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Neighbors translate English

4,125 parallel translation
Ninguém ouviu nada, provavelmente por ela estar amordaçada.
Neighbors didn't hear anything, probably because she was gagged.
Ur foi saqueada pelos seus vizinhos guerreiros, os Elamitas, por volta de 2.000 A.C.
Ur was sacked by their warring neighbors, the Elamites, nearly 2000 years B.C.
Os vizinhos disseram ter visto o Malcolm e a Lida Taffert saírem hoje mais cedo e ainda não regressaram.
Neighbors reported seeing Malcolm and Lida Taffert leave earlier today and they haven't returned.
Certo, são vizinhos.
Right, they're neighbors.
Mas a grande notícia é que temos novos vizinhos.
But the bigger news is we have new back fence neighbors.
Temos azar com os vizinhos.
We've had a bad string of luck with our back fence neighbors.
Temos vizinhos bem interessantes.
We have pretty interesting neighbors.
Olá, somos a Virgina e o Burt, somos os vossos vizinhos.
Hi, uh, we're Virginia and Burt, your back fence neighbors.
Vemo-nos às 18h, vizinhos.
We'll see you at 6 : 00, back fence neighbors.
Olá vizinhos?
Hey, back fence neighbors!
Então, os teus vizinhos discutem, sorriem e pedem para guardarem o correio?
So your neighbors argue, smile and ask you to take their mail?
Os vizinhos?
Oh, the neighbors.
São os meus vizinhos malucos.
My crazy back-fence neighbors.
Agora que já não é mais a casa de protecção às testemunhas, talvez tenhamos vizinhos normais pela primeira vez.
Now that it's not a witness protection house anymore, maybe we'll finally get some normal neighbors for once?
desde a pessoa mais idosa até à mais novinha. colocarem as luzes e comerem gemada ao almoço. então esquecem porque pararam e comem um pouco mais.
All the Nates down in Natesville liked Christmas a lot, From its oldest old person to its tiniest tot. 'Twas a time for good neighbors to sip spiked radish punch, to hang lights at high heights, and drink eggnog for lunch.
Natesville! especialmente a Virginia Chance.
Natesville! Oh, gosh, I would like to thank all of you For pulling together as neighbors,
- Falar com os vizinhos, tudo isso. - Obrigado.
- Talk to the neighbors, what have you.
Verifiquei a casa, falei com vizinhos, não se passa nada.
Checked the house, talked to the neighbors, all quiet.
Precisamos de agir rapidamente caso algum dos vizinhos tenha ouvido alguma coisa.
We need to move fast in case one of the neighbors heard anything.
Os vizinhos também sabem.
The neighbors know you're starving.
Sei que só os conheci no casamento, mas eles falam tantas vezes no vosso nome, que poderiam pensar que somos vizinhos.
I know I only met you guys at the wedding, but the amount of times your name comes up here, you would think that we were next-door neighbors.
Por isso, sentem-se, digam aos vizinhos para se sentarem.
So everyone sit down. Tell your neighbors to sit down.
Costumava haver vizinhos.
There used to be neighbors.
Há vizinhos, crianças, pessoas que eu nem conheço...
There's neighbors, there's kids, there's people I don't even know...
É um dos vizinhos à procura do cão. Escuto.
It's one of the neighbors looking for his dog, over.
Na lista estava também o cocó de cão, os alarmes dos carros, sinais de estacionamento indecifráveis, carrinhos de bebé duplos, a moda das calças pelo rego do rabo, água-de-colónia masculina, pastilha elástica, bicicletas, hamsters, camiões do lixo, vizinhos, cabides de arame, comandos de TV, cartões-de-visita, chinelos de praia, folhetos de cabeleireiros baratos, gente gorda, pombos, o canal do tempo, o cheiro a urina, recém-mamãs, ofertas de cartões de crédito, números de telefone anónimos, guarda-chuvas grandes, comboio suburbano, JFK, circular norte, taxas de multibanco, lojas de tudo a um euro, personalidades da rádio, encontros profissionais, Starbucks,
On his short list was also dog crap, car alarms... indecipherable parking signs, double baby strollers... ass-crack fashion, men's cologne... bubble gum, bicycles, hamsters... garbage trucks, neighbors, metal hangers, TV remotes... greeting cards, flip-flops, fliers for cheap haircuts, fat people... pigeons, The Weather Channel, smell of urine, new mothers... credit card offers, blocked phone numbers... big umbrellas, F train, J.F.K., B.Q. E...
James, devias ligar aos teus vizinhos, porque acho que matei o cão deles quando aterrei.
Hey, James, you should give your neighbors a call, because I think I killed their dog when I came in hot.
Cumprimente os vizinhos. "
Greet your neighbors. "
Eu vi-o naquele filme sobre o homem que chacinou os vizinhos todos.
I saw you in that film about the man who slaughters all his neighbors.
A última vez que estive em casa, eu e a minha mulher fodemos tanto, que os vizinhos até chamaram a polícia.
Listen, the last time I was home me and my wife fucked so hard... the neighbors called the police.
Estou só a ser amigável.
I'm friendly. Don't you want to know your neighbors?
- Parece que somos vizinhos.
Aah! I guess we're neighbors.
Olá, vizinhos.
Neighbors. Hey. Hi.
- São os nossos vizinhos novos?
Hey! Are you our new neighbors? We're your new neighbors!
- Temos vizinhos, por amor de Deus!
We have neighbors, for Christ's sake! Come on.
Eu sei, mas são nossos vizinhos.
Yeah, I know. But they're our neighbors.
Ligou por causa dos vizinhos?
You called about your neighbors?
Os vizinhos convenceram-me a usar os óculos, para filmar as praxes e a república ser encerrada.
Your neighbors got me to wear them, so they could film you hazing us, so the fraternity would get dissolved.
Queremos ser bons vizinhos.
We want to be good neighbors.
Todos os seus colegas e vizinhos dizem que ele é um homem calado e solitário.
And there, his colleagues and neighbors saying he's a quiet man who kept mostly to himself.
- Não, é emprestada pelos vizinhos.
No, we're borrowing it from the neighbors.
Esses são seus vizinhos estranhos?
Are these your creepy neighbors?
Mas não eram vizinhos adoráveis.
But not lovely neighbors.
Entao, envie um preto e branco na residencia, Fale com o senhorio, vizinhos, quem talvez a conhecia.
So, send a black and white to the residence, talk to the landlord, neighbors, anybody who maybe knew her.
Esposa e filhos. Vizinhos.
Wife, kids, neighbors.
Os vizinhos vão evitar-te.
Neighbors will shun you.
Tínhamos uns vizinhos, um senhor e uma senhora velhinhos, o Verny e a Clary, eram irmãos.
We had these neighbors, real old man and lady, Verna and Clarry, they's brother and sister.
E os vizinhos? - Viram alguma coisa?
Wha... wha... what about the neighbors, did they see anything?
Disse que ele fez as mudanças de um dos vizinhos?
You said that he moved one of our neighbors?
Esse é o macarrão do teu vizinho.
These are your neighbors'noodles!

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