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Morrissey translate English

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Liguei ao Dr. Morrisey.
I called Dr. Morrissey.
Lembras-te que fui ontem ver o Dr. Morrissey por causa das dores.
Remember yesterday, when I saw Dr. Morrissey about my chest pain?
Falaste com o Dr. Morrissey?
Did you reach Dr. Morrissey?
Não responde. Liguei directamente ao médico.
Still no answer. I dialled right through to Dr. Morrissey.
Ralph Morrissey, como é que se pode rir numa altura destas?
Ralph Morrissey, how can you laugh at a time like this?
Pergunta ao Dr. Morrissey!
Ask Dr. Morrissey!
- Foi o Dr. Morrissey.
- How do you know... - Dr. Morrissey.
D Dr. Morrissey disse que está tudo bem.
Dr. Morrissey Just told me I'm perfectly alright.
E por acaso tu viste o Dr. Morrissey primeiro.
And by accident, you saw Dr. Morrissey first.
Se eu fosse a ti, ia para Quincy... ia por caminhos em que possamos ir rápido sem ninguém suspeitar... e ir até à Morrissey Boulevard.
If I was you, I'd drive to Quincy... pick roads where I could go pretty fast without making anyone look suspicious... and come out on Morrissey Boulevard.
Trabalhou 12 anos com o Mickey Morrissey.
Worked with Mickey Morrissey 12 years.
Trabalhou com o Michael Morrissey até ele se reformar em 1978.
Galvin worked with Michael Morrissey until Morrissey retired in'78.
O Evan Morrissey, da Securities Exchange Enforcement.
Evan Morrissey, Securities and Exchange Enforcement office.
O meu nome é Mary Morrissey.
My name is Mary Morrissey.
E se fizeres asneira corto-te os testículos, frito-os e aqui o Morrissey come-os ao almoço.
And if you screw up on me... ... I will cut off your testicles, fry them... ... and Morrissey here will have them for lunch.
Serás um homem rico, Morrissey.
You'II be a rich man, Morrissey.
Irene Morrissey, à porta de casa.
Irene Morrissey. Right in front of her house.
- Porque não chamou a Polícia?
Why didn't you call the police? ( Morrissey ) What's the point?
É normal, Sr. Morrissey.
It happens, Mr. Morrissey.
- As minhas perguntas são rotineiras.
My questions are very routine, Mr. Morrissey. Yeah, right.
A Sra. Morrissey deu entrada às 22h50 e o Dr. Parks atendeu-a às 23h15.
We signed Mrs. Morrissey in at 10 : 50, and Dr. Parks saw her at 11 : 15.
- Já sei quem era o Sr. Morrissey.
Yeah, I remember Mr. Morrissey now.
O Morrissey está zangado e quer vingança.
Morrissey is upset. He wants revenge, and he calls Prosky.
Mas as chamadas não provam que o Morrissey esteve no beco.
Except the calls don't prove Morrissey was in the alley.
Agiu como vigia para o Harold Morrissey.
He acted as a lookout for Harold Morrissey.
Eu... vi o Morrissey fazer tudo.
I saw Morrissey do it.
Harold Morrissey, está preso pela tentativa de homicídio de Roland Kirk.
( Logan ) Harold Morrissey, you're under arrest... for the attempted murder of Roland Kirk.
A Sra. Morrissey foi assaltada duas horas antes do acto.
Mrs. Morrissey was mugged two hours before the beating.
Vimos a Sra. Morrissey sair do táxi, ela tinha um saco no braço.
We saw Mrs. Morrissey get out of a cab. She had a shopping bag on her arm.
Fui ver se ela estava bem e foi quando o Sr. Morrissey saiu de casa.
I went to see if she was all right... and then Mr. Morrissey came out of his house.
O Sr. Morrissey falou consigo?
And did Mr. Morrissey say anything to you?
A que horas viu o Sr. Kirk levar o saco da Sra. Morrissey?
And what time did you see Mr. Kirk... take Mrs. Morrissey's bag?
O Sr. Morrissey ligou novamente do hospital.
Mr. Morrissey called again from the hospital.
- Mais tarde, viu o Sr. Morrissey?
Did you see Mr. Morrissey later that evening?
Não queria que acontecesse algo ao Sr. Morrissey.
I didn't want anything to happen to Mr. Morrissey.
O Sr. Morrissey começou a bater-lhe. - Onde?
Mr. Morrissey started hitting him.
Viu o Sr. Kirk tentar devolver o saco ao Sr. Morrissey?
Did you see Mr. Kirk try to give the shopping bag back to Mr. Morrissey?
Viu o Sr. Kirk atacar o Sr. Morrissey antes de pegar no varão de aço?
Did you see Mr. Kirk attack Mr. Morrissey... before he started swinging the rebar?
Estava lá na noite em que o Sr. Morrissey me bateu.
I was there the night Mr. Morrissey beat me up.
Abri os olhos e vi o Sr. Morrissey de pé.
I opened my eyes, and I saw Mr. Morrissey standing over me.
Sr. Morrissey, disse que tinha medo do Sr. Kirk, certo?
Mr. Morrissey, you testified that you were scared of... Mr. Kirk, right?
Muito rápido?
Too fast, Mr. Morrissey?
Obrigado, Sr. Morrissey.
Thank you, Mr. Morrissey.
Até que Harold Morrissey disse : "Basta".
Until Harold Morrissey said, "Enough."
O Sr. Morrissey tentou recuperá-lo.
Mr. Morrissey tried to get it back.
O Sr. Morrissey estava frustrado e zangado.
Now Mr. Morrissey, he was frustrated and angry.
Sim, o Sr. Morrissey perdeu um artigo de vestuário, mas quando resolveu fazer justiça pelas próprias mãos, perdeu qualquer ligação com o que cada cidadão deve respeitar, as regras, as leis que todos concordámos cumprir.
Yes, Mr. Morrissey... he lost an article of clothing. But when he took the law into his own hands... he lost all connection to what every citizen must hold sacred. The rules, the laws... which we've all agreed to live by.
Sr. Morrissey, a lei exige pena de prisão para este tipo de crime.
Mr. Morrissey... the statute provides for mandatory incarceration... for this crime.
Navega na inter-bla bla e ouve Morrissey.
Surfs the inter-thing and listens to Morrissey.
Doutor, sou o sargento Buchanan, e esse é o oficial Morrissey.
Dr. Oseransky, I'm Sergeant Buchanan. This is Officer Morrissey.
MORRISSEY TERÇA-FEIRA, 22 DE JUNHO Já falei disto com a Polícia.
You know, I already went through all this with the police.

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