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Lviv translate English

7 parallel translation
Eu sou de Lviv.
I come from Lvov.
Esta era a sede do pai de Horst, conhecida hoje como Lviv. Os alemães chamam-lhe Lemberg, os polacos chamam-lhe Lwow.
This is where Horst's father was based in what's now called Lviv, the Germans call it Lemberg, the Poles know it as Lwów.
ARQUIVO DE LVIV Eu não sabia da vasta família que o meu avô deixou para trás. Na verdade, existiam mais de 80 indivíduos e eu não sabia que desses 80 que estavam vivos em 1939, ele era o único ainda vivo em 1945.
What I hadn't appreciated was how large a family my grandfather had left behind, in fact there was a vast family more than 80 individuals and I didn't know that of those 80 who were alive in 1939 he was the only one still alive in 1945.
O gueto foi criado no Outono. E eles viveram no gueto em 1942. Foram agrupados, levaram-nos para um bosque onde haviam poços de areia usados para reparar a estrada entre Zolkiew e Lviv e puseram uma tábua no fim do poço e cada uma das 3500 pessoas caminhou pela tábua.
The ghetto was created, hmm, in the autumn and they lived in the ghetto in'42 and they were then rounded up, taken to a wood, where there were sand pits that were used to repair the road from Zolkiew to Lemberg
Enfurecer as pessoas a um ponto que até um banqueiro e um dos advogados mais influentes de Lviv vieram à Rua Hrushevskogo atirar pedras à polícia.
Infuriating people to such despair that a banker and one of the most influential attorneys from Lviv came to Hrushevskogo Street to throw stones at the police.
Vi profissionais de saúde de toda a Ucrânia, de Kiev, Lviv, Vinnytsya...
I saw medical workers from all over Ukraine, from Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsya...
A minha avó era de Lviv, mas ela morreu quando eu era criança.
My grandmother was from Lviv, but she died when I was very young.

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