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Midge translate English

315 parallel translation
Midge, achas que muitos homens usam cinta?
Midge, do you suppose many men wear corsets? Mmm.
Pareces não achar bem, Midge
You sound so disapproving, Midge.
Oh, não, Midge, não sejas tão maternal.
Oh, no, Midge, don't be so motherly.
Midge, a música, não a achas um pouco...
Midge, the music. Don't you think it's sort of...
Como andas de amores, Midge?
How's your love life, Midge?
Lembras-te dum tipo na faculdade chamado Gavin Elster?
Oh, Midge, do you remember a fellow in college by the name of Gavin Elster?
Midge, que querias dizer com o "Não tem remédio"?
Midge, what'd you mean, "There's no losing it"?
Midge, conheces alguém que seja uma autoridade na História de San Francisco?
Midge, who do you know that's an authority on San Francisco history?
- Midge, sai, por favor.
Midge, out, please.
- Midge, tu...
Midge, you...
Não tem graça, Midge.
It's not funny, Midge.
Não te despeças do Goose enquanto não o vires dentro do caixão numa cova.
Hey, Midge don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole.
- Bom dia. Midge, um café.
Midge, coffee, please.
Vocês têm muita sorte.
You people are very lucky. Midge!
Midge! E o café?
How about that coffee?
Midge, trazes o pacote ao xerife?
Midge, would you bring the sheriff his package?
Obrigado, Midge.
Thank you, Midge.
Midge, descobre por que o Harris tem uma cadeira no traseiro.
Midge, find out why Harris has got a chair on his ass.
Oh Midge!
Oh Midge!
Midge Jones.
Midge Jones.
Viva, Midge.
Hey, hey there, Midge.
A Midge telefona-lhe e há-de convencê-la.
Midge'll call you and talk you into it. Okay.
E o Ox, a Midge, a Mary, e o Saul...
And Ox and Midge and Mary and Saul.
Aconteceu a mesma coisa ao Moose quando a Reggie se meteu com o Midge.
It's what happens to moose when Reggie flirts with midge.
- Exactamente como a vossa câmara'Midge'.
- It's exactly the same as your Midge camera.
Vai ser o melhor dia de Acção de Graças de sempre, Midge.
Say, this is gonna be the best Thanksgiving ever, Midge.
Diz-me lá, Midge, por acaso esse fura-vidas não é o Pete Cavanaugh?
Say, Midge, is that thatyoung go-getter, Pete Cavanaugh?
Midge, ajuda-me aqui.
Midge, help me out here.
Eles têm a Midge lá em cima?
Have they got Midge up there?
- Meu Deus, estão a atirar à Midge!
Jesus, they're shooting Midge!
- Não vou deixar a Midge.
I'm not leaving Midge.
Deixa a Midge.
Fuck Midge.
- Midge!
Quando era adolescente costumava "brincar" com as bonecas da minha irmã a Barbie e a Midge.
When I was a teenager I used to kind of fiddle with my sister's dolls Barbie and Midge.
- Ya, foi ideia da Midge.
- Yeah, it was Midge's idea.
Midge, ele ficou chateado comigo!
Midge, he yelled at me!
Meu Deus, Midge.
Oh, jeez, Midge.
Midge, ouve...
Midge. Listen.
Midge, a mesa está a abanar um pouco.
Midge, this table is a little wobbly.
- Sai do caminho, Marge.
- Out of the way, Midge.
Lembre-se se sentir necessidade de fúria, ligue-me, sim?
And remember, Midge, you feel the need to rage, you call me, right?
Mas já pensaste que tu e a Midge parecerem uns idiotas, pode estar a afectá-la?
But did you ever think the wayyou and Midge act like idiots, that might be screwing her up? .
Então, eu disse ao Bob e à Midge que o cigarro era meu.
So, I told Bob and Midge that it was my cigarette.
A Midge não estava a usar sutiã esta noite.
Midge wasn't wearing a bra tonight.
Mas, Midge... porque tens de ter as tuas reuniões das Mulheres Guerreiras todas as semanas?
But, Midge... why do you have to have your Woman Warrior meetings here every week?
Deves ser o marido da Midge.
- You must be Midge's husband.
- A cara da prima Midge não parece inchada?
- Doesn't Cousin Midge's face look swollen?

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