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Madsen translate English

211 parallel translation
Ranson, dê a notícia imediatamente.
Madsen, give orders to sail at once.
Boa noite, Madsen.
Evening, Madsen.
O Madsen há-de saber como.
Talk to Madsen, he must know how.
Dê ao Sr. Madsen um cocktail GI, e fale com a Urologia.
Mr. Madsen gets a Gl cocktail, and check with urology.
Michael Madsen é o narrador.
- Michael Madsen narrates.
- Algum problema, Sr. Madsen?
Is there a problem, Mr. madson?
Tom Madsen.
That's your real name. Tom Madsen.
O nome Smith nunca me assentou bem.
Tom Madsen. You know, the name Smith never felt right.
Mão, mas Madsen é norueguês.
No, but Madsen - that's Norwegian.
Tive de vendê-la ao Michael Madsen após duas temporadas falhadas a fazer pilotos.
Yeah, I had to hock it to Michael Madsen after a couple of bleak pilot seasons.
Sou a esposa do Sr. Victor Madsen... e se perguntar à sua paciente onde estão as cinzas do meu marido, eu deixo-a em paz com as mamas novas.
I am Mrs. Victor Madsen, and if you will kindly ask your patient to tell me where my husband's ashes are, I will leave her to her new boob job.
Não era a esposa do Victor Madsen, era a amante dele.
She wasn't Victor Madsen's wife, she was his mistress.
A sua assinatura, autenticando que os restos do Sr. Madsen... é tudo o que resta.
Your signature authenticating that Mr. Madsen's remains is all that remains.
Do corpo dele, Sra. Madsen.
His body, Mrs. Madsen.
Sra. Madsen?
Mrs. Madsen?
- Bom, Sr. Madsen.
- Well, Mr Madsen...
- Dr. Madsen.
- Dr Madsen...
O Sr. Madsen?
Mr. Madsen?
Um filme de
A film by Ole Christian Madsen
Agente Madsen e eu estamos indo. Rastrearemos vocês via satélite.
Agent Masden and I are on our way.
Conhecem uma jovem chamada Naomi Madsen?
You know a young lady by the name of Naomi Madsen?
A Naomi Madsen está no hospital.
Naomi Madsen's in the hospital.
Sou o Professor Madsen e estou aqui para vos dizer que, comparado com isto, entrar em Medicina foi canja.
My name is Professor Madsen, and I'm here to tell you that whatever you told yourself, getting in was not the hard part.
O Henry Madsen acordou.
Henry Madsen woke up.
O Henry Madsen está a falar.
Henry Madsen is talking.
O Henry Madsen faleceu.
Henry Madsen passed away.
O Madsen tinha um guarda permanente.
Madsen had a permanent guard.
E se alguém se fez passar por médico? Alguém que queria ter acesso ao Henry Madsen?
If somebody is impersonating, posing as a doctor, someone who wants access to Henry Madsen.
Já sabemos o veredicto.
We have the madsen verdict.
E se, o Henry Madsen acordar e contar o que se passou naquela noite?
And if Henry madsen wakes up and gives his account of what happened that night...
- O Henry Madsen.
Henry madsen.
Tantos meses à procura do Henry Madsen.
All those months looking for Henry madsen.
Foi isto que fez ao Henry Madsen?
Is this what you did to Henry madsen?
Porque deixou o Henry Madsen cair?
Why did you let Henry Madsen fall?
É porque ele tentou matar o Henry Madsen?
Is it because he tried to kill Henry Madsen?
Sabe o que o Henry Madsen fez?
Do you know what Henry Madsen did?
Foi isso suficiente para parar o Henry Madsen?
Is that what it took to stop Henry Madsen?
Fiz o que fiz ao Henry Madsen porque queria ajudá-lo.
I did what I did to Henry Madsen because I wanted to help you.
Sobre algo que fizeste ao Henry Madsen, talvez?
About something you did to Henry Madsen, maybe?
O Henry Madsen caiu.
Henry Madsen fell.
Dr. Madsen, por que acha que foi ela?
Dr. Madsen, why do you think she did it?
Então o Madsen saiu do chuveiro ainda húmido.
So Madsen got out of the shower, and he was still wet.
Foi-nos deixada uma frase deste artigo na casa do professor Madsen.
Well, a quote from this article was left for us at Professor Madsen's home.
Janice Potter, Neal Brusatti e Stephen Madsen.
Janice Potter, Neal Brusatti, Stephen Madsen.
Acredito que matou o Brusatti e que tentou matar o Madsen porque eles negaram-lhe o estatuto de efectivo.
I believe that you murdered Brusatti, and tried to kill Madsen because they denied you tenure.
Mr. madson.
Sr. Madsen?
- [Sighs ] - [ Doorbell Rings] Mr. Madsen?
Só estou dizendo que seria ao menos Moochie Norris, sabe, ou ao menos Mark Madsen, no mínimo, sabe?
you know, or at least a Mark Madsen, at the very least, you know?
O Henry Madsen?
Henry madsen?
Pergunte ao Henry Madsen.
- Ask Henry Madsen.
Neal Brusatti e Stephen Madsen.
Neal Brusatti, Stephen Madsen. Well, those are two of our victims.

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