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Minecraft translate English

23 parallel translation
Não tem família, deu um nome falso pela casa e joga muito ao "Minecraft", onde gere um grupo do piorio.
He's got no family records. His apartment's under an alias. And he plays a lot of Minecraft where he runs a rather nasty mob.
Eu não me divirto tanto, e tento não jogar mais de oito horas de minecraft por dia.
Well, I don't party that much, and I try not to play more than eight hours of Minecraft a day.
Tem Minecraft, nesse telemóvel?
You got "Minecraft" on that phone?
O que querias que fizesse, que passasse o liceu todo contigo a jogar Minecraft e a piratear os servidores da escola?
What was I supposed to do, spend all of high school with you playing Minecraft and hacking the school's servers?
Sim, o Minecraft e os ataques DoS eram muito fixes!
Yeah, Minecraft and freaking DoS attacks were cool!
Os meus desenhos para o Minecraft.
My drawings for Minecraft.
A imagem é tão compacta que parece Minecraft.
The picture's so blocky. It looks like Minecraft.
Minúsculas bandeiras americanas feitas na China, agitadas sem ânimo por crianças de cinco anos que prefeririam estar a jogar "Minecraft".
Bite-size American flags made in China, halfheartedly waved by five-year-olds who'd rather be playing Minecraft.
Eu quero jogar Minecraft.
I really want to play Minecraft.
Na última semana o Linus fez varias directas a jogar Minecraft, Knights and the Old Republic,
For the last week Linus has been pulling all-nighters playing Minecraft, Knights of the Old Republic,
Sinto como se te tivesse apanhado a fazer batota no Minecraft.
Why do I feel like you've been caught cheating at Minecraft?
Minecraft, Halo 5 : Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider,
I want Minecraft, Halo 5 Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider,
Sem GTA 5, sem Black Ops 2 Sem Stimpy, sem Minecraft, sem... erva?
No GTA V, no Black Ops II, no Stimpy, no Minecraft, no... weed?
- Nem chega aos pés de Minecraft.
It's hardly Minecraft.
- Continua a falhar.
- Maybe it's embarrassed you're still playing Minecraft.
Estou a desenhar uma ovelha de Minecraft.
I'm drawing a Minecraft sheep.
Apenas quer saber do "Minecraft", caçar "Pokémon" - e conviver com as amigas.
All she cares about is Minecraft, and chasing Pokémon, hanging with her friends.
Usa a tua camisola de Minecraft. Leva a tua lança.
Then you can wear your Minecraft T-shirt and take your spear.
- Minecraft.
- Minecraft.
O meu filho de 9 anos faz merdas melhores no Minecraft. "
My nine-year-old does more interesting shit in Minecraft. "
- Talvez esteja constrangido por continuares a jogar Minecraft.
I'm trying to upload my homework assignment.
É Minecraft.
Um... it's Minecraft.

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