, Sam Lowry, an old friend.
O meu nome é Lowry.
My name's Lowry.
O meu nome é Sam Lowry, Sr. Warrenn.
My name's Lowry, Mr. Warrenn.
Não deixe que o Progresso veja isto. Aqui entre nós, Lowry, este departamento... Diga aos Registos que parem.
Between you and me, Lowry, this department is about to be upgraded.
Lowry, que sorte encontrá-Io.
Lowry, glad I caught you.
Oiça, o meu nome é Lowry. Sam Lowry.
Look, my name's Lowry, Sam Lowry.
olá. O meu nome é Lowry, Sam Lowry.
Hello, my name's Lowry.
Isto é uma mancha negra para o departamento.
This is a black eye for the department, Lowry.
Maldito seja, Lowry! O transporte de pessoal ainda não apareceu!
That convoy of personnel carriers is still not accounted for!
Não sei o que se passa aqui mas não pense que pode intimidar-nos com os seus amigos bem colocados.
I don't know what's going on here, Lowry. But don't think you can intimidate us with your friends in high places!
Sr. Lowry, ainda bem que pôde vir.
Mr. Lowry, so pleased you could make it.
Madame Lowry.
Madam Lowry!
Estou bem, Lowry.
I'm fine, Lowry.
" Lowry?
Isto foi uma ideia tua, Lowry?
Is this your idea, Lowry?
You lied to me Lowry.
Chamo-me Daniel Lowry.
My name is Daniel lowry.
- E o Lowry?
- Lowry?
- Quando? - Hoje de manhã.
Mrs. Lowry asked me to give it to you.
Seja como for, trate disso, Lowry.
Send that up to Security. Anyway, tidy it up, there's a good chap.

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